Mister B Thowncrown

Vendor: Mister B

First Impression and construction

The Thorncrown with the hex to adjust the screws

The Thorncrown with the hex to adjust the screws

When I first got this little devil I was pleasantly surprised by its weight.  As a person who is triggered very much by mind games you instantly get it that this toy means business. Being made out of massive brushed stainless steel it is one of these toys which are so sturdy that even your grandchildren can have fun with as soon as they have grown up. It also has a nice rough and technical appearance. Inside the ring six holes with screw threads are milled housing each a grub screw. At the end of the screws you can put a hexagon key for tightening or loosening the screws.

You can get the toy in three diameters: 30mm, 32,5mm and 35mm which is enough for most dicks but when playing with big boys it is too small. A version with 40mm or even 45mm with maybe 8 screws would be a great extension to the line.

Playing with it

As already written, this toy is great for mindfuck. Just show your tightly tied pain pig the thorncrown, demonstrate a bit how it works and whisper in its ear where you are going to put it. Most masochists will shiver in fear and/ or excitement. And they are right. The pain experience is quite unique and can be everything between a light tickling up to sheer agony. Most people will fear that the screws will actually injure them but since the heads are flattened they won’t break the skin’s surface in most situations.

One of the six grub screws

One of the six grub screws

Because every screw can be adjusted separately you can dose the pain very precisely which is necessary because at worst (or best) a nerve runs directly under a screw head. When deciding how deep to drive the screws into the skin always keep in mind that that screws are the only things keeping this hefty toy in place (see next paragraph). Because the screws have no deepness limiter this toy can cause serious harm up to bleeding wounds; screwed in to the max the aperture shrinks from the 35mm of the steel ring to 7mm between the screw heads. As a rule of thumb you can say that a full turn of the key will drive the screw approx. 1mm. I would also advise you to drive the all screws in equally because by doing so you leave the flesh at least some space to escape between the screws. If you only twist the screws on one side or even only one you nail the flesh against the steel ring which will cause injuries more easily.

The Thorncrown put onto a dick

The Thorncrown put onto a dick

Despite its weight the thorncrown can be attached to nearly every body part which sticks out. Except the penis I have put it on fingers, toes and even the tongue. I can imagine that the small version also plays very nice with pumped up nipples but I haven’t had the chance and toys to try it out. Since the screws can dig quite deeply into the flesh the thorncrown also stays in place on slippery and softer tissue. However due to the weight once the body part starts to move it can get loose and fall off. This is especially annoying when you have put it right under the glans and start to jerk your bottom boy off. It is a quite unique sensation – if the toy stays in place for which you have to dig the screws deeply into the flesh. This is a major problem: If you only want light pain and you cause another pain which makes the sub twist a bit harder the toy will most likely fall off.

Handling wise you either need to be very dexterous or have to limit the movement of you sub very much. The head of the hexagon key has only 2mm in diameter and the matching lock on the screw isn’t very deep. So you need to target the lock well and need some force to keep the key in place. The key itself it 55mm long which is a good compromise between handling and being short enough for whole revolutions – at least on average dicks. Since the key is only 2mm thick it is difficult to grasp it with thicker leather gloves and depending on the amount of lube you have on your finger it will be impossible to control it enough to fit it into the lock. Another thing to bear in mind is the fact that the screws have no limiter thus when playing around with the toy without putting it on something or releasing it you can easily loose a screw. I once spent 5 minutes after a session helping my top to find a screw which rolled under the bed. I will check on my next trip to the home improvement store how easily such screws can be replaced.

This CBT device doesn’t really play nice with any material covering the applied area. Leather, Spandex, Lycra or Neopren absorb much of the punctual pressure and will most likely keep some pressure marks. When used on rubber at best there also will be some pressure marks, at worst the material will give in.

Usually this toy will leave only little pleasure marks which fade away very quickly. But if you drive the screws very deep into the skin and maybe add some friction, p.e. by jerking the dick, the skin irritation can be very bad. The worst case I have seen were little bruises.

