
The Vast eVac with the two Possible Electrode Rods

Vendor: Vast (formerly Demask Dortmund)


At a first glance, the eVac looks like a standard vacuum cylinder for cock pumping. The tube has an internal length of 245mm and a diameter of 50mm. The base is very wide with a diameter of 105mm and 10mm thick with rounded edges. The large base helps to reduce pressure on the pubic bone and makes creating a vacuum seal easier. Another attribute that sets this toy apart from other vacuum cylinders is the vacuum valve sitting on the side instead on top. The valve is a standard valve so you can use the eVac with most of your existing pumps and hoses like from LA Pump or Thickwall Cylinders.

On top of the cylinder is a short stainless steel tube with an M12 outer thread. It is tightly screwed and airtight foamed against the acrylic top. Through this tube you thread a 10mm steel rod from inside the cylinder. While every rod has a 4mm banana jack on top, the bottom comes in two varieties: The first one features a half-dome with a diameter of 48mm at the bottom and has an overall length of 225mm. The other one is 275mm long, has a rounded tip for urethra insertion and can also be ordered in an 8mm version if your urethra cannot handle 10mm sounds. This rod comes with a half-dome that has a 10mm hole in the middle that leads into a short tube. On the side of the tube there is a little screw with a 3mm hex to fix it on any height. To keep the rod in place inside the cylinder it is fixed with a cap nut that has a rubber seal inside for an airtight closure of the cylinder.

Detail of the Sounding and Half-Dome Ends of the Two Electrodes

Like all products leaving the workshops of Vast, the eVac is top notch quality: The cylinder is made out of thick and sturdy acrylic. The individual parts are glued with painstaking attention to detail so there is no messy glue-line visible. The acryl has been flamed thoroughly so the tube it is completely clear while the top and the base is solid black. All metal parts are stainless steel (resp. the cap nut has a brass interior) with flawless finish, all weld seams have been smoothed,

Playing with the eVac

The first thing my testees noticed was the relatively small vacuum cylinder of the eVac. This is actually a feature because through the smaller volume, the vacuum take effect more quickly and even small pump movements will produce noticeable results. In combination with the wide base for even distribution of the cylinder’s rim down-force, it is a pretty comfortable vacuum cylinder compared to others.

Detail of the Vacuum Valve and the Cap Nut to Fix the Electrode

The pièce de résistance of course is the rod-shaped electrode. The “gentler” one of the two is the simple half-dome one. You can either use it for pleasure play by positioning it contacting a large area of the glans already. This was the e-stim stimulation will basically stay the same, adding to the heightened sensitivity and vacuum sensation of the dick while you keep pumping. More devious of course is placing the electrode just a bit away from the dick. As you keep pumping and the dick keeps growing, the penis tip will make contact at some point, getting a shock and go soft a bit – until you pump a bit more, it gets harder again and the cycle starts over.

The eVac equipped with the Sounding Electrode

A bit more intense is the sounding electrode. You can approach this toy from two angles: First, just play the same game of short touching as with the half-domed one. But since the sound’s tip has a smaller surface area, the shock of touch will be more intense and pointed. Second, you can of course insert the tip into the urethra. This way there is an initial e-stim connection right away. As you start pumping, the sound will penetrate the dick further, adding a deeper stretch sensation while the e-stim sensation will fade a bit due to the larger contact area.

Inserting the half-domed electrode is a bit of hassle since the rod if considerably shorter than the cylinder. My recommendation: Put the half-dome onto a silicone dildo’s glans. The silicone’s stickiness will keep the electrode in play for easy navigation. Since the sounding rod is way longer, you do not have the problem with that electrode.

Detail of the Banana Jack and the Adjustable Half-Dome of the Sounding Electrode

Naturally, the eVac’s rod is a monopole. This means, you will need to connect an anal or scrotal electrode to the same channel as the rod. I have seen a prototype of a sheet electrode to be put below wide base. If you are interested, I am pretty sure Vast can manufacture something on demand.

Since the complete rod is one big pole, a word of warning when handling this toy while playing on your own. Especially when the tip of the toy has not touched your dick yet, touching the rod barehanded will let the currency flow through your arm and potentially through your heart! Because of that, for selfplay, I recommend wearing rubber gloves to prevent accidents from happening.

