Carbon Fiber Pain Stick

Vendor: Mr S

The Mr S Carbon Fiber Pain Stick


The Carbon Fiber Pain Stick’s basis is a 39cm long carbon rod with a diameter of 2.7mm. Unlike most other carbon fiber rods it is a solid one with a deburred tip. The former minimizes the risk of breaking or splintering, the latter prevents it from causing involuntary cuts. The lower 10.5cm of the rod is covered in isolating rubber with vinyl tips on both sides. Through the bottom tip runs one a nylon string loop.

Detail of the Beburred Tip

Playing with the Carbon Fiber Pain Stick

Carbon is a mean material for an impact toy: Lightweight, stiff, yet flexible. So the blows delivered by it are very stingy making the Pain Stick a delightfully devilish toy which needs to be handled delicately. Just a light tapping on the same spot can cause irritating pain, several blows will leave a welt. Because of that this is a great toy for mindfuck-scenes: The top doesn’t induce much force yet the sensation felt can be intense. The small size makes it an ideal for lightweight toy bags when going out to a bar or for precise targeting. But always keep in mind that this toys isn’t made for warming up the skin so adjust the ramping of the scene accordingly.

Another method of using the Pain Stick is pulling the tip back and flick it. This will induce extremely stingy pain which intensity depends on how far you pull it back and if only the tip or the entire rods hits the sub’s body. When you pull back the rod far enough blows can even be felt through thick leather! On bare skin bruises and welts are likely to occur. Since a lot of force is transmitted this way the target areas should be chosen carefully: On thin skinned body areas like the glans the skin will most likely break, delicate body areas like the balls serious bruises or injuries of the spermatic cord can lead to a visit of the ER.

Detail of the Rubber Covered Grip Section and the Loop

Carbon is a conducting material. So if the bite of the stick itself isn’t agonizing enough, it can be connected to an e-stim power box using a pole connection clamp. Since the e-stim sensation should be felt at the impact point, I recommend using a mass-rich counter pole. When playing on the ass or using the Pain Stick for CBT a metal anal electrode is the best option but a conductive rubber loop around the balls or base of the dick also works. For hitting the nipples a pad electrode attached next to the nipple is the safest option.

Since using this toy extensively on a sub can lead to contamination through sweat, interstitial fluid and blood, proper disinfection is important. Luckily carbon is a very low maintenance material in that regards. Simply wash off the residue with warm soap water, let it dry and spray a sanitizer on it. As robust and flexible carbon is, it sadly can break or splinter. So after ever scene, inspect the rod if it is still perfectly smooth. If not, replace it with a new one. The injuries cause by breaking or splintered carbon fiber are very serious and hard to treat.

Conclusion:  Small delightfully devilish toy with huge pain potential.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Intense sensation without much force Takes lot of practice to really master Mr S $22.95
Small and light weight
Easy to sanitize

Parus Isolation Hood No 2406

Vendor: Parus

The Parus Isolation Hood No 2406


The hood is made out of a single layer of soft European sourced leather. There is thick padding covered with soft leather from behind the ears to the nasal bridge covering both half of the face. From the part all the way down there is lacing to close the hood tightly. To fetter the hood even tighter around the head there are four belts with roller buckles running through riveted leather loops: One around the neck, one over the mouth, one over the eyes and one running from the chin over the back of the head. At the middle of the collar, at the top of the hood and one on each cheek there is a welded D-ring. At the bottom of the nose there are two grommets to allow easy breathing.

The hood is one size fits all. Even though my head is average size the leather strap to lace the hood is too short but it was easily replaced with a longer one. Despite the leather being soft through the sturdy and thus stiff belts and thick padding the hood is rather stiff. In order to mould the hood to the sub’s head and make it soft and comfortable it takes a couple of hours. The body heat and sweat will do the rest.

