Fetish Pads

The Fetish Pad in the Natural Habitit: Protecting Delicate Hardwood Floor during Messy Play

Vendor: The Kinksters


These pads are a kinky version of the medical products used for people with incontinence or to cover the changing tables of babies. The bottom is made out of water-proof foil and covered by a gauze-like material which covers – in this case two layers of – absorbing cellulose. The Fetish Pads also follows this product category’s standard sizing. The entire pad measures 59x86cm of which the absorbing padding measures 53.5×75.5cm. They are sold in cases of 15.

What distinguishes this product from the medical ones is the one hand color: The medical ones come in blue and green, sometimes even in white. But the Fetish Pad is made in the kink scene’s favorite color black. Because the gauze is only semiopaque, the absorbing surface has a cloudy charcoal color.

Left: Bottom’s Water-proof Foil
Right: Absorbing Padding

Playing with the Fetish Pads

There are countless forms of play in which the Fetish Pads can be used. The most obvious are piss play, either the “traditional” one or pup play in terms of house training. To create a larger area for piss or gunge play I recommend to overlap several pads and tape the gaps from both sides. They are also useful for fisting. Place them under the bottom’s directly ass or the sling to absorb lube or piss after bladder stimulation. I usually travel with pads when playing in hotels because unlike a play sheet they do not take away much space and I can simply throw away after the scene. For this purpose, the Fetish Pads are clearly superior to their medical counter parts which are usually stiffer. The Fetish Pads are soft and easily curve around the body so there are no gaps where liquids could escape. Furthermore the pads can take quite a bit of beating without tearing so the liquids are even well contained when an active bottom is placed on them.

Detail of the Interior of the Absoring Padding

But what disappointed me a bit was their absorption capacity. To test the pads, I evenly poured a liter of water over them. While the cellulose quickly absorbed the water where it hit, the pad struggled to absorb the full amount of liquid. A liter might sound excessive but keep in mind that is poured it evenly over the entire absorbing surface, something which is far from a real-life situation. So for example during fisting if a bottom getting fisted pisses himself or lots of lube flows out of his ass, the area of the liquid hitting the pad will be very small. Since a person lying on them creates a depression, the unabsorbed liquid will linger there, making it uncomfortable over time. So for heavy fetish play, I would have liked there to be four or even six cellulose layers for more capacity.

And finally, there is the price: At £1.73 per pad, they are rather pricy for a “use and throw away without worrying too much”-item. So in the end it all comes down to how important the color coordination with the gear and the playroom is for a kinkster in need of absorbing pads.

Conclusion: Styling yet expensive absorbing pads with limited capacity
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Stylish Design Limited absorption power The Kinksters £25.99
Sturdy build Expensive

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer VI –Mr Hankey Textured Plugs

You – my readers – have a weird relationship with anthropomorphic anal toys: The more I review them, the thirstier you become for more info. So as soon as I published the review of the Dragon and XXXCalibur from Mr Hankey I got inundated with review requests for their other toys. This little piece is basically a shortlist of the most requested models:

Prince Charming: The heavily textured head with a large rim in combination with the knotty shaft promise fun somewhere between agony and ecstasy.

Solatok: Less a plug, more a dildo it seems ideal for fucking. The scales on the back will torment the prostate while the large knot will bust the sphincter.

Butt Bolt: This one looks like a real bruiser. A large tip promises an intense entry, the ridges on the side will stimulate/ tire out the sphincter intensely and the large different between the maximum diameter and the neck will be a good approximation of a fist punching a hole.

This list is a great example of your great taste – or how well you know what makes the hungry ass pig in me happy. So as much as these toys are on my Christmas list for reviewing them for you, as much am I and my testee panel looking forward to the testing process if I should get them one day.

As with all items in the little gift guide list Mr Hankey’s toys are premium quality, being hand crafted out of top notch platinum silicone which is reflected in the price. The Prince Charming and the Solatok are available at Mr S for prices between $129.95 and $184.95 depending on the size while at the moment the Butt Bolt is only available at Mr Hankey directly for between $69.95 and $144.95. But if they are as good as the ones which are currently traveling through Europe bringing joy to my testees, they are worth their money!