Conclusion: Unique electrode for elaborate and devious e-stim cock play.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique combination of cock pumping and e-stim Well-endowed dicks need custom cylinder Vast/ Demask Dortmund Cylinder with Half-Domed Electrode: 249€

Cylinder with Sounding Electrode: 299€

Wide base for even draft distribution Half-Dome electrode difficult to install
Meticulous manufacturing quality

E-Stim Systems Remote

The E-Stim System Remote

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

In 2010 E-Stim Systems introduced the Series 1 Remote (now called Classic Remote to avoid confusion), their first remotely controlled e-stim power box which was quite the crowd pleaser. In 2020, with 10 years of technological advances, they introduced their new Remote. So let’s find out what a decade of progress has yielded.


On a first glance, not much has changed on the outside. It is still a rectangular box made out of quality, sturdy black polymer which measuring 111x68x28mm (respectively 34mm if you take the depth of the belt clip on the back into account) is slightly larger than the Classic Remote. The panel at the front side features one 3.5mm socket on the left and the power switch on the right. Behind the power switch the microphone is located. Another input method is the new motion sensor.

Detail of the LED Panel

The upper side features the same graphic grey dot design and colored logo of all “modern” E-Stim Systems power boxes like the Pebble. On top of this panel there are two LEDs: The left flashes when the box is firing, the right with the wireless logo lights up when the box receives signals from the remote. In the panel middle there is a line of seven LEDs which are dual-used. Firstly, the five center LEDS indicate which program is selected through a flash pattern (see below). Secondly, the seven LEDs are the indicator for the for the 27 power levels using different flash patterns for each LED: First flashing slow, then medium, then fast until it stays on. The box is powered by a standard 9V block battery which’s compartment is on the bottom. So if the battery runs out of power you can replace it easily and quickly during the scene.

The box is entirely controlled via a small remote control measuring 59.5x33x8.5mm, featuring a key ring at the bottom and the same graphic, modern design like the power box on top. On the top left corner there is a green LED that flashes when the remote transmits. To control the power box, there are four buttons. In the left there is a “Plus” and a “Minus” button for controlling the power level. On the right on top is the “Fire” button; at the bottom is a circular arrow. Pressing this button and the “Minus” button simultaneously triggers the program selection. You can now cycle through the programs with the “Plus” and “Minus” buttons and select it with the circular arrow button.

Detail of the Screwed Battery Compartment of the Remote Control

Out of the box, the remote control needs to be paired with the power box in a simple process: Turn the power box on and press the pairing button at the bottom of the battery compartment. Then press any button on the remote control until the right top LED on the power box flashes. Finally press any button on the remote control again to finish the pairing process. While this is more hassle than other products on the market, it ensures that the remote controlled is paired with YOUR box. This is important especially in public play spaces where multiple boxes can be present simultaneously.

Replacing the remote control’s battery is a bit of a pain in the ass because you need a very small screw driver to open the battery compartment. Even with extensive usage I did not manage to deplete the battery so I guess this will not be necessary too often.

Detail of the Remote’s Top Panel with 3.5mm Jack and Power Switch

Like all E-Stim Systems Premium Products the Remote has a lifetime warranty if you register it at their website. Again, like all of their power boxes it comes in a black carrying case lined with foam. If you cut the foam a bit on your own, there is plenty of space for some basic electrodes. Out of the box the Remote comes with a quick start guide , a battery, 4 pad electrodes and one 3.5mm jack to 2mm pin plug leads. While I can understand the choice so you can out of the box connect the box to the pad electrode it is still a bit annoying because most E-Stim Systems electrodes are laid out for 4mm banana plugs (for more detailed information of the carrying case’s content, read my unboxing).

Playing with the Remote Power Box

When you turn on the box, there is a 3 second self-test during which the seven LEDs in the middle light up after each other. If the battery is low, only the first LED flashes. The Remote always boots to no program and power level zero. So you first need to select your program and then the power level to start the stimulation.

Program Name Sensation Adjust Effect Fire Button Flashing Pattern
Fire Firing continuously at the pre-selected intensity level as long the as the “Fire” button is pressed (automatically cuts out after 30sec) Softness of sensation First and second LED
Flo Continuous output Softness of sensation Increases intensity by 4 levels Second and seventh LED
Pulse Single Pulses Speed of pulses Continuous firing First and third LED
Training Mode Minus – firing 25% output

Adjust – firing 50% output

Plus – firing 75% output

100% output Third and seventh LED
Teese Rising sensation until selected maximum power level Cycle length Increases intensity by 4 levels First and fourth LED
Torment Continuous output which changes from soft to stingy Cycle length Increases intensity by 4 levels Fourth and seventh LED
Audio Low Pattern is based on audio input (lower microphone sensitivity baseline) Microphone sensitivity 100% output First and fifth LED
Audio High Pattern is based on audio input (higher microphone sensitivity baseline) Microphone sensitivity 100% output Fifth and seventh LED
Motion Low Pattern is based on movement of the box (lower motion sensor sensitivity baseline) Motion sensor sensitivity 100% output First and sixth LED
Motion High Pattern is based on movement of the box (higher motion sensor sensitivity baseline) Motion sensor sensitivity 100% output Sixth and seventh LED

