Roll call! Who wants to get me something for my birthday? Nobody? Well, if anyone should change their mind, you still have six weeks to get me something 😉

The House of Bascanio Padded & Locking M5 Muzzle
Seriously, question I get asked most in online chats or conversations in bars or clubs is “You have tested everything! Is there any sex or kink toy you still need or want?” The easy part first: Need? Most certainly not! As much as I am fascinated by cleverly designed kink toys, with a bag of pervertables I can recreate the same effect though not the feeling! But because I am fascinated by cleverly designed kink toys there is a neverending lists of toys I would love to add to my collection. The selection is highly subjective because these are the toys I find personally intriguing without considering review requests. Before I write my top 5ish toys, please note: I could write an entire volume of anal toys I want. So I am leaving these toys out.

The Many, Many D-rings on the M5 Muzzle
House of Bascanio M5 Muzzle
If you have been following my bondage reviews you know, the only thing that is better than a D-ring are MOAR D-rings. The M5 Muzzle takes this to the max. How many D-rings can you fit on a head? Apparently the answer is “At least 15!” Are those all necessary? Most certainly not! Judging from my experience, 9 is the max to get the same level of fettering. Maybe even 7 are enough. But who cares? The ingenuity and craftsmanship that have cumulated into the creation into this unique piece of bondage gear in combination with the thick padding make me want to add this muzzle to my collection and put on CERTAIN subs (you know who you are).
Since the M5 Muzzle is such an extravagant piece of bondage gear, I am actually unsure about the design. Would I like it two-tone with red padding? Or just black with red stitching? But I guess in the end the practical pervert in me would win and go for an all black I can easily clean and treat with black leather oil.

The Mr S Leather Savage Sucks Hood
And apparently my personal taste coincides with you, my reader’s taste. Looking at my little Excel sheet there are literally hundreds of review requests for this toy. So gifting me the toys would be kind of a public service.
Mr S Leather Savage Sucks and Asylum Hood
The Savage Sucks is the perfect addition to the M5 Muzzle! Dehumanizes the wearer, turn him into a multi-layer leather gimp. And if you need his tongual service, unlock the muzzle, let him serve and lock his mouth up again.

The Mr S Leather Asylum Hood
Being perforated it also is the perfect piece of gear for all those subs of me who wants or need to be anonymous. To shatter a common misconception: Even dom tops enjoy the occasional endorphin rush of being handled and played with. Sadly due to Fans-sites their livelihood depends on their image of being pure dom sadists and thus cannot be seen in public riding the pleasurable waves of pain and degradation. A perforated hood they can see through but nobody can see their face would be a great tool for those special Quälgeist visits.
To break with my rule of only five toys, here is another piece of Mr S headgear which I’d love (or hate) to have: The Asylum Hood. Hoods have never been my favorite kind of toy. I simply love to see faces react to induced sensations, lick sweat of the neck of have my ears nibbled. But I also like to have my head played with while intricate things are done. That’s why I love the Asylum Muzzle so much (along with the Bishop Head Harness). A full hood with the same features would be awesome! Just the thought of having soft, rich smelling leather hug my skull while the top adjust the many roller buckles is giving me a boner!

The Only Rubber Catsuite I would Consider
Regulation Streak Side Panel Catsuit
This item is a shocker: Fetish GEAR on A rubber cat suit for ToyTorture? Especially a neck entry one?!
Calm down! Let me explain. Yes, to be honest: Full coverage does not do much for me. For me the tension of natural skin meeting artificial rubber is a very strong kink! Thus black cat suits are just boring for me. Especially should entry ones with their smooth chest. But a guy needs options and should broaden his horizon. So I might give a rubber cat suit a try with this one.
Maybe accessorize with the rubber bulldog harness, biceps restraints for added texture, a nice pair of sneakers and Rubber@Easter LAB can come. Naturally I would choose a black suit with red panels and strips to really pop when I am lying in the dark in the wellness hammock.

Small and Evil – The Fetters Headtrap
Since I am a Blackstyle Medium, what should I choose with Regulation?
Fetters Headtrap
Why this toy is so great, I have already written in the Christmas gift tip. Why I need this toy is easy: My playroom only looks big. With the slopes of the roof it actually has a very small usable footprint. So I need toys and furniture to make the best out of the space.
And for the Headtrap I have already found the perfect spot to store it in between use – or to store my sub away. Sadly, I have not yet had a chance to play with this piece of bondage furniture personally. But from the looks of it, it can probably easily been turned into a spanking horse. Or for party situation, it would be a perfect parking sport for the designated piss gimp.
A Basket of Oxballs Toys
In the past year, Oxballs has released so many great toys I am dying to add to my collection. But before we come to those:
Oxballs, release the Ergo Plug Monster – NOW! I volunteer as a production sample testee!

The Oxballs Pig-Hole Squeal – Big and Textured, just what I like
In all seriousness: The shape of the Ergo Plug always looked tempting but even in its largest size, it was too small for most ass pigs. The first time I have heard about a Monster size to be in development was in late July/ early August of 2020. Sadly, developing new molds for silicone toys is not as easy as one might think. So cognitively I can understand why it took so long. But anally I crave to get stuFFed with this toy, so I hope Oxballs releases it rather sooner than later. And in rather firmer than softer silicoen.

The Matching Airhole Plug – More Texture
Speaking of soft silicone: The Pig-Hole Squeal and Airhole Plug. The first in black, the latter in red. Perfect combination for a texture junkie like me! And would be a much needed addition to my collection of six Oxballs tunnel plugs. I have already cleared the space in my toy shelve for three new Oxballs anal toys so I am waiting.
If you have been following this website since its earlieast beginnings in the fall of 2012 you know how much love I have had for ball stretching toys. Especially from Oxballs! Stretchers, stackers, slings, splitters – you name it. I have it, I love them. Or rather loved them. Having lost my left testicle last summer and waiting for getting a prosthesis some time this summer, I don’t know if I will ever love these toys like I have before.
So these toys represent hope for me! Hope that my beloved lowhangers will look and at least in the hands of another man feel the same! Hope that with their weight the skin will extend again despite the big scar and make my junk as bulky again as it was yesteryear.
The Squeeze is one of my fav ball stratchers because it combines tug with stretch. Adding weights to it or vibration? Count me in!

Is it a ball stretcher? Is it a parachute? It is both!
But I might need some training until I can fit the Squeeze again and here the Tug comes in. I already loved Oxballs Slung though it was a bit cumbersome to put on. This looks better, more fun and screams for “Put me on while lying in a sling, connect me to a thread above the spread bar and let a weight dangle!” This is very specific for my playroom layout but since this is my personally wish list, I shamelessly force my fantasies on you!
So much for my dream gifts for what we in Germany call half-round birthday. Let’s see what I will be unwrapping Friday morning in six weeks.