ToyTortures Top 10 Toys: DeTails Flogger Set

The different colored handles of my flogger set.

Flogging is one of the most intimate and artistic yet difficult form of BDSM play. Quiet easy to learn its basic it takes a long time to master it and develop ones own style. Each set of flogger thus represents the personal preference of the top. Depending on if he likes it more stingy or thuddy, wants to meditate or punish, flogs single-handed or Florentine, the flogger are made differently. So each set tells a story about its owner. What all high-quality, individually made flogger tell is the story of craftsmanship with their braided knots and countless styles of woven handle covers.

My flogger set from DeTails

When I purchased my set from DeTails I chose the company for their value for money: Fitting my student budget I coud get exactly the flogger I wanted. Due to needing the right space and right play partner I rarely use my flogger. That saddens me because feeling and using this work of art is exhilarating. But when I do, I know it is going to be a mind-blowing experience.

When subbing none of all the toys in my collection makes me quiver in anticipation, pushes me to cry out of ecstasy or catharsis or give me an endorphin rush or give me an endorphin rush that even hours  after the scene keeps me from falling asleep like this set of flogger. When topping none of all the toys in my collection lets me physically and mentally connect with my sub. That’s why I love these flogger.

The price of a flogger depends on the tail’s hide, length and number. So it is best to talk to DeTails what you want and – especially when you are new to flogging – need before ordering. To learn about my set, read the in-depth review here.

Episode 1: Mr S Bishop Head Harness

Episode 2: ErosTek ET232

Episode 3: E-Stim System Electrodes

Episode 5: Fetters Handlock

Episode 6: Sheets of San Francisco

Episode 7: Oxballs Ball Stretcher

Episode 8: Doxy Die Cast

Episode 9: Mr S Ultra Blindfold

Episode 10: HML Fetish Bondage Harness

ToyTortures Top 10 Toys: E-Stim System Electrodes

The Electrode Disassambled into its Five Parts

It’s only the third episode of this miniseries and I am already breaking its rules: Today I am not going to talk about one but two toys: The E-Stim System Medium Classic bipolar insertable electrode and their conductive rubber loops.

As its name already tells this bipolar anal (or for the few female readers vaginal) electrode is the most classic of E-Stim System’s premium insertable range. All electrodes from this collection share the same great qualities: They are well built out of premium materials, easy to clean, come with a lifetime warranty and through their layout can create the sensation of getting fucked with a wave-shape program. I like these electrodes so much that I actually own five of them but I like the Classic best. With its domed head and diameter of only 25mm inserting it is easy. The Medium has the perfect length for me and actually most of my friends so when sitting down on it the electrode presses against the prostate. So in addition to the e-stim stimulation there is the physical stimulation. The e-stim sensation can even be enhanced when using the Classic’s head as a monopole and a pad electrode on the taint as the counter pole so the currency zapps right through the prostate.

A Pair of E-Stim System Cock Loops

On several occasions I called conductive rubber loops THE e-stim electrode. Small, easy to use and to clean it is a good example how a simple toy can be one of the best. Put one loop around the base of the dick, the other around the balls and later the currency will squeeze the cum out of the ball when jerking off. Put one of them below the glans and with some training and the right program you can learn to cum hands free. For a real anal novice one can work as an anal monopole, the loops can be used for sensation play. Once used these loops stimulate creativity and the play instinct and that is what a good toy should do.

The E-Stim System Medium Classic cost £47. I reviewed the premium insertable several times so if you want to learn more about them here are the reviews of the Classic, Micro and Magnum, the Torpedo’s review and in the latest I talked about their new satin surface finish on the Stuffer. The conductive rubber loops cost £29 per pair and you can learn all about them in my in-depth review. Interested in e-stim play in general? Read my E-Stim 101!

Episode 1: Mr S Bishop Head Harness

Episode 2: ErosTek ET232

Episode 4: DeTails Flogger Set

Episode 5: Fetters Handlock

Episode 6: Sheets of San Francisco

Episode 7: Oxballs Ball Stretcher

Episode 8: Doxy Die Cast

Episode 9: Mr S Ultra Blindfold

Episode 10: HML Fetish Bondage Harness

ToyTortures Top 10 Toys: ErosTek ET232

The Erostek ET232

I own e-stim power boxes which are more powerful and sophisticated like the E-Stim System 2b. But the ErosTek ET232 is still my favorite. It was the first power box I bought after getting hooked on e-stim after a weekend with YngMstrDetriot.