Detail of the Belt Clip

The Remote uses a digital processor to create the wave patterns. This is where you can probably see the biggest improvement over the last 10 years. While old digital boxes produced “edged” output compared to the seamless analogue ones, the Remote’s programs are smooth. That being said, the sensation can of course be mean and stingy, depending on the power level and the adjustment. While 28 power levels might not sound much, the maximum output level has significantly increased over the Classic Remote and should be enough for most e-stim players. Of course, the steps between the individual levels can be challenging. So especially when playing with a novice be cautious when you increase the sensitivity.

Detail of the Remote’s Control

The programs echo the main purpose of the box: Controlling your sub remotely. The box misses classic “pleasurable” programs like Wave or Milk mostly used on fettered subs. Instead it focuses on bringing the sub’s attention to the top or tormenting him. Like almost all build-in microphones of e-stim units it is not that great and sensitive. So if you want to use the audio feature, place the power switch directly in front of the audio source for a good and detailed input. On the other hand, the motion sensor is VERY sensitive! The devious (sadistic) mind will probably soon find many ways to create feedback loops or bring the sub in precarious situation when the belt clip is attached to a freely moving object like a harness’ d-ring.

E-Stim Systems claims the radio range of the remote control is 100m. In order to test it I took a sub to a running track on a sunny day and managed 97m range. Factors like walls (and what they are made out of), people, battery strength and even humidity will impact the range! So at large events or when sitting to far away from your playroom, consider moving closer to your sub when he does not react as expected.

In the end, all things considered – especially the functionality of the “Fire” button -, the Remote is a bit more of a sadist’s toy who want to train the sub instead of a pleasure device.

Conclusion: Remote controlled e-stim power box with programs more on the sadistic side.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Powerful Only one channel E-Stim Systems


Audio & motion sensor
Individual pairing of box and remote control Battery of remote control hard to replace
Belt clip

Sirius & Habanero Prostate Massager

The ElectraStim Sirius (left) and Habanero (right) laying on the Storage Bag

Vendor: ElectraStim

Last year ElectraStim introduced their new Fusion range of e-stim toys which stands out through a signature red & black color pattern. So for this year’s E-Stim Special I decided to compare how the new Fusion prostate massager compares to their “old” yet still in production Noir one.


Both toys follow the same basic design: A bean shaped head sits on a small neck perpendicular to a roughly kidney shaped body. At the bottom of it, there is a hinge to adjust the angle between the body and the base. This is necessary because everyone’s anatomy is different so in order to target the prostate some adjustment is necessary.

The base is oval and again a bit bulky. Through the bulgy at the tip, it can be used to stimulate the prostate area on the perineum. Inside the lower half of the sides there are grooves for better grip when manually moving the toy to massage the prostate. At first glance, the base is the biggest difference between the two toys: At the Sirius it is completely smooth and has for 2mm pin jacks perpendicular to the bottom. The Habanero has four ridges on the top and at the bottom there is a big recess with two 2mm pin jacks parallel to the body and deep cable ducts to organize the lead.

Detail how both Toys can Bend to adjust to each Body

Other difference come up when you look at both toys more closely. While both have a max. insertable length of 115mm, the Habanero is bulkier in all dimensions: The head measures 29x43mm vs. 25x41mm; the body 34x44mm vs. 29x37mm. Also the cast seam running around both toys in the middle is almost not noticeable on the Habanero while you can see albeit not really feel it inside your anus on the Sirius.

As you can tell form the number of jacks, the Habanero is a bi-polar toy. The black conductive silicone patches are very prominent on the red silicone of the body. Both patches run on the sides from the head down to the neck above the base. The Sirius has four conductive patches: Two on top of the base and two running from the head till the middle of the body.

Both toys are made out of medical grade silicone. So they are a 100% body-safe – and a dust magnet. As you can see from the pics, despite washing them thoroughly before taking the pictures for this review, the time to dry was enough for them to get dusty again. Luckily they are easy to clean! Just wash them in hot dish-soap water, let them dry, spray sanitizer and then store them away. To protect them from other plasticizers of other toys in your toy box, they come with a nifty cloth storage bag.