Conslusion: A sturdy and mindfucking toy which need cautious handling
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique pain experience Difficult to handle Mister B (Manufacturer) 49€
Quality feel Some injury potential
Very good pain dosing  

A New Kind of Cockring

On Monday I took my guest master to my local BDSM dealer in Dortmund. There, he and my BF discovered a new type of cockring and bought it right away. Hand bended and welded out of stainless steel it reminds one of the shape of a pear. In order to wear it you first put your balls through the circle and push them into the long attachment piece, than you can put your hopefully still soft cock through the circle.

The main point of this new design is that other than with standard cockrings the spermatic duct isn’t cut off by the tight metal of the ring. Also another issue known to people with large balls is addressed: Since you don’t have to squeeze your cock through a ring already to a large extended filled with parts of you balls the cockring itself sits tighter and needs/ can be a lot smaller than normal cockrings.

The big question is: Does it work? Since I don’t have anal intercourse and consider cockrings a useless toy in a session (if you have a real use for a cockring during a session, please let me know), I have to rely other people’s opinion for standard cockring usage. My guest is thrilled by his new cockring. Finally his trademark – the nearly endless stream of precum – can flow again and also his piss pressure has increased – besides working great as a cockring. My BF hasn’t made up his mind yet. I had it on for a quick jerk off and was pleasantly surprised. With my balls bouncing around more freely and the end of the attachment pressing against the outer site of my protest it was a nice toy for some unpainfull self pleasure.

If you are interested in such a cockring, they are only available at Demask Dortmund for about 50€ probably also via e-mail order. Since they are handmade by a blacksmith close to Dortmund don’t expect manufacturing tolerance like with a machine made toy but in the end you have an individual one of a kind cockring if wanted produced made to measure to your dick diameter.

Mister Chaps Rubber Ball Stretcher

Vendor: Mister Chaps

First Impression and construction

In order to make my toy collection grow I made it a rule to buy a toy on every larger city trip. So a few years ago on a trip to Hamburg I bought myself this ball stretcher, actually my first rubber piece and to date is one of the few ball stretcher made of rubber I have come across. Since I had a few problems with ball stretchers in the past (as you might read in future reviews) I asked the sales assistant which model would be right for me and I ended up with the 4,5cm model. It is made out of 3mm thick rubber and has two pairs of snap fastener thus allowing choosing between 3,5cm and 4,2cm diameter. The buttons are mounted quite well onto the rubber and close firmly so this stretcher will not fall off by incedent. The first thing I realized when unpacking the stretcher were the undeburred edges.

Playing with it

Once you get in on, the stretcher does what it was designed to do: Transform your balls into a tight pack far away from the body. When you come your balls are pulled tightly to your body but since the stretcher prevents them from doing so it takes longer for you to reach an orgasm and they are more intense. Also a ball stretcher provide a neat handle for holing your balls when they get spanked and single balls can’t escape more or less targeted hit. So when playing with yourself or being a sub, a ball stretcher improves your sex life both in vanilla and amarogentin ways 😉

This is if you can get it on. Since I couldn’t find any ball stretcher in the market which fit my balls, I asked my doctor if I have a tight or in any other way strange ball sack. The only thing he could find out was that it was slightly looser (!) than average so I usually should not have any problems with normal ball stretchers. Well… with this one as with any other ball stretcher I have great difficulties to fit my balls inside even though it was sold to me as a beginner model. The tight snapping buttons make it a bit worse because it takes a lot of coordination and patience to close the stretcher once you got your balls tightly stretched, especially when you have got a hard-on.  This can be very annoying.

Undeburred edges

Undeburred edges

What is even more annoying or outright dangerous are the undeburred edges. Thick, inflexible rubber is very sharp and it shows when wearing this stretcher. I was once determined to try out me newest acquisition put it on and jerked off which was an unpleasant feeling during the wanking and left me with a wound on my shaft. If you are skilled and have the right tools you can deburr it but since that is out of my reach it is a nice thing which lies around in my toy drawer.


Good when looking for a full rubber experience but needs conditioning before use.


  • Inexpensive
  • Needed for a full rubber outfit


  • Undeburred edges

Price at date of Publishing: about 8€