Detail of the Lacing and the Roller Buckle of the Belts

Playing with the Parus Isolation Hood

With the lacing and the belts the hood can really be fettered heavily onto the head. Despite the little amount of light which bleeds through the nose grommets once you start lacing you quickly feel the world around you being blocked out. So some people who are not used to such intense bondage start to panic right away. In this case I recommend only using the belts to slowly accustom them to the sensation. But once you get used to it, being put into the hood becomes an intriguing part of the scene itself. While the soft, high quality leather is getting wrapped tighter around the head it emits a rich smell. So there is a feeling of being immersed in leather.

Detail of the D-ring and the rivetes Leather Loops

Like all isolation hood it doesn’t take away all the senses. But the padding muffles the sounds (to block out even more use earplugs) and creates the right amount of pressure. Not uncomfortable or putting pressure on the eyes but noticeable enough to create a strong bondage sensation. This in combination with the lack of sight creates a feeling of detachment from the surrounding. For a full immersion the hood needs to be made soft like described above. When the leather is still a bit stiff there can be light coming through the nose grommets. But once the hood becomes a little bit more flexible the padding over the eyes shuts the light out.

The loss of sight and heaving with the warmth and pressure sensation can lead to disorientation of subs. So I recommend not fettering them standing up without having something to hold onto respectively being tied to something. Especially when lying down the D-rings can be used to tie the head down completely. When doing so the top D-ring should be the one tied the strongest so that sub doesn’t suffocate when struggling.

Conclusion: Intense isolation hood
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Intense Bondage Experience Needs long time to break in Parus 219.99€
Many D-rings Can be too small for large heads
High Quality Leather
Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by Parus for an honest and unbiased review.

Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set

Vendor: Regulation


The Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set

The Heavy Leather Hogtie Set consists of a pair of modified Fetters Padded Leather Thigh Restraint, a pair of Padded Locking Wrist Cuffs and an Elbow Strap. All pieces are made out of high quality leather, thick soft padding and stainless steel trim. The set comes without pad locks. If you want to lock the restrains the shackle diameter of the pad lock should not be larger than 3mm.

The core of this set is a modified version of the Fetters Padded Leather Thigh Restraints. As all restraints from their padded & lockable range are basically made the same way: An 8cm wide cushion of thick padding covered with soft leather is sewn onto a wide strap of bridle leather. Onto this a belt with a roller buckle and a locking post is riveted. Usually each restraint is equipped with two welded D-rings.

The lowest circumference the thigh restraint can be adjusted to is 42cm; the largest is 71.5cm with a padding gap of 11.5cm; largest circumference with padding all around the thigh is 54cm and the largest circumference and still being able to lock is 67cm with a padding gap of 7cm. Next to the locking post there is a welded D-ring. 15cm away from the D-ring a Padded Locking Ankle Cuff (which I reviewed here) is riveted with its two D-rings being perpendicular to the rivet. Since only one rivet is used the cuff can turn to allow for different bondage positions. Another difference to their standard Padded Thigh restraint is that they have replaced the second D-ring with a stainless steel loop which has a width of 38mm and a height of 8mm. Through this loop the belt of the Padded Locking Wrist cuffs (which I reviewed here) can be threaded to attach the wrist restraint to the thigh one.

Detail of the Wrist Restraint attached to Thigh Restraint

For an even stronger bondage experience an elbow strap comes with the set. The basis of it is a 13.5cm long and 8cm wide octagonal piece of two bridle leather layers which are sewn together. In the middle there are two roller buckles with a locking post riveted onto the body.  In front of each buckle a slot is punched through which a leather belt with unburnished sides is threaded. This belt is 118cm long and 3cm wide. It features 7 holes on one side and 29 holes on the other side which allows for fine adjustment.