Detail of the 2mm Pin Jacks of both Toys

Playing with the Sirius and Habanero

There are two aspects to look at when comparing the two toys: The mechanical and electronic stimulation. Mechanical stimulation means putting rubbing and pressing on the prostate both inside the rectum and on the perineum and enjoying the stretching sensation inside the anus when moving the toy in and out. In this category the Habanero is clearly ahead. Being bulkier, the stimulation on all three areas is stronger. A healthy prostate has about the size of a walnut. The slightly flatter and larger head of the Habanero is better to target it. There is a lower chance of slipping when applying pressure on it. When “tickling” it between the head’s bottom and the neck, the longer slope is beneficial. The same applies for the more voluminous body for stretching the anus. Because it is considerably longer than wide, twisting it inside the anus or during fucking, is an interesting experience. Over time, most testees developed a “routine” how to move the massager to synchronize maximum prostate and anus stimulation. This is important because piling up as much sensations as possible is necessary to ultimately achieve an anal or prostate orgasm. Though both take a lot of practice so don’t expect them out of the box (unless you are VERY talented). Finally, there is the perineum stimulation and to be honest, there is not that much difference. The ridges on the Habanero do not increase the stimulation significantly. If you are hair, it is actually quite the reverse. But again, the bulkier size helps with the applying pressure to the prostate and the larger base generally make the control of the manual stimulation easier.

I was lucky enough to have both plugs tested by (almost) anal virgins in order to determine if Sirius’ smaller size has an advantage there. It’s not that you accuse me of only testing the toys on fist sluts who know no size limitations. Yes, of course the Sirius is easier to take. But for both toys these two recommend some pre-stretching. The complex shape going wider and thinner several times is a bit of a challenge for an inexperienced anus. Once pre-stretched, the size difference is almost not there anymore.

Detail of the Sirius‘ Poles on the Body’s Side and Bottom’s Top

Naturally, both toys should be well-lubed before being used. ONLY use water-based lube on them. Silicone lube will disintegrate the toy, starting with making the surface sticky. Furthermore, silicone lube is an isolator while water-based lube conducts electricity which is essential for the electronic stimulation.

Before I dive into looking in the differences of the two toys, first a short general excurse on e-stim sensation: Independently from the selected program and power unit, it is determined by mass and surface area of the conductor. The smaller and lighter, the stingier it will be. Being made out of conductive silicone, the sensation of both toys is on the stingier side of the sensation spectrum. This is not necessarily as unpleasant as it sounds. In low intensity it can be an enticing tingling. But when turning it up, it can become excruciating more quickly than on metal plugs for example.

This being said, looking at the two toys, this time the Sirius won more favors in my testee panel. This is largely due to having four poles. A vertical pole split instead of a horizontal is unusual for an insertable electrode but a common on ElectraStim products. Through this layout the popular fucking sensation of the wave-like patterns is not popular. Instead it focuses the sensation right inside the sphincter which leads to an interesting phase of re-discovering your power box. When I played with both plugs, I started to like programs I never liked and hated some of my favorites. Since the Sirius does not only have poles on the sides but also on the top of the base, you can create a connection between those pole pairs. Then the currency somewhat flows through the prostate which I personally found a more enjoyable and more stimulation experience (the prostate rivals the anus with nerve ending density). However, since the leads stick out of the bottom of the Sirius instead of being lead out of the body like on the Habanero, using the Sirius is a bit complicated. You can basically only use it lying down, while you can sit on the Habanero, riding and grinding it for max. manual stimulation.

So, in the end, which one of the two is for you? It depends on what you are looking for. If your focus is on e-stim, get the Sirius. It is more flexible and the more elaborate e-stim toy. Also, if you are familiar with e-stim, you have probably found ways of dealing with suboptimal lead positions. If your primary focus is the manual stimulation you want to spice up with added e-stim fun, I would recommend the Habanero. All things considered, the prostate play savvy members of my testee panel managed to get prostate orgasms with both. So regardless which one of the two you choose, with enough training (and being chaste long and not too long enough I have been told…), you will learn how to climax with them.

Conclusion: Silicone prostate massager with added e-stim function and interesting pole layout
Pros Cons Where to get Price
Good complex shape for manual stimulation Unpractical jack position on Sirius ElectraStim Noir Sirius: £ 59
Fusion Habanero: £79
Electrodes placed for unique stimulation
Bi-polar so no other electrodes necessary


The E-Stim Systems E-WMCBP 2.0

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

A little bit over 4 ½ years ago I reviewed the original version of Mr S’ Electrified World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug. Mr S discontinued the original model some time again – both the electrified one (probably because there have been problems with lead fractures) and “analog” one. In March 2019 a new all-silicone version was introduced, leaving e-stim lovers twitching bit unsatisfied. Luckily half a year later Mr S Leather proudly presented E-Stim Systems as the manufacturer of an all new Electrified World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug or short E-WMCBP 2.0. Being a big fan of E-Stim Systems’ premium electrodes and having to live up to a massive legacy, I was very excited for this review! Let’s see how the E-WMCBP 2.0 performs.