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer V – Shockspot 12’’ Plus from Sexmachines.co.uk

When I am a top, I am a bit of lazy top – except when it comes to spanking. But otherwise, I like to fetter a sub tightly and leave him a sub at a machine’s mercy, tormenting with painstaking precision and no escape. That’s why I love my Venus 2000 in combination with the E-Stim Systems 2b audio setting to create a vicious feedback loop. As much as I like the bi-polar plugs to “entertain” (some say torture) the sub’s rectum, I sometimes wish for a more… physical stimulation. There a fuck machine comes into play.

Not any fuck machine but the Shockspot 12’’. Unlike most other fuck machines which are propelled by an eccentric action motor the Shockspot uses a linear motor. The main difference is that a linear motor keeps the same speed and force over the entire stroke length so the is not lag in thrust once your selected a setting. Also, since the thrust of a rotation motor is limited by the diameter of the flywheel it rarely goes deeper than 20cm, 15cm being the standard for the inexpensive machines. That is ok for some people but if you want to get punch fisted by a plug or want to experience the knot of a large anthropomorphic dildo, it is simply too short! Because of that I would choose the 12’’ over the 8’’ Shockspot. Minor yet important advantages of a liner motor are the almost limitless adjustability of the thrust angle and that the machines are compact and stores away easily. Shockspot even offers a custom carrying case if you want to travel with your fucking machine (that is something I sometimes considered building for my Venus 2000…).

While the “naked” Shockspot is a good machine, the Plus package from Sexmachines.co.uk turns it into a good-ToyTorture-ready machine. The standard adaptor to attach toys to it is a vac-u-loc adaptor. This works for my Mr Hankey Toys but for none of my Bad Dragons or Squarepegs plugs (remember the punch fisting…) so I would need the universal dildo holder. The main control interface of the Shockspot is a PC where you can control the machine, select pre-written programs or write new ones.  Especially in messier scenes involving loads of lube, a laptop in the playroom is a bit cumbersome. The Plus package also includes a physical control unit with rotary knobs to regulate all four variables influencing the thrust. So even lubey fingers should not be a problem. The Plus package also includes a Flashlight adapter but I guess for milking I stick to my Venus 2000 or my Doxy.

The big wormwood is the price: At £2,400 it is probably one of the most expensive pieces of gear a kinkster will ever buy. But friends of mine from the USA have had their Shockspot for years and they rate it not really good but satisfying and reliable so I am sure it will bring joy to the owner for years to come.

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer I – Vector Heavy Padded Bondage Sleeves

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer II – The London Tanners Riding Crop & DD Strap

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer III – Doxy No 3 & Nexus Doxy Attachments

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer IV – Squarepegs Double Fist Plug

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer IV – SquarePeg Double Fist Plug

A – humorous – saying in fisting is “Go big or go home.” While I should stress that fisting is not competitive sport and everybody should progress in their own pace to the desired stimulation, there are some perverts who need it bigger, harder, faster. For whom getting their sphincter stretched is an insatiable thirst. For those – and maybe to a certain degree me – is the SquarePeg Double Fist Plug. With its massive diameter of a bit over 10cm, it is one of the largest plugs on the market and I cannot imagine how heavy it is. But since it is only 25cm in overall length, it is probably “comfortable” to sit on – if you can deal with the feeling of a completely filled and stretched rectum. I am not sure if I will ever be able to fit conquer this plug but in Graphite it will definitely be a nice and intimidating decoration piece in my playroom –though for $249 a rather pricy one.

The Squarepegs Short Fist Plug from Mr S Leather

For those who are looking for a little bit less of a stretch, take a look at the Short Fist Plug for $139.95 at Mr S Leather or the Monster Egg which are already a challenge but an easier one.

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer I – Vector Heavy Padded Bondage Sleeves

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer II – The London Tanners Riding Crop & DD Strap

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer III – Doxy No 3 & Nexus Doxy Attachments

Ass Blaster

Toy Properties Form: Tunnel Plug
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Black and Red
Firmness: Medium Firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap
than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Storein a well-ventilated place not
touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Regulation

ToyTorture.com is now 6 years old and in this time I think I have gained some insight into the toy scene and what my readers are interested in. But sometimes, a toy comes along which provokes a reaction I did not anticipate. The Oxballs Ass Blaster is one of these toys. I have bought this toy to make a fantasy of mine come true and never thought I would review it. But the mandatory “Hey look, I have gotten a new toy”-post on Tumblr actually became the third popular of all my Tumblr posts. Since then every few weeks a message dropped into my inbox when I would be reviewing the Ass Blaster. So here it is, even thought there is not that much to “review”.