Playing with the Hogtie Set

To put these restraints on it is best when the sub lies face down so the top can easily move the limbs to put them into the corresponding cuffs. Each buckle is far away enough from the wrist restraints to prevent the sub from opening the roller buckles. If you want to be extra sure each restraint is lockable which adds a lot of mental bondage sensation. Once fettered you can choose between four different bondage positions: The traditional lying face down, lying face up, kneeling or sitting on the ass. Since sitting up requires a lot of muscle strength this position is a bit of stress bondage. Lying face up is equally stress bondage but great for CBT or an extreme form of gut punching – even with low intensity punches. The thigh restraints quickly became popular with a top friend of mine in kneeling position. He used them in combination with the Handlock (which I reviewed here) to restrain the hands above the head with the thigh-ankle-combination effectively preventing the sub from standing up.

Minimum and Maximum Diameter of the Thigh Restraint

The most traditional position is obviously lying with the face down. In this bondage layout mouth and ass are still accessible but (if the top is strong ort the sub light) you can still move the sub around. Besides face fucking most testees used the hogtie for impact play. With the ass exposed (and if you are not fettering gymnasts the feet unable to cover the ass) and the restraints covering the sensitive area of the upper thigh this layout is great for spanking. Especially if you want to administer bastinado I recommend locking both ankle restraints together using a small shackle. This will effectively limit the movement even more. When you want to create a stress bondage position add a head harness or a muzzle and connect the top D-ring to the shackle. In this layout I would not recommend inducing too much pain because heavy movement can lead to neck or spinal injuries. Of cause this layout can be used for lighter play like sensation play or – if you are not afraid to get lube on the leather – fisting.

I am a bit hesitant to recommend using the elbow strap. It is a great piece of bondage gear which can increase the sense of being bound quite a lot – also in other bondage layouts. But the construction is killing it for me. With the edges being unburnished, at best they are just sharp and uncomfortable. But if the sub moves a lot it can cause abrasions. In order to make this part of the toy useful I am actually considering having movable padding custom made like on the thighs on the suspension harness.

Detail of the Buckle of the Elbow Strap and the Unburnished Belt

Besides hogties this set can be used in many different other bondage layouts. If the added ankle cuffs don’t bother you the thigh restraint can be used to fetter down upper legs. To attach thicker rope or carabineers to the metal loop, simply use a shackle to add a larger anchor point. When the sub doesn’t have to small hands the ankle cuffs can be used to restrain wrists to the thighs. However this does only work if the bondage layout is either standing up or lying with the ankles also fettered. Otherwise there is a chance the sub can simply slip off the thigh restraint. On testee even used the restraint for pup play: He gave his puppy knee and elbow pads, connected the ankles to the thighs and the wrist to the collar and thus forced his sub in an even more dog-like position. However I do not recommend this form of stress bondage for extended periods of time since especially the elbows are not made to support such weight.

Conclusion: Unique and clever restraint set with one disappointing element.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique layout Finishing of the belt makes elbow strap unusable Regulation £459.99
Comfortable through thick padding
Very well made – except elbow strap
Plethora of D-rings


Adjustable Nose Shackle

Vendor: Uberkinky

The Adjustable Nose Shackle from Uberkinky


The Adjustable Nose Shackle is made out of two square metal plates onto which two 25mm high shackles made out of wire are welded. The tips of the shackles are bent towards each other. Through the metal plate a screw is put through which the shackle can be opend up to 17mm and closed again. The screw head is textured for better grip yet especially with lubey fingers or when wearing heavy gloves it is a bit hare to turn. Below the screw there are two bars to guide the shackles. The entire toy is made out of stainless steel and weights 33g.

Playing with the Adjustable Nose Shackle

This toy might look small and innocent yet it is one of the most intense pieces of bondage gear I know. The nasal septum is a quite sensitive body area. For most bottoms just the weight of the lightly attached Adjustable Nose Shackle is a noticeable sensation. The pain of the shackle being pulled will make most subs comply and move in the desired direction. Of cause if you want to be mean you can tighten it even more for constant and agonizing pain.