As the name already states the E-WMCBP 2.0 is an insertable electrode and like almost all premium E-Stim Systems ones a bi-polar one, meaning you don’t need another electrode to enjoy the sensation. Like its brothers it is made out of aircraft grade aluminum which is treated with E-Stim Systems’ “new” matt finished, giving it a slik-like look and feel.

Detail of the Screw and Banana Jack for the Body

The basic form follows the one of the original World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug: The body starts out cone-shaped with a dull tip followed by a barrel-shaped middle section which about 60% of the overall body length until it tapers again into a cone-shaped bottom. The transition from sloped cone to straight barrel is softly rounded and thus a bit more comfortable than on the original toy.

Like all E-Stim Systems premium electrodes now follows a neck made out of a black polymer which 28mm long and has a diameter of 11mm. This houses and isolates (together with a small white polymer washer) the stainless steel screw from the base. At the bottom of the screw there is not only a 4mm banana jacket but also a 2mm deep hex key socket.

The base is a disc with 50mm diameter and 11mm height. The middle is slightly tapering towards the neck and softly flows into the disc’s surface. On base’s side there is another hole for a 4mm banana plug, turning the disc into the second pole.

The E-WMCBP 2.0 comes in two sizes. Both sizes share the base but the body is significantly different.

Size Overall Length Body Diameter Body Length Weight
Medium 126mm 38mm 75mm 270g
Large 139mm 44mm 88mm 355g

The E-WMCBP 2.0 Disassembled

Playing with the E-WMCBP 2.0

Being an e-stim plug, let’s see how the E-WMCBP 2.0 performs in that regard. Being offering a large mass and surface, this electrifiable butt plug provides very smooth and pleasurable sensations to start out with. Though depending on the box, program and power level naturally can turn into a stingy beasty. The relatively large and thick base compared to other E-Stim Systems’ insterables makes the sensation even a tad bit softer than other plugs. Due to the top-down-pole-distribution this plug is perfect for the often sought getting-fucked sensation wave-shaped programs provide.

All the points more or less also applied to the original design. The greatest different is the mechanical and thus handling aspect of the new plug. The most important difference is the stiff neck that connects the base with the body. Being rigid there is a leverage effect, especially when being outside and walking. In combination with the heavy and voluminous body this lead to interesting sensation inside the rectum, particularly when the head hits the prostate.

Detail of the Base with the Banana Jack and Tapering Center

My testee panel was split on judging this effect. Some enjoyed the added stimulation, other said that WMCBP lost a bit of its charm and USP of being comfortable, even almost unnoticeable wearable over hours without the flexible connection. I have never been a fan of long-term plug wearing so I cannot tip the scales. So when you have to replace a possible broken original Electrified Worlds Most Comfortable Butt Plug keep in mind that the wearing sensation can be very different. Since the neck is longer and thinner than on all other E-Stim Systems’ electrodes, the sphincter closes up more, so through the leverage this event is intensified when the anus twitched from the stimulation. As an added bonus the thinner and longer neck lowered the risk of the plug falling out when being out and about. This effect is supported by the different base design. The original base had a flat surface that was connected by a 45° edge to the sides. So a relatively large, flat surface was pressing against the anus, having some leverage effect. It is surprising, but the little tapering middle section makes for an enormously more comfortable, almost ergonomic wearing experience, compensating a bit the negative effect of the solid neck.

Detail of the Tapered Body with Blunt Tip

The stiff neck has another advantage. The original plug was a nightmare to push through the sphincter once lubed the toy. The body became slippery and gripping the base did not provide any help at all. With the rigid connection, even after lubing up the base serves as a comfortable handle. Speaking of insertion: Being made completely out of metal and polymer, in theory you can now use silicone lube with the E-WMCBP 2.0 – but only if you use it without e-stim stimulation. Silicone lube is an isolator. If you want sizzling e-stim fun, only use water-based lube (Specific e-stim lube is not necessary in most cases. Personally I use Swiss Navy Waterbased for e-stim).