The Oxballs Ass Blaster

Conclusive,a word on the pictures for this review: Despite loving high quality platinum siliconeas a anal toy material, it is a nightmare to take pictures of! It attracts dustand fuzz the moment is leaves the water to clean the toy. Even microfiber dryingcloths or anti-static spray does not help. So, if anyone reading this has an ideahow to take nice pictures of silicone toys, please get in touch. To the other,please be gentle when judging the pictures.

The Plug of the Oxball Ass Blaster


The Ass Blaster is a two-part toy consisting off a funnel and a plug. The funnel has an opening diameter of 135mm and is approx. 120mm high. On one side of the funnel has a grip which can be used to attach it to a bondage harness in order to keep it upright. To the funnel’s nozzle a flexible  spout is attached which is approx. 130mm high when bend to a 90° angle. The funnel has a capacity of roughly 600ml and the spout an additional 100ml. The max. flow rate is about 4,000ml per minute which adds up to allowing two people with a strong piss stream to fill the funnel simultaneously without problems – if the bottom is receptive enough. At the bottom of the funnel there is a filter screen to keep solid objects from clogging the spout or nozzle.

The plug
comes in three sizes and is available in black and red. It has a roughly the shape
of a mortar bomb with a tapered head which due to the tunnel in the middle has
a rather dull tip. The three fins at the end are large and wide to allow
handling the Ass Blaster even with lubey fingers and to keep it from getting
sucked into a greedy ass even during long scenes. A nice touch is the caption A
S S on the outside of the fins. A lot of material has been used on the entire
toy thus the walls are rather thick. This makes it almost impossible for the
bottom to shut the flow with his ass.

Size Overall Lenght Insertable Length Neck Diameter Largest Diameter
Small 75mm 55mm 32mm 48mm
Medium 10mm 75mm 45mm 60mm
Large 125mm 95mm 50mm 75mm

The Ass Blaster’s Funnel

Playing with the Ass Blaster

The Ass
Blaster is kind of a one purpose toy: To turn the bottom’s ass into a urinal. A
friend of mine owns the small plug and has a bottom with a really large mouth
who can swallow the plug. Add a bit of tape to that and voila. But is has to be
noted that through the large size it will quickly tire out the sub’s jaw.

Unlike theother Oxballs piss toys (like the Recycler which I reviewed earlier this year,the Urinal Piss Gag or the Flush-Plug) the large opening which allows for two peopleto use it simultaneously, the large liquid filling quantity and high flow rateactually make this toy party urinal equipment. The piss flow straight into the rectumwhich distinguished the Ass Blaster from the Pig-Hole. Through the barrel shapeof the hollow plug a lot of piss does not flow into the bottom but stays insidethe plug. However, the Pig-Hole is a useful toy in combination with the AssBlaster. Through the dull tip the plug is actually more for the anal savvybottom. But if he is that trained, the actually size is rather small. While theplug might not fall out of his ass, the piss can easily leak. To prevent thisto a certain degree, simply put a Pig-Hole into the bottom’s ass and plug itwith an Ass Blaster.

Detail of the Ass Blaster’s Fin

Most rectums can only take about 500ml. While this can be trained over time, backflow or leakage at some point cannot be prevented. To facilitate the piss flow behind the inner sphincter and into the colon, the bottom should push his ass out in doggy position and lay down flat with his torso.

Where to buy?

You can
pick the small Ass Bluster up at Regulation for £59.90.

SquarePeg Slink

The Entire Slink Range From Left to Right: Slink, Slink Ripple, Slink Spike and Slink Vortex

I do not only like to play with toys and ultimately review them, but I am also a bit of a toy collector, trying to accumulate iconic or original sex tools. In this category falls the SquarePeg Slink.

Square Peg was one of the – if not THE – first company which made depth toys out of platinum silicone which trough its smooth surface and right degree of flexibility is perfect for depth play. They started out with their a bit crude look Slither and over 10 years ago added the more technically Depth Probes. In 2011 they combined the two toys, added a dash of butt plug and the Slink emerged. Since then the Slink has become one of the most iconic and widely used anal toys for going deep. Because I got so many reader questions which toys for depth play to get, I reviewed the Slink and the Depth Probe this June. However, while I own the Depth Probe, the Slink was just a loan from my dear friend Teck Pup and now I want one of my own.