Despite smaller power boxes being available the ET232 is still compact enough to be a travelling companion. With 15 programs (from which I actually only use 5) firing on two possible channels it is plenty of fun in a small box. Being an analogue power box the stimulation is a bit smoother and a bit finer adjustable than digital power boxes. The most important aspect which makes this box one of my favorite toy is how easy it is to use: With just four rotary knows it takes only a minute to explain the controls to a top and then surrender to him.

The ErosTek ET232 costs $299 at Mr S Leather. If you are living in Europe I recommend ordering it from Regulation £335 due to possible custom problems when directly order in the USA. If you want to learn more about my favorite e-stim power box, read my in depth review here. If you are interested in e-stim in general, read my e-stim 101 here.

Episode 1: Mr S Leather Bishop Hear Harness

Episode 3: E-Stim System Electrodes

Episode 4: DeTails Flogger Set

Episode 5: Fetters Handlock

Episode 6: Sheets of San Francisco

Episode 7: Oxballs Ball Stretcher

Episode 8: Doxy Die Cast

Episode 9: Mr S Ultra Blindfold

Episode 10: HML Fetish Bondage Harness

ToyTortures Top 10 Toys: Mr S Bishop Head Harness

The Mr S Bishop Head Harness with Eye and Mouth Cover Attached

The most often asked reader question sent to me is “What is your favorite toy?” I always answer this question with a counter question: “For which form of play?” This is the only good answer because there can never be THE single best toy ever: An e-stim box without electrodes is useless. A ball stretcher can’t give the feeling of a deep thuddy impact. Nipple clamps can’t fetter a sub.  To answer the question at least a bit I decided to start this miniseries on my Top 10 Toys. The list is highly subjective and based on my personal preferences and play experience. The position on the list doesn’t mean that on toy is better than the other; I actually randomized the order.

The Mr S Bishop Head Harness without Any Attachements

My first favorite toy is the Bishop Head Harness from Mr S Leather. I have a preference for well designed gear and the Bishop Head Harness pushes all the right buttons with different mouth pieces, an eye cover, several D-rings and many straps for fine adjustment. Especially these straps make this head harness one of my favorite toys. Kneeling in front of a top and having the head harness slowly tightened around your head, feeling the gentle touch of soft leather and smelling its rich scent is such a sensual experience. Once fettered it is comfortable to wear and looks stunning on a sub.

The Bishop Head Harness costs $379.95 and is a Mr S Leather genuine design. If you want to learn more about the Bishop Hear Harness, read my in depth review here.

Episode 2: ErosTek ET232

Episode 3: E-Stim System Electrodes

Episode 4: DeTails Flogger Set

Episode 5: Fetters Handlock

Episode 6: Sheets of San Francisco

Episode 7: Oxballs Ball Stretcher

Episode 8: Doxy Die Cast

Episode 9: Mr S Ultra Blindfold

Episode 10: HML Fetish Bondage Harness

On Reviewing Anal and Breath Control Toys

Welcome back from the hiatus guys. Despite being short it was a greatly needed time to recover, gather new ideas and just relax. You all can look forward to some exciting new stuff coming in the next couple of month.
I also took the time to think about In a couple of weeks this website will celebrate its fourth birthday. Four years ago I was already working hard on producing content, designing the layout and struggling with WordPress. It has been tremendous four years. If you would have told me where this website and its social media channels would be today and what doors it would open for me, I would have laughed at you, calling you an even bigger day dreamer than I am. I also would have hardly believed that this project would still be running, bringing me a lot of fun, joy, work and most of all in touch with interesting people! You, the readers of, your questions, comments and criticism motivate me to keep writing, showing that this website has indeed become a trusted and respected resource in the kink community.
In the past four years the readership and I has changed. I started this website as the resource I was always looking for when I started out in BDSM: A place to provide information on which are the best toys to buy for a certain scene. So my core readership was BDSM players. But as I got more successful perverts, kinksters and pet players of all walks of life started reading my little website and sending questions in, asking for reviews of toys for their kink.
The premise of was always that I would only review toys that – in theory – I would like myself (in the review process it could always come up that the toy is horrible). There are so many toys and manufacturers out there that this was the only somewhat reasonable heuristic how I – with limited time and money – could choose which toys to review. Looking back four years ago, I was not into anal play at all. Looking at my xTube channel… well… things have changed. So in the next couple of month I will break with the paradigm that I won’t review toys without added play value. I have selected some high quality, ass busting toys which I am looking forward to test for you. Since I can’t apply the usual criteria I use for BDSM toys it will be an interesting  experience for me to see how I  will be reviewing these toys.
Another category of toys I have been ignoring in the past four years were breath control toys. I simply consider breath play a too potentially dangerous for of play to „spark some interest for spontaneous trying out a new kink“ (something I hear often from readers who read my texts). But on the other hand people will try out breath play regardless if I write about it or not. So after much consideration I decided to at least will write some intro on breath play providing pieces of information how somewhat safely approach this extreme form of kink.
I look forward to continue bringing you fun, interesting and educational content, hearing your feedback and make your primary resource on BDSM toys. is going on hiatus