Following the E-Stim Systems’ standard design for premium insertables, the E-WMCBP 2.0 addresses two of my major points of criticism on the original toy: Where on the legacy version lead fractures was a constant threat, the E-WMCBP 2.0 is virtually indestructible. Also cleaning is a jiffy: Unscrew the body from the base, take all elements apart and wash in hot dish-soap water, dry, sanitize, done.

Conclusion: An evolution in quality and performance of an iconic toy while losing a bit of the original’s uniqueness
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Very smooth sensation Through stiff neck probably not the “World’s MOST Comfortable” butt plug anymore E-Stim Systems Medium: £104.95
Large: £114.95
Unique Base-Body-Pole ratio
Excellent Build Quality & virtually Indestructible
Easy to clean

Tenderizer Paddle

Vendor: Ballistic Metal

The Ballistic Metal Tenderizer Paddle

In early January 2019 I was approached by Ballistic Metal if I was interested in designing a paddle for them. In the past, I have been involved with toy design of other manufacturers so I was excited to design a toy from scratch. My approach was not design something completely crazy and new but combine elements iconic for Ballistic Metal in a new way.

In order to not be too fanboyish over my own creation, this review is heavily based on the opinion of my testees who were not informed they were testing a design created by me.


The Tenderizer Paddle is a medium-size compact paddle. The overall length of this paddle is 330mm from which 130mm belong to the handle. The handle tapers towards the middle for a more secure and comfortable grip and was inspired by the Viper Paddle, back in early 2019 the only Ballistic Metal paddle to feature this handle design. Since one of my functional points of criticism of the vinyl covered handles of most of the other Ballistic Metal paddles is the covered up hole for a wrist loop, naturally I added a hole for a strap at the end of the handle.

Detail of the Ergonomic Handle

The main body measures 200x75mm. One side is smooth, the other side is textured with 3x3x1.5mm pyramids, known from the Tenderizer ball crusher. Due to manufacturing reasons this pattern is milled out of the paddle and thus surrounded by a small rim instead of rising from the paddle’s surface. In the middle of the impact area there is a 150x33mm rectangular hole.

Back than “like all”, now “like most” Ballistic Metal paddles, the Tenderizer is made out of 6.5mm thick aircraft grade aluminum (I’d love to get my hands on one of their limited edition polymer paddles).

Playing with the Tenderizer Paddle

The starting point for the design and the most noted design feature by my testees was the rectangular hole in the middle of the impact area. Since aluminum does not give at all (in safe play situations…), most aluminum paddles struggle with air resistance and an air cushion forming between the spankee’s body and the impact area both softening the blow. This effect is greatly reduced through this design, making the impact and sting more intense. By implication this means the Tenderizer is not paddle for novices or starting out a scene. While you can use the paddle for light tapping, the hole prevents an even warm-up of the skin over a large body area.

Detail of the Pyramid Pattern Impact Area

But the paddle is living up to what is has been designed to be: A tough and nimble paddle. The two different sides can be used to control the impact intensity. The smooth side is a bit softer pain-wise yet colors the skin more quickly. The side with the Clous de Paris pattern (the technical term for a pyramid pattern) stings more for several reasons. First, the initial impact is focused on the pyramids’ tips. Second, the air cushion is compressed between the pyramids so the dampening effect is lesser. If you are a mean top, move the paddle along the body during the impact for an abrasive sensation. The quicker you pull, the stronger the sensation.

The paddles dimensions and the grip were intentionally made considerably smaller than other ones so the paddle could be twisted while securely holding onto it to reach delicate body areas. While the hole does not really make the paddle suitable for CBT, it is a good one to specifically target the sensitive thigh areas on the inside or just below the ass. It is also narrow enough to hit the bottom of the feet. However, be careful when hitting this body area with full force! The unforgiving aluminum might injure the delicate bones inside the foot.

Detail of the Smooth Surface

Of course, what applies to all aluminum paddles, applies for this one too: The range of sensations can easily be extended by cooling or heating this paddle. After a scene, cleaning is easy. Wash it in hot soap water and sanitize afterwards. For even more thoroughly cleaning, bleach can be used but is frankly not necessary.

Conclusion: Intense, heavy duty paddle with two distinct sides.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Two different sides for wider range of sensations Pattern not as intense as possible due to “sunken” design Ballistic Metal $79.95
Intense impact due to limited air draft
Comfortable grip
Virtually indestructible


Toy Properties

Form: Dildo
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Almost whatever you can imagine
Firmness: Soft to Very Firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Organotoy


The Ash starts out with a very steeply tapered glans-like top about a third of the insertable length. ¾ of the back of the glans-rim is textured with smoothly rounded, yet pointed spikes. The intensity of these spikes is even higher through the significant drop from the glans to the body.