A few years ago, this was an easy decision: You just had to choose between SuperSoft Bronze and Graphite (though for “iconic” reasons you obviously choose the Bronze ;)). In 2015 SquarePeg introduced the Ripples versions of the Slink. A year later the Slink Spike. And two years later the Vortex arrived at the party. Which one should I get?

This question brings me to why I started ToyTorture.com 6 years ago: When facing the question which Slink to get, I searched the web for reviews of the different versions. How do the different textures feel? How do they impact how easy the toy goes deeper? Makes the textures’ added grip them easier to control? Sadly, there was nothing and with prices between $69 and $369 they are on the more expensive side of anal toys. So despite the price being absolutely fair for the quality, buying an unsatisfying toy will be extra annoying. For questions like this and to minimize the risk of buying a wrong toy, I started ToyTorture.com to give at least some orientation when looking for a toy for a specific fantasy, describing how they feel, perform and what can be done with them.

So, where does this leave me? I fear, I have to get at least three textures and compare them in a review some time the future. So, for variety reasons, my Slink wish list would probably be:

Small Smooth Slink SuperSoft Bronze

Medium Rippled Slink SuperSoft Bronze

Vortex Slink SuperSoft Graphite

If you are interested in testing out SquarePeg toys in general or the Slink in particular, you can get them at Mr S Leather in the USA or Regulation which has the largest selection in the EU.




XXXCalibur & Dragon

Toy Properties

Form: Dildo
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Natural Tan, Deep Brown, Black & Custom
Firmness: Soft to Medium, custom degrees possible
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Mr Hankey’s

About two years ago a new company manufacturing high quality silicone anal toys emerged: Mr Hankey. Quickly I got reader questions if I knew the company and what I thought about their products. So I got in touch with them and they were so kind to send me two of the designs I have been asked the most about: The XXXCalibur and the Dragon.


Like most top notch anal toys, all Mr Hankey toys are made out of platinum silicone. The “platinum” refers to the catalyst used to make the silicone. Being a noble metal is it hypoallergenic and doesn’t cause adverse effect inside the body like tin which is used as a catalyst for cheap silicone. Besides being body-safe, platinum silicone can withstand acid and heat. In addition to the super-smooth surface which makes it hard to bacteria to linger, platinum silicone toys can be cleaned easily and quickly: Either put them in hot water with an acid cleaner or even auto-clave them. Being sanitized so easily, these toys are ideal when playing with multiple partners in a safe way. As always with silicone toys, never use them with silicone lube because it can damage the toy.

The Mr Hankey Dragon and XXXCalibur

Off the rack Mr Hankey offers two firmnesses: Medium and 75% firm. The medium gives the texture presence without preventing them to give in while the 75% firm is squishy but still strong enough that even a larger and thinner toy like the XXXCalibur stands erect on its own. Though as always the rule applies: The thicker a toy, the harder it will feel. You can now ask for custom firmness degrees which might be useful for extreme long depth toys to get around all the bends or to make the texture on anthropomorphic toys extra intense.

As standard, Mr Hankey offers three classic colors: Natural Tan, Brown and classic black. For a surcharge you can get all kinds of extravagant colors like I got on my Dragon: A nice turquoise with ruby accents. Just follow their Twitter (with most straight NSFW content!) where once in a while they share pictures of their newest creations.

Detail of the Vac-U-Lock Hole on the Dragon

A nice additional feature is the Vac-U-Lock hole at the bottom. With this hole you can attach the dildo to fuck machines or strap-on-harnesses who feature a Vac-U-Lock plug. Mr Hankey also offers a Handle Attachment for $24.95 for easier manually guided penetration. When washing the toy, make sure that the Vac-U-Lock hole is completely dry before storing it! Otherwise mole might start to appear.

The shape of the XXXCalibur roughly resembles an uncut dick. The tip is modeled after a long-drawn glans which just slightly peaks out of the foreskin. It tappers a bit again before the oval shaft extends to its full diameter. The shaft is lightly texture with veins which tease a novice the sphincter just a little bit but are mostly not noticeable for real ass pigs. At the bottom there are two large balls which allow for a good grip for the top.