Since the shackles are made out of wire instead of solid metal plates like other nose shackles are they can dig a little bit deeper into the tissue which results in better grip. To lead a sub around or incorporate the toy into a bondage layout simply put a little carabineer around the three bars and attach your favorite leash, rope or chain. But keep in mind that this will add extra weight which increases the experienced pain, especially when through dangling around movement energy is added.

The cartilage structure of the septum in combination with the smooth round tips of the Adjustable Nose Shackle is enough to prevent serious injuries if you tighten the shackle cautiously and not too tight. But especially when the bottom already has a septum piercing or the septum is damaged (through drug usage for example) be extra careful when pulling. Serious injuries might occur!

Detail of the Guiding Bars and the Screw to Adjust the Opening

The wide opening enables you to attach the Adjustable Nose Shackle to other body parts like the tongue, ear lobes, the foreskin or the frenulum. Some testees even put it on the sack (take extra care you don’t trap a spermatic cord!) or the perineum to lead their subs around. It is worth to experiment which body part gives the best reaction, where it can be worn the longest time or if you are extra sadistic get two, put them opposite ends of the body, apply some tension and see into which pain the sub will give in the most.

Being made out of stainless steel cleaning and sanitizing this piece of bondage gear is easy: Simply boil it in water for some time and let it dry properly.

Conclusion: Intense piece of bondage gear.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Makes sub comply quickly A bit difficult to operate Uberkinky £19.99
Finely adjustable sensation
Allows to incorporate unexpected body parts into bondage
  Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by Uberkinky for an honest and unbiased review.

Electro Gloves

Vendor: Regulation or Mr S

The Electro Gloves


The Electro Gloves are made out of a stretchy synthetic material with a conductive fiber woven into it. On top of the wrist is a button for the snap connector making each glove a monopole. The toy comes with a snap-to-2-mm-female connector but this can be easily exchanged for a snap-to-4mm-banana-plug connector depending on which system you are using.

Size wise the glove is somewhere between a size S and M but stretches enough to accommodate even a small XL. The fingers are long so you have to pull them back a bit when you have small hands.

Playing with the Electro Gloves

The Electro Gloves can be used in two different ways: Either with both gloves at the same time or with one glove working as the other pole for a monopolar toy. Regardless if you use one or both gloves they are a delicate toy to play with. Since besides the power output the sensation intensity of this toy is determined by the contact area gently lifting the hand and thus reducing contact area can dramatically increase the sensation. It is a very fun thing to play with but needs practice. It is an especially great mind fuck once the sub becomes aware that lifting the hands (but not losing touch completely!) increases the sensation which will make him afraid of the top’s every movement.

Detail of the Snap Connector, in this picture for 4mm Banana Plug

The sensations these gloves create depend greatly on the skin’s conductivity which is influenced by many factors like sweat for example. I would not recommend using conductive lube to increase conductivity with these gloves. The cloth will take up most of the lube making it useless. Since these gloves require gentle hand wash with a mild detergent and not too hot water getting the lube out of them is more stress than theoretic benefit of better conductivity.

When both gloves are used at the same time they are great for sensation play. More or less lightly touch the sub’s skin and let the gloves run over his body. Especially massages or masturbation are a great sensual experience with these gloves on. However it really takes focus from the active part so that both gloves don’t touch. Otherwise the power box will be short circuited.

How to safely wear the Electro Glove as a Top: Wrap the Latex Glove around the Cuff to prevent any accidental Body Contact

How to best utilize a single glove depends on the other electrode you are using. With a mass rich electrode like a big anal plug the Electro Gloves are great for edging. On the more agonizing side of the sensation spectrum spanking the sub with the glove on adds a shock to the impact sensation. Through the movement you have to take care not to disconnect the gloves from the leads when spanking. A single glove also works really well with skin electrodes like the Whisker or a Pin Wheel. If you follow the electrode closely with just the tip of a finger it might be acceptable to use the electrode above the waist.