The body has half-barrel shape. The backside of the toy is almost straight down while the front arches from the tip of the glans outwards with the apex at 2/3 of the insertable length. The lower half of the front is textured with a symmetrical cluster of bumps. On the backside below the spikes around the glans 2/3 of the body is lightly textured with shallow vertical grooves.

The Organotoy Ash in Small and Large

The base is thick and wide for a secure stand and is decorated with a fantasy texture of bumps. As an option you can add a suction cup and/ or a Vac-U-Lock hole to the bottom to attach your Ash to a fuck machine or use one of the many accessories like suction cups or handles for even more vigorous manual fucking. Speaking of options: Ash comes in four different sizes (Quick note on the size chart: The firmer, the toy stands straighter so the actual sizes of the individual toy can vary).

Size Overall length Insertable Length Diameter Glans Drop below Glans Rim Max Diameter Diameter above Base
S 112mm 95mm 37mm 5mm 40mm 35mm
M 165mm 135mm 60mm 8mm 62mm 52mm
L 215mm 175mm 78mm 11mm 81mm 68mm
XL 270mm 220mm 98mm 13mm 102mm 86mm

Detail of the Vac-U-Lock Hole and Curviture of the Suction Cup

While I am at the topic of choosing your perfect Ash, Organotoy usually has a small stock of ready-made toys. But what sets them apart from any other toy manufacturer is the wide range of customizing for your toy. You can choose the firmness freely between Shore 00-30 (plushy!) and A30 (hard vinyl) depending on your taste. For the Ash I would recommend something between A5 and A20 because it needs the firmness to press the right spots. When it comes to your toy’s color, your imagination is the limit. Besides the wide range of colors they offer which can be either applied solid or marble or fade or whatever, a former Holldywood SFX makeup artist is in charge of custom airbrush coloring.

All toys are made with ISO 10993-10 certified platinum silicone which meets the highest standards of body and allergy safety. Naturally these toys are easy to clean with hot dish soap water and sanitizer for uncomplicated yet safe fun with several different partners. Though being made out of silicone lube-wise you should stick to water- and oil-based lubes. The silicone oil inside silicone lube will damage the toy!

Detail of the Glans Rim Drop and Vertical Texture

Before I dive into the hands-on part, a quick word on the pictures for this review: The toys this review is based on were from the first batch ever cast, basically late prototypes. Because of this the toys have imperfections like busted air bubbles. The finished product does not have this kind of imperfections (I will post pics on Twitter as soon as I get my Ash in Shore A30 ?).

Playing with the Ash

While the nicely tapering glans implies Ash to be a good beginner’s toy, this first impression is deceptive. Actually the complex texturing makes it a toy for more experienced ass player.

The most noticeable feature is the big drop below the highly textured glans rim. This part of the toy is designed to target the prostate (and as a FTM member of my testee panel says also the G-spot). The dullish tip of the glans along with the steep slope is perfect for applying pressure to these delicate body parts with high nerve ending density. Especially the small and nimble size S is handy for stimulating the perineum part of the prostate. For more intense stimulation of the prostate, the spikes on the glans rim come into play. The next escalation level is moving the spikes perpendicular to the prostate. This takes some training to keep the toy in place and not go too deep. A bit easier and even more intense is scraping the prostate with the ridge. Most intense (and popular among my testees) was combining the two movements by twisting the toy when moving the ridge over prostate.

Detail of the Bump Texture Cluster and the Textured Base

The same effect can be applied to the anus. But the shape of the toys makes it prone to be sucked through the sphincter, especially when well lubed. So it takes some dexterity to keep the glans rim positioned inside the anus. More interesting for this, yet another nerve ending high density body area are the two different textures on the body. The upper vertical grooves are perfect for twisting inside the anus. The lower bumps both come into effect when twisting and riding the toy, adding to the stretch sensation when moving up and down on it. Due to the texture, riding the toy over extended periods of time will make the anus looser compared to a smooth shaft. Yet due to the texture, Ash is again not a toy for novices who want to get a sloppy as. Before trying to conquer Ash, a smooth, round plug with half a centime larger diameter should fit comfortably.

Detail of the Steely Tapered and Dully Pointed Glans

Finally a word on the suction cup which on my Shore A10 form Large astonished me: It does not look deep but god does it have suction power! Even when vigorously riding, regardless if mounted on the floor or the wall, Ash stayed in place!

Where to buy?