The Dragon on the other hand sets the mood for the toy right from the tip: While it also features a glans, it is anthropomorphically shaped with rugged ridges which almost look scale like. From the glans all the way to the base the runs a band of deep, ridged scales at the front and the back of the shaft. The sides between the scales is lightly textured with a snake skin pattern. The roughness of the Dragon is underlines by the fact that the shaft’s maximum diameter  comes just behind the glans so there is not much resting time after conquering the challenging glans.

Toy Size Overall Length Insertable Length Glans Rim Diameter Max Diameter
XXXCalibur Medium/Large 368mm 290mm 54mm 67mm
Large/Extra Large 394mm 318mm 59mm 75mm


Small 247mm 216mm 55mm 60mm
Medium/Large 305mm 273mm 70mm 77mm
Extra Large 349mm 305mm 80mm 89mm
XXXLarge 400mm 356mm 95mm 103mm

Detail of the Draon’s Texture

Playing with the XXXCalibur & Dragon

Through the anatomic shape and the light texture the XXXCalibur is a good curious-beginners’ and easy-play toy. For some of my testees it actually became their everyday dildo because in the 75% firmness it felt like a human dick to them.

Beyond smooth riding, the XXXCalibur  – especially in the larger site – is a good depth training toy. Even in 75% firmness it has enough stability to be easily controlled yet is flexible enough to go around bends. When training on your own, it is firm enough to stand up during careful fucking so you can focus on controlling the pressure applied to the second sphincter. The long-drawn glans is perfect for training the second sphincter to open up. Through the little tapper between the glans and the shaft it can actually close again once inserted so you can do the same “plug fucking” you do with the anus when training up for taking a fist.

The Dragon is almost the direct opposite of the XXXCalibur. Being so heavily textured right from the beginning, it is hard to take, even for more experience ass pigs. So especially when not riding it yourself but if a top pushes it in, be extra careful. But the rugged glans is great for teasing the ass lips and the sphincter without fully pushing in. Just messaging the sensitive tissue with the ridges is enough to drive some bottoms made.

Detail of the XXXCalibur’s Long-Drawn Glans and Light Texture

Once inserted the scale bands on the top and bottom of the shaft tease and torment the sensitive sphincter even when turned lightly. The deep textures gives the otherwise relatively circular shaft an oval shape. Because of that, every turn also induces a stretching sensation. What is really evil is cumming while riding the toy and then having to pull it out. The again tightened up sphincter will face a challenge with the deep ridge under the glans rim.

Where to buy?

Mr Hankey sells their toys directly through their website. This is the best way to get them when you want to customize them even further. They also run promotions on a regular basis so check their page regular to snatch a bargain. The XXXCalibur costs between $164.95 and $184.90 depending on the size and features; the Dragon is between $129.95 and $220.85. Custom colors costs $29.95, custom firmness $15.95.

E-Stim Systems Black Collection

The E-Stim System Black Collection Bi-Polar Butt Plugs

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

2 ½ years ago E-Stim System introduced their Red Collection, a more “sculptural” approach to their popular (and by me highly praised) bi-polar electrodes. While I liked the shape of the electrodes, the design with red velvet colored isolators and mirror-shine finished poles did not really appeal to the “rough” look I like in my toys and playroom. Also, the sizes were quite “Lady-like”. Naturally I was excited when they turned their Bobble into the Black Collection.


The basic design are two beads stuck onto each other. They are separated by a black plastic neck which serves as an isolator between the two poles. At the bottom the lower bead tapers into a base which has the same diameter as the beads. Around the base run three (resp. four on the XL) groves for better grip even with lubey fingers. Into the base’s bottom a 4mm hole to plug in 4mm banana plugs is drilled. The plugs are available in four sizes.

Diameter 42mm 50mm 54mm 60mm
Height 113mm 131mm 146mm 160mm
Diameter 1st Neck 26mm 30.5mm 34mm 37.5mm
Distance to 1st Neck 42mm 50mm 54mm 60mm
Diameter 2nd Neck 26mm 30.5mm 36.5mm 39mm
Distance to 2nd Neck 83mm 96mm 103mm 113mm
Weight 330g 520g 720g 970g

Detail of the Satin Finish

The upper bead is connected the lower part by a stainless steel screw. At its bottom there is a 4mm hole to connect the upper pole to the power box using 4mm banana plugs. To not short-circuit the e-stim box, the screw-head is isolated with a white plastic separator from the base. Around the banana plug socket these is a little hexagonal socket for easier disassembly when cleaning. This socket is highly useful because the screw is harder than the aluminum the electrode is made out off so it will dig into the material. I have older electrodes which do not have this socket and which have become almost un-screwable.