In any other case as with every e-stim electrode: Stay below the waist for safety reasons! Especially when you use both gloves together it is imperative that you cover your hand and wrist with a non-conductive glove like disposable latex ones. The Electro Gloves cloth must never touch your skin otherwise there is a chance the currency will flow through your body instead of the subs and thus through your heart.

Conclusion:  Versatile e-stim toy which takes time to master and attention when using.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Many possible usage scenarios Takes lot of practice to really master Regulation £70
Mr S $84.95
Needs much attention to handle correctly
Great for mind fuck

E-Stim Systems ElectroEgg

The E-Stim Systems ElectroEgg Size Large

Vendor: E-Stim Systems


The E-Stim Systems ElectroEgg is a bi-polar e-stim toy. Both poles are very short cylinders with domed ends made out of mirror-polished aircraft grade aluminum. They are separated by a polymer divider in the middle which color-codes the size. On one end there is a 130cm long cable with a 3.5mm audio jack at the end. The cable is designed for pull up to 12kg.

The ElectroEgg comes in three sizes.

Size Diameter Length Weight Divider Color
Small 30mm 41mm 70g Magenta
Medium 38mm 60mm 153g Red
Large 50mm 73mm 301g Black

Like all E-Stim Systems premium anal electrodes it comes with a lifetime warranty.

Playing with the ElectroEgg

Getting play ready is easy: Lube up the ElectroEgg all around with water based (conductive) lube and gently push it against the sphincter until it opens up and swallows the electrode. As always when it comes to metal anal toys choose a size which is smaller than the diameter you can take with vinyl or silicone toys because the metal will not give in. Another important piece of advice is that you must not put a condom over the egg. Some tops put condoms over their anal toys when they use it on multiple partners but the latex will prevent conductivity. Being made out of metal and high quality polymer when cleaned properly there is no chance of a STD transmission.

Detail of the Power Cable and the 3.5mm audio jack

The ElectroEgg is the only bi-polar electrode I know off which gets inserted completely into the ass and thus stimulated the colon instead of the anus. The colon is an intriguing spot to apply stimulation because it has a very high density of nerve endings as well as muscles. The sensation the ElectroEgg creates of cause depend on the program of the power box but it’s the only anal electrode I have come across that ever created a dragging sensation or triggered muscles movements and sensations well into the thighs. Especially with the nimble small ElectroEgg combining (deep) fisting with e-stim is a unique sensation that will blow your mind! Since unexpected muscle reflexes can be triggered by e-stim the top should be prepared for the fisting to be a bit different than he is used to.

Speaking of size and weight: The ElectroEgg is also fun without e-stim in everyday situations. Putting it inside the colon and going for a walk or working out will cause the more or less heavy metal object to move inside the colon which triggers the never endings or stimulates the prostate. One of the testing tops made his sub perform jumping jacks… Of cause if you combine the electrode with a remote controlled power box this even adds to the fun…

The ElectroEgg Disassamble for Cleaning

When the top is careful with the cable and wears an isolating glove the ElectroEgg can also be used as a skin electrode by being rolled over the skin. The effect is like using a bi-polar pinwheel but through the larger mass and contact area the sensations are way smoother.

As written above E-Stim Systems says that the cable can withstand pull up to 12kg. However I would not recommend to pull it out of the ass alone but just use light pulling as support when pressing it out. A sphincter can hold onto things with way greater power than 12kg so there is a chance you can damage the cable if you just pull.

Once outside you can screw both halves apart was them in hot soapy water, let them dry properly and finally spray your preferred sanitizer on it before screwing them together again.

Conclusion: One of a kind bi-polar electrode which creates unknown stimulation.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Bi-polar A bit difficult to get out E-Stim Systems


£59 – £79
Unique stimulation area and sensations
Versatile usage scenarios
  Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by E-Stim Systems for an honest and unbiased review.