For those who follow me on Twitter might have picked up in the last couple of weeks next to kink my master thesis was a major thing on my mind. Next to writing my thesis I worked at the company I wrote the thesis for, was looking for a job and kept running publishing some of the most successful content yet. This morning I brought the thesis to the printer and with handing it in tomorrow my work contract ends.

As much time I now should theoretically have to publish content as much have the last couple of weeks taken its toll: The quadruple workload have left me a bit exhausted so I am leaving for a vacation later this week. Also:  I had way too little quality play time with BDSM scenes so I did not have the opportunity to gather experience with new toys. For these reasons I take a little hiatus and will return probably in the middle of August with some awesome toys and  interesting projects in the pipeline.

In the meantime: I hope  to see, meet and maybe play  with some of you during Folsom Europe in Berlin. Enjoy your summer and don’t get caught when you get down and dirty outdoors 😉

Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set

All Retraints of the Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set

All Retraints of the Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set

My toy purchasing process is quite easy. When I see a toy it has to fascinate me and spark my imagination. I need to start dreaming what I can do with it and what can be done to me using it. Sometimes it takes two to three visits when the faint “This is interesting” turns into “I need that in my life and playroom!” But sometimes there is an instant connection to a toy.

Last Friday I was working on my master thesis when the new Regulation newsletter popped up. Their headlining product was the new Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set. I was immediately drawn to this product and my kinky fantasy was running wild. Actually it was so enticing that I stopped working in my thesis. That really means something when toys are you hobby and you have seen a lot.

Detail of how the Wrist Restraint in Connected to the Thigh Restraint

Detail of how the Wrist Restraint in Connected to the Thigh Restraint

This set is actually not very new but a clever combination of existing toys with a nifty addition: They have taken their padded thigh-to-ankle restraints to bind them together. Onto this restraint they added a flat loop through with the belt of their trusted padded wrist restraint goes. So wrists and ankles are connected to the thigh limiting the movement even further. Naturally coming from their premium restraint range all pieces are locking and feature two welded D-rings. For additionally fettering they developed a belt with two loops to bind the upper arms together. This piece of bondage is also locking.

All piece of gear can of cause be used individually yet it is the combination that makes them shine. I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these sets and try it out myself. It retails for £249 which is a pretty good deal when you keep in mind what you are getting for your money.

Preserving the Burning Fire – On Outgrowing and Passing on Toys

S&M stands for sexual magic

– Patrick Califia

Passing on toys and gear has a long tradition in the BDSM and fetish community. One of the reasons for that is the concept of energy transfer during a scene. What happens during play is more than just the exchange of mental or physical force between the top and the sub. An intense connection between them is formed that consists out of more than the sum of its parts (If you are curious about this more spiritual aspect of BDSM I recommend the works of Marc Thompson or Joeff Mains). For some people this connection is the origin of headspace, for some the sole reason they engage in BDSM and certainly an intense, overwhelming and mind-shattering experience when you experience it for the first time.

The First Restraints I have ever bought: The McHurt Ihsan Wrist, Ankle and Boots Cuff and Hand Suspension Restraints

The First Restraints I have ever bought: The McHurt Ihsan Wrist, Ankle and Boots Cuff and Hand Suspension Restraints

The concept of energy exchange also includes that some of the energy of the players stays in their gear and toys. For that reason some pieces of gear or toys are special and dear to perverts and not easily parted with. Most often floggers, boots or bar vests are considered to be special in that way. In my case three pairs of McHurt restraints are that way. They were among the first things I reviewed for this website and liked them a lot. It feels, they have been with me forever. But when I looked up the order date for writing this article I was stunned: I had only bought them in early December 2011. Not even half a decade felt like a life time. This illustrates really well what they mean to me. All the fun, experiments, surprising experiences and intense emotions are somewhat bound to them. Yet as I matured as a kinkster I outgrew them. While I still stand to my 3 ½ year old review and consider them a good pair of restraints to start out with I want more: More padding, more D-rings, more build quality, more features. So I choose the Fetters Padded Locking Wrist and Ankle Cuffs from Regulation to replace them.