Like all premium bi-polar electrodes the Black Collection is made out of aircraft grade aluminum which is perfectly finished in E-Stim System’s satin matt finish. Since I have already gotten some reader questions about this topic I want to stress that the toys are indeed silver colored and not like in the promotion pictures black.

Playing with the Black Collection

For basic information on how the bi-polar electrodes perform and how to choose the right size, please check out one the review of other models I have published some time ago. Here I want to talk about how the interesting design produces unique sensations.

The Bi-Polar Plug Disassembled for Cleaning

What sets the Black Collection apart from all other bi-polar anal electrodes I have seen so far is that the split between the two poles is at the top instead of the bottom. So when lying down you can choose either choose between pushing it in all the way to the second neck or let the sphincter wrap around the isolator on the first neck. In this position all stimulation is focused on the sphincter, just like with the Micro. But through the larger mass and surface area the sensation is smoother.  Since the mass center unlike the other electrodes is on the outside the sensation feels… in lack of better words inverted. This is especially interesting when a wave program is used for a fucking sensation. It is still a fucking but with a new, different twist.

When sitting, standing or walking the electrode should be pushed in all the way. Especially when not sitting, the mass center outside the body will make it very likely that the electrode will fall out of the ass otherwise. Pushed in all the way, the sensation moves from the sphincter inside the body. This is a weird feeling, because the stimulation feels like a big, massive surface electrode but isn’t experienced on the skin. Again, it is hard to describe, but it adds a new sensation to the e-stim repertoire.

Detail of the 4mm Socket for the Banana Plug and the Hex Key

Especially the two largest electrodes have enough weight to develop an own movement momentum when the sub’s body moves, for example through walking or making him jump from the stimulation inside him. Depending on the rectum’s physiology the electrode will start to tumble, adding a physical sensation to the fact that electro stimulation flashes up on different areas on the bowel mucosa. Depending on the sub’s anatomy, the upper bead can lay on top of the prostate. So just like when a Classic hits the prostate, only using the upper pole in combination with a pad electrode attached to the perineum above the prostate is an interesting way of tormenting this sensible body part. Some subs can even be trained to get milked that way.

Finally, let’s take a look o how the Black Collection’s plugs perform just as anal toys without added e-stim. While they are fun to ride for more experienced anal players, they are good for training new fistees. Slowly fucking the hole with the two beads will teach the hole to open up and close again, even when the entering object is relatively dull. The beads are also perfectly designed to stimulate the prostate; one testee even developed a technique to how to thrust and twist the plugs just right to prostate-milk his chastity sub.

Conclusion: Uniquely designed high quality bi-polar anal electrode.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique and smooth sensation Material combination can dull screw thread E-Stim Systems £99 – £159
Interesting anal toy even without e-stim
Outstanding build quality and materials
Easy disassembly  and clean
Lifetime warranty

Bad Dragon’s Fenrir, Crackers & Nocturne

From left to Right: Nocturne, Fenrir and Crackers

Vendor: Bad Dragon

Bad Dragon toys are somewhat of a phenomenon on this website. This is the forth review I am writing on their dildos (having also written about their masturbators and small sized lube applicators this year). But still, every week I get several questions about different toys I have not reviewed yet and if and when I will write about them. Initially I wanted to wait for fall to write this review to get at least a few months between the last and this review but some of you are really thirsty for a new review so I thought it would be a great toy to review before my summer break.

Detail of Cracker’s the Heavily Textured Glans and Shaft

Before I dive into the review, a big “Thank you!” to Bad Dragon who continuously support my blog and make these reviews possible!


The most often question I get asked when it comes to Bad Dragon toys is: “Why are they relatively expensive compared to other toys?” Besides each being handmade, the material they use is Platinum Silicone which in my opinion is the best material for anal toys. Platinum is the catalyst used to make the silicone. Being a noble metal is it hypoallergenic and doesn’t cause adverse effect inside the body like tin which is used as a catalyst for cheap silicone. Besides being body-safe, platinum silicone can withstand acid and heat. In addition to the super-smooth surface which makes it hard to bacteria to linger, Bad Dragon toys can be cleaned easily and quickly: Either put them in hot water with an acid cleaner or even auto-clave them. Being sanitized so easily, these toys are ideal when playing with multiple partners in a safe way.