Kinklab NeonWand

Vendor: Regulation

The Kinklab NeonWand


Like almost all violet wands the NeonWand consist of two pieces: A power unit which has a socket on top for interchangeable electrodes. The power unit of this model is 23.5cm long and has an average diameter of approx. 45mm. Inside is a solid state power unit which means there are not moving parts like in traditional power unit. So moving the toy won’t affect the sensation delivery. The lower ¾ of the power unit is covered by a soft textured material for better grip. On top is a 12.5mm socket for the electrodes which is the diameter most violet wands use today so most electrodes from other manufacturers should fit. At the bottom of the power unit is a rotary control for the intensity and the 2.3m long power cord.

The NeonWand comes with four electrodes made out of glass and filled with a noble gas:  A comb shaped one and three rods with a mushroom head, a small probe head and a tongue head.

There are two versions of this toy: A white power unit with purple glowing electrodes or a red and black power unit where the electrodes glow red. The toy comes in a cardboard box outfitted with foam to store the electrodes safely. There is also a detailed handbook on how to use a violet wand.

The Electric Arc and Purple Glowing Argon inside the Electrode

Playing with the NeonWand

Violet wands work much differently than the TENS units I have reviewed so fare. The power unit is a Tesla coil which produces static electricity. The currency doesn’t flow through the body but an “electric arc” appears when the electrode comes close to the body. If the electrode touches the skin just warmth is felt. Since no currency is flowing through the body the violet wand can be used on almost all body areas (but the eyes which is an absolutely forbidden area!) safely. It is advisable not to use a violet wand for an extensive period of time at the same body area. Burns like sunburns can occur. I would actually recommend using a moisturizing lotion after using a violet wand to clam the skin.

Unlike TENS e-stim units violet wands don’t have stimulation patterns (more commonly called “programs”). Only the intensity can be adjusted. Depending on the electrode the sensation can range from a light tingling to excruciating pain. The NeonWand is not the most powerful wand out there but it is certainly powerful enough for an interesting scene.

As with all e-stim toys conductivity is the key to the sensation which is influence by three factors when it comes to violet wands. First there is the electrode’s conductivity. Most violet wand electrodes are made out of glass and filled with a noble gas; these are quite conductive. There are metal and conductive silicone electrodes out there which have better conductivity and thus stronger sensations. Second there is the skin conductivity which is influenced by many factors like sweat for example. Improving skin conductivity can be achieved by conductive gels, water-based lube or heavily moisturizing lotions with urea or zinc oxide for example. This can be used to creating a “ladder” out of conductive strips so the intensity keeps changing while you run the electrode over it.

The Four Electrodes which come with the NeonWand: The Comb, the Mushroom, the Probe and the Tongue

Third there is the contact area. This is where the different electrodes come into play. While the Probe and the Mushroom are just different contact area sizes which don’t change you can use the comb and the tongue creatively. Just twist and turn them to alter the contact area. All electrodes can be used to inflict sensations on conductive materials like a chain wrapped around the subs. The longer and thicker the chain the less sensation is felt so I recommend using only thin otherwise the power unit will not be powerful enough to induce a noticeable sensation. Generally speaking a violet wand is best used to sensation play or teasing e-stim sessions. Since you can move around the electrode quite freely sensations can be spontaneously induced on surprising spots of the body.

What is important to keep in mind is the material of the provided electrodes. As much fun/ agony are they are on “moist” body areas as the glans of an uncut guy or the anus I strongly recommend against inserting them into the body. The chance of them breaking is simply too high.

Conclusion: E-Stim toy for tickling and torturing with a dramatic visual effect.
Pros Cons Where to get Price
Easy to use No real smooth sensation possible Regulation £148.99
Come with electrodes for many different sensations
Buzzing sound when turning it on
Powerful enough for most subs

ElectraStim Bi-Polar Soft Genital Clamp

Vendor: ElectraStim

The ElectaStrim Bipolar Soft Grip Clamp

Every time when the E-Stim Special is on one of the most things I get asked about is e-stim on the nipple. But since almost all clamps offered are monopolar I strongly discouraged using them above the waist in order not to interfere with the heart. I got so annoyed with the lack of adequate bipolar clamps that I build some myself with copper electrodes which wasn’t ideal either. So I was very excited when I discovered this clamp by ElectraStim which they sent me to test thoroughly.