This evaluation process happened with some toys over the last year. I looked at them and realized I haven’t been using them in a long time; saw no real play scenario for them anymore so I sold them to friends, to strangers, to anybody interested. These restraints were different. They not only represent for me the scenes I had in them but also my getting serious about BDSM: Committing to my longings, considerably investing money in this part of myself and somehow giving my desires a physical representation. Yet despite all these arguments I decided to pass them on. As soon as I would get the new ones the old ones would become an exhibition piece. Laying in my toy chest, reminding me of good times and fond memories. But like an instrument not being played anymore, they would be a dead accumulation of matter, slowly fading away, losing all the energy stored in them. So giving them away just by chance was no option! They are too special for me to see them disappear out of my life. Ultimately I decided to give them to a young pervert who is slowly exploring his desires, being just like me 4 ½ years ago willing to commit to his dreams and turn them into reality. So these special pieces will continue to live on in the BDSM scene until he outgrows them and hopefully then passes them on to someone special just like I did.

As important as these restraints are to me I am lucky that I am not parting completely from them: The set I ordered back then also included a pair of boot restraints, large enough to even fetter MX boots. A toy I have not seen elsewhere yet and thus I am keeping it: For memory sake, for current play, for future times when this mythical and mind-blowing bond between top and sub manifests again.

Hail thee who play

– Michael McClure

Sinvention Padded Muzzle

The Sinvention Padded Muzzle in Classic Black

The Sinvention Padded Muzzle in Classic Black

Since I started this Heavy Bondage Special many weeks ago the toy I was asked most if I could write a review about was a muzzle. I am sadly not running a kinky market research agency so I can only guess why muzzles are so intriguing to many kinksters. The popularity of pup play and the feeling of having both jaws pressed together are probably important factors. Sadly I don’t own a muzzle yet so I did some research in my network.

The Sinvention Padded Muzzle in Medical Beige with White Lining

The Sinvention Padded Muzzle in Medical Beige with White Lining

One of the muzzles named most often is the padded one from Sinvention. The padding makes it comfortable enough for long term wear while the locking buckles create an inescapable bondage sensation. I have talked to people who own one and have a really large respective small heads and Sinvention’s claim seems to be true that it is really a one size fits all without compromising the fettering effect. The muzzle comes in two color schemes: Classic black and in the medical style with beige and white. From a practical (and honestly personal preference) point of view I would recommend the black one because I would fear that the white lining doesn’t maintain its clean look for too long. Regardless of the leather color this muzzle costs CAD$250 which is a good price for a high quality piece of bondage gear. I can’t wait to get my hands on this toy and take an in-depth look at it.

Mr S Bondage Suit

Mr S Bondage Suit

Mr S Bondage Suit

After last week’s desiderate of the Parus Heavy Leather Straitjacket I got some messages if I knew a piece of bondage equipment that offered an even stronger bondage sensation but wasn’t a sleepsack. That was a bit of a challenge I was happy to overcome.

I first saw the Mr S Bondage Suit on my trip to San Francisco in 2013. Just looking at it caused me a bit to panic out of claustrophobia. It is a massive suit made out of high quality fine grain hide that weights nearly 10kg. Yet with lacing possibilities all over the suit the bondage sensation can quite finely be adjusted: From a compact feeling to not being able to even bend. For a quicker tying down there are belts that can be easily adjusted. Once laced into that beast there are countless d-rings attached to the suit so the sub can be tied into a bondage frame or to himself in a stress bondage position. A nifty feature is that the pants and jacket can be separated so if you don’t want to have the entire experience you can still either have a bondagy looking pair of leather pants or a straitjacket. Despite the thigh bondage effect play is quite possible with tit flaps, crotch and ass access.

Mr S Bondage Suit

Mr S Bondage Suit

I have to admit that this is one of the priciest pieces of bondage gear with a price tag of $2,895 but it will be the most intense yet versatile bondage experience available on this planet. In order to create the tight feeling each suit is custom made to measure to fit the sub’s body perfectly. In this process custom design ideas are possible, p.e. a friend of mine got a cod piece instead of the lacing around the crotch.