Detailf of Cracker’s and Nocturne’s Horns on the Base

Despite platinum silicone being a very resilient material, it must not been exposed to silicone lube! The silicone oil inside it will disintegrated the toy. The same basically applies to hybrid lubes. I write this warning in every review and thus have been contacted multiple times by people who have been using lubes containing silicone oil for years with their Bad Dragon toys and nothing happened. I still would err on the side of caution and use only water- or oil-based lubes. Since the surface is so smooth, I recommend using sticky water-based lube like Elbow Grease H2O Thick Gel.

The Platinum Silicone for anal toys comes in three firmness degrees: Soft, Medium and Firm,  XL toys are not being available in firm and due to collapsing too easily the Super Soft option is only available for masturbators and packers. Choosing the right firmness is weighing off different aspects: Soft toys are good for not yet well trained asses or really large toys because the sphincter can deform the toy a bit to fit well. However the softer the material the less stability a toy has so especially with long toys there is a chance they will collapse easily. The firmness also determines who the texture feels. Cast in soft silicone a ridge might easily flap away while in firm the sphincter might struggle to take it. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind is, the larger the toy, the harder it will feel. In order to get an impression of the different firmness degrees, Bad Dragon sells a set of sample discs.

Fenrir’s Texture in Comparison to the Short Shaft and Large Knot


Currently Bad Dragon offers 65 different dildos and plugs. Almost all of them come in four sizes from small (like a small dick) to XL (single or double fist); some also are available in Mini. The designs are inspired by anthropomorphic beings like Dragons, Werewolves and Gryphons and some real ones like horses and dogs. Like most animal dicks they feature a knot just above the base which when ridden almost feels like getting punch-fisted. The shafts usually are heavily textured with bumps and ridges imitating veins and scales. This texture not only increases the diameter but also makes it harder to take the toys while on the plus-side stimulating the sensible nerve endings inside the sphincter. Keep this in mind when choosing the firmness!

Nocturne’s Unique Design with a Large Glans and Two Knots without a Shaft

When looking at the detailed size charts and choosing a larger size, it is important to keep in mind that the toys scale proportionally: The texturing gets deeper and thus more intense, the knot (most of the time the largest diameter of the shaft) moves down further. Since most anal enthusiasts can easily take larger diameter but are not well with taking big toys deeply, the knot might be out of reach due to being too low.

To some toys, two special features can be added. The first is the suction cup. If you can add it, get it! It makes playing and riding the toy much easier. As a material, silicone is somewhat sticky on its own (that’s the reason why no matter how thoroughly you clean it, there is ALWAYS dust on the toys!) but the strong cup which is integrated into the base design keeps the dildo in place (or sticking on the bathroom wall), even when riding it vigorously.

The second add-on is the cumtube which is a tube cast in the middle of the toy. It comes with a syringe you can fill with (cum-like) water-based lube and shoot it into your ass, simulating the feeling of the dragon’s dick cumming in you. Naturally, such a tube makes cleaning the toy more difficult. Also, in my testee panel the opinions on the cumtube’s effect are split. Some love it, some find it overrated. I would recommend ordering one of their Lil’Squirt toys to try out the effect for yourself before investing money into a bigger toy with a cumtube.

Fenrir the Wolf Dragon

Playing with the Dildos

Fenrir the Wolf Dragon

Fenrir open up the sphincter gently with a small, tapered glans. But just below it the shaft gets heavily textured with three deep ridges on both sides and string of bumps on the back. Behind this short shaft two massive spheres textured with veins form a massive knot. Between the knot and the base there is another shaft which is smaller than the one above the knot and relatively long. This makes keeping Fenrir in somewhat comfortable which the thick knot teases the prostate. Fenrir has quickly become one of my favorite toys due to the shaft being relatively short. So even if you are not depth-trained, you can experience the feeling of getting fucked by a knot. I played with Fenrir in both available firmness degrees: My friend’s is soft, mine is medium. When you have a small or tight colon, I recommend getting it in soft. The shaft above the knot bends more easily allowing it to “curl” up when the knot penetrates the sphincter.

My Fenrir is colored in Fenrir’s Signature, a fade from yellow to a dark bronze tone with golden sparkles.