As the name of the toy suggests the general design follows the one of a rather large clamp with an overall length of 103mm.

Detail of the 2mm Socket

The bottom half of the clamp are two handles made out of a black polymer connected by a hinge. Below the hinge is the spring which pushes the tips together. The bottom of each handle is a large, slightly domed area for better grip at which bottom the socket for 2mm plugs is located. The top half is made out of flexible yet sturdy wire. The tips are round and slightly domed with a diameter of 12mm. With standard ElectraStim leads attached the maximum aperture of the clamp is 38mm.

Playing with the Bi-Polar Clamp

Despite the little amount of mass and the small contact area the clamps can produce a quite smooth sensation making it a suitable toy for beginners who are not into sharp and stingy pain.

Detail of the Electrode’s Contact Area

As written above this clamp is bipolar so the currency flows between the two tips of each half making it safe to use on the nipples. But through the wide aperture this clamp is quite versatile. Besides the obvious nipples I used the clamps to fry balls or place if in the glans with one electrode on the frenulum to milk and e-stim orgasm out of the subs. The most fun I had was attaching the clamp to body parts otherwise not exposed to e-stim because the sensation is most surprising to the sub. Tormenting the nasal septum with excruciating pain will bring most subs to their knees and ultimately to tears. On the other side of the sensation spectrum a light tingling program on the ear lobes is a great addition to elaborate sensation play.

Maximal Aperture of the Clamp

The stiffness of the spring is relatively low and the tip is smooth and round which makes this clamp comfortable to wear over long periods of time. The downside of this is that if you can to attach the clamp to small body parts like the male nipple, it will slip off very easily, especially when the sub moves around through the induced sensation. I got around this problem by attaching the clamps perpendicularly to the body and put a cloth pin on top of the ElectraStim clamp. It is important to use a cloth pin which is not made out of metal otherwise you will short circuit your power box!  Alternatively wrap an elastic band several times just below the tip of the clamp.

Two Options to Increase the Spring’s Stiffness

It is imperative that when you use a clamp on each nipple that the power box has two completely isolated channels and use one channel per clamp. Otherwise the might be interaction between the two clamps which can lead to currency flowing between the nipples which than ultimately can cause heart problems.

Conclusion: Versatile and safe to use e-stim clamp.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Bipolar Very low spring stiffness ElectraStim


Wide aperture
Versatile: Enables e-stim on unexpected body areas
  Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by ElectraStim for an honest and unbiased review.

E-Stim Systems Helix

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

The E-Stim System Helix

I often get asked “Which is a good and safe e-stim box to start with?” For years E-Stim Systems Series 1 was the most inexpensive of the premium boxes. In March this year they launched the Helix as a replacement. I was very glad when they sent me a review sample for the E-Stim Special to finally be able to bring you a review on the lower end of the price range.


The Helix measures measures 111x67x28mm and thus is still one of the more compact boxes available. The case is made out of a high quality, sturdy black polymer. On the front of the box is the power switch and the output socket for 3.5mm jack.

The top of the box is the control panel. On left there is a small blue LED which fleshes when the box fires. Below are three rotary controls for the intensity level of the stimulation, one to alter the feel and one to alter the speed of the stimulation. Below the controls there are five LEDs which indicate the selected program. Below them there are two buttons: The one on the left is called “Fire”. When you press it in Fire mode an intensity burst is fired. When holding the button down while turning the box on the output level increases significantly. The right button is for shuffling through the programs.

The box is powered by a standard 9V block battery which’s compartment is on the bottom. So if the battery runs out of power you can replace it easily and quickly during the scene.