Nocturne the Enderfang

Nocturne the Enderfang

The tip of Nocturne is a long, gently tapered glans which narrows a bit just to widen again for a slightly larger knot which again narrows and widens to a considerably larger knot. The shaft is not heavily textured. Between the knots there are some very soft ridges and on the backside of the middle-knot there are two strings of very subtle bumps. Though it is heavily curved which makes navigating it inside the depth of the colon more easily. Both these properties makes it good to start exploring depth play because the smoothness makes passing the second sphincter easy.

On the base facing away from the shaft there are three horns. Depending on your colon and thus in which way Nocturne gets inserted, the can stimulate the perineum when riding it. I have been told by a female reader that they are also great for stimulating the clitoris.

My Nocturne is colored in Pearce’s Natural and made in medium firmness. I had the opportunity to try a friend’s soft Nocturne and did not really like it. Being a novice to depth play, the additional firmness supports the light (!) force when going deep where a soft would curl up. Though once more experienced and going for a more vigorous deep fucking, the soft firmness is great to enjoy the alternating stretch of the three knots without causing injuries.


Crackers the Cockatrice

Crackers the Cockatrice

If you are into rough, tough loving, Crackers is the right toy for you! I do not say it often, but it presented a challenge to me, I have not yet mastered. The glans is massive with a relatively dull tip. It is textured with three ridges, each one increasing in depth and the lower two being textured with bumps. Below the glans there is a small, narrow “resting point” until the shaft quickly grows to a massive diameter and then tapers towards the base. The back of the shaft is textured with light ridges but the sides and the front feature bumps which raise higher the lower your get. The base is highly rugged but below the glans it features highly risen horns which depending how you take the toy, will stimulate your perineum.

Despite the soft firmness, due to the size and the texture Crackers is the most intense Bad Dragon toy I own. Due to not having a knob but just having a massive shaft, taking Crackers completely simply leaves you with a feeling of your ass being really stuffed.

JimSupport Fuck Bench

The JimSupport Fuck Bench

As most of you know, two of my major kinks are fisting and impact play. When it comes to fisting, I like intense (some say extreme) hard and rough punching and I am glad that I have gotten a sling where I can lay comfortably in and just enjoy the thrusting sensation somewhere between agony and ecstasy. But since the sling is suspended from the ceiling on chains (and in a rather unusual and creative way to fit under a pointed gable), a lot of thrusting power is lost to the chains moving. So I always wonder “How more intense could the punching be if the play furniture I am lying on does not move?”

The JimSupport Fuck Bench seems to be the right addition to my playroom for that. I have sat on and laid in other play furniture from them and the sturdy build and little flex of them promise great stability even during a heavy pounding on the Fuck Bench. The platform stands about 59cm tall which allows the top to sit comfortably in front of a greedy hole and punch in easily, unlike when top and bottom are lying on the floor where the angle of the fist entering the ass can be awkward. The platform is padded and covered in vinyl so regardless of lube dripping or piss spilling during the scene, it can be cleaned easily.

Detail of the Raised Middle Segment

The middle segment of the Fuck Bench can be raised, turning it into a spanking bench – or added support for people who enjoy getting fisted extensively in doggy style. This versatility makes the furniture a nice item for small playrooms where it can accommodate many different types of scene with just taking up little space. Since the legs can be easily disassembled, the Fuck Bench is an ideal piece of furniture for people who no playroom at all and need to store the play equipment away after the scene. Without the legs the table is just 20cm high and thus should fit under most beds.

The JimSupport Fuck Bench with a Raised Middle Segment Used for Spanking

The Fuck Bench costs $619.95 at Mr S. If you want to suspend the bench from the ceiling, either purchase the Sling Combo directly for $648.90 or if you have a bench already and want to try something new, Mr S sales a conversion kit for $58.95.

The Fuck Bench combined with the Sling Conversion Kit

Depending on your favorite kind of play, JimSupport offers a number of useful accessories. If you are into fisting, the leg holders are useful. Like stirrups at a sling they help keeping the legs up even during long fisting scenes. For taller people whose head would lie beyond the bench the head rest is a wise investment. Padded like the bench the distance to the bench’s edge can be adjusted to fit even very tall people. Impact players (or fisters who fear their fistees might run away) should get the universal bondage points to add anchor points for restraints or rope.