Detail of the Power Button, the Output Socket and the Three Controls

The Helix comes in a high quality and nifty nice black carrying case along with a detailed manual, a lead, four pad electrodes and a battery (For detailed pictures take a look at my unboxing). As all the E-Stim Systems Premium Products the Helix comes with a lifetime warranty.

Playing with the Helix Power Box

To get the Helix play ready push the power button and wait for the short self test which also checks the battery. If less than half the LEDs flash you should replace the battery. Connect the lead to an electrode and the box and attach the electrodes to the sub. Then select your desired mode. The Helix will always start up to the pulse mode. Finally slowly start turning the level control clockwise until the sub starts to feel something. Being an analogue box you can very finely control the box with the rotary controls.

Program Name Sensation Feel Alteration Speed Alteration
Pulse Sensation pulses Makes the pulses’ sensation sharper Frequency of the pulses
Flo Continuous output Makes the sensation sharper No effect
Fire Continuous output when the fire button is pressed Makes the sensation sharper No effect
Milk Pulse waves with increasing and decreasing speed Makes the sensation sharper Wave length control
Tease Random sensation Range and amount of pattern change

Since the Helix is an analogue box the sensation is silky smooth – if you don’t adjust the level and feel to be otherwise. This makes this box good for beginners because the sharp and almost excruciating sensation of cheaper box drive many people away from e-stim. The five programs cover the basic range of possible e-stim sensations from a light and arousing tingling over milking to extremely challenging pain. And despite the relatively price point the Helix produces enough output to be interesting to experience players, especially in the high intensity mode.

Detail of the Battery Compartment

It is only in the features you realize that it is a beginner’s box: It only has one output channel and not extra inputs like a microphone or motion sensor. But if you just want to get a first glimpse into e-stim or need an additional box with a fire button to control your sub, this box offers great value for an attractive price.

While the pad electrodes of the basic set are good for first dip into e-stim, I recommend investing the £10 more for the Helix Blue which comes with a set of conductive rubber loops (which I consider an e-stim essential as you can read here).

Conclusion: Basic yet versatile beginner’s power box with good value for money.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Interesting programs covering all e-stim sensations Only one output channel E-Stim Systems


Standard: £109
Blue (with conductive Loops): £119
Analogue amplifier for smooth sensation Red (with bipolar Egg electrode): £129
Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by E-Stim System for an honest and unbiased review.


E-Stim Systems Helix Unboxing

One of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to E-Stim is: Which box to start out with? Naturally I was excited when E-Stim Systems sent me their new entry level power box to review in the E-Stim special. The review will follow tomorrow, today is just a quick overview what you get when buying the box.

The Helix comes in a sturdy, black carrying case which measures 270x210x75mm.

Carrying Case of the E-Stim Systems Helix

Inside it is padded with foam which is cut to safely house the power box and accessories. If you expand on the amount of electrodes but still want to use the nifty carrying case I recommend taking the foam out and replacing it with cubed foam which you can easily customize.

The most prominent item in the box is obviously the Helix power box itself. The easy to use box has a power button, a fire button and three rotary controls for intensity, altering the sensation and the speed of the stimulation. There also is an LED which fires when sensations are induced and an indicator which one of the five programs is selected. Like all their premium products the Helix comes with a lifetime warrenty.

The E-Stim Systems Helix

There is one lead with 3.5mm plug to 2mm pin connector for…

… connecting the Helix with the four self-adhesive conductive pads which come with the box.

The box is powered by a standard 9V block battery, one of which comes with the box for instantaneous fun with the pads right when you get it.

Obviously the box comes with a manual – which embarrassingly I have misplaced. It explains the functions and the five programs very well. For a first sneak peek into the box’s potential you can download it here.

The here shown most basic package of the Helix costs £109 but there is also the Blue Pack which comes with a pair of conductive rubber loops for £119 or the Red Pack with one of their infamous bipolar Eggs for £129.