Oragnotoy only sells through their website which due to high level of customization is only logical.  They usually do not have a small number of toys on stock but getting YOUR individual toy is more fun. Ash costs between 19,96€ in Small up to 139,96€ in XL. Depending on the firmness, color, etc. the price will be a bit higher.

Deluxe Portable Sling

The Mr S Deluxe Portable Sling

Vendor: Mr S

The Deluxe Portable Sling seems like a weird toy to kick off the new review season. It is marketed as an easy to carry tool for power bottoms playing outside their familiar “wellness swing” – something which in current times does probably not happen often. Yet despite the social distancing, I have been getting more not less questions about this toy in the last couple of weeks. So I guess all the slingless bottoms are looking for a comfortable solution to stuff their greedy holes while staying alone.

Before I dive into the review, a quick shout out to my dear pervy Teck from Austria who kindly lent me his Deluxe Portable Sling for over half a year to test it thoroughly.

Detail of the Neck Cushion


The core element of the Deluxe Portable Sling is one of Mr S almost iconic leather straps: Made out of soft yet sturdy belt leather, it is 3.3cm wide and about 160cmm long. The first 60cm on each side feature holes for the roller buckles with D-ring which is riveted onto the belts. Using the buckles, the loops’ circumference can be adjusted between 35cm and 60cm to accommodate each body type from short to tall. On each side there is a 20x5cm padded leather cushion, very much similar to the lining of Fetters Padded Restraint, which rides on the belt through three riveted leather loops. Between the buckles a lavishly padded back neck piece inspired by their posture collar rides on the belt via three riveted leather loops. This rather particular shape distributes the weight and draft more easily over the shoulders and the neck.

Detail of the Roller Buckle and the D-Ring

Playing with the Deluxe Portable Sling

Getting into this travel sling is very easy: Place the neck piece with the bulge facing towards your ass behind your neck. Then adjust the loops’ length so upper legs rest comfortably on the cushions placed just below your knees. If you want to raise your legs high, tighten the belt.

This adjustability is actually what sets the Mr S travel sling apart from other models on the market – in addition to the superior materials and craftsmanship of course. I have used this sling with bottoms between 167cm and 205cm and they all found a comfortable setting. Since both the leg and the neck cushion are movable, it can be easily moved for maximum comfort. Combining this with the fact that all cushions are really wide, the Deluxe Portable Sling is comfortable, even over extended periods of time. But to be frank, the upper back and neck still support the weight of the legs and every rocking motion is directly transferred onto them. So even if this travel sling feels almost as comfortable as sling you simply lay in, a kinky chiropractic I consulted did not recommend laying in this sling longer than half an hour and then take a break with upper torso stretching for at least 15 minutes.

Detail of the Leg Cushion

Another nifty feature are the d-rings on each side. They turn this penetration support into a piece of bondage gear. By locking wrist restraints or even better mitts onto them, the cock, balls and ass cheeks of the bottom are nicely exposed for all kinds of devious play. The d-rings are NOT for attaching handles for tops who want to pull their bottom closer during fucking! Especially rapid and forceful motions like pulling on them can damage the spin!

Conclusion: Best made and most comfortable travel sling out there
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Highly adjustable Despite everything, not a substitute for a real sling Mr S $189.95
Comfortable over long periods of time
D-rings for added bondage capability

Unboxing the E-Stim Systems Remote

Earlier this year E-Stim Systems replaced their aging Series 1 Remote with the brand new Remote power box. I haven’t had much chance to play around with the gadget yet but from the first looks of it, E-Stim Systems did improve almost every aspect. And since E-Stim in this times of crisis is a topic on many of my readers’ minds, I decided to give you at least a quick overview what is inside the package before reviewing the entire unit later this spring in a little E-Stim Special.

Like all E-Stim Systems power boxes, the Remote comes in a robust and nifty carrying case. Wrapped around it is a sleeve with basic info on the unit and its potential.

Inside the case, the layout is pretty standard: In the bottom EVA foam with cutouts for the box, battery and accessories, in the top acoustic foam to protect the unit and hide the instructions. Once I reviewed the box, I usually replace both types of foam with cube foam. This way I can tailor the interior for all the accessories I want to take with me to a scene.

The most important element inside the packaging is the power box itself. It measures 111x68x28mm and thus is one of the most compact boxes on the market. Being a remote controlled box, the exterior is pretty plain. The front has LEDs for the currently selected program in the middle and at the top end one which flashes when the box is firing and another when it is receiving signals from the remote. At the top of the box there is a power switch and a 3.5mm jacket for the lead. At the back of the box there is belt clip.

The remote just measures 60x33x8.5mm. It has four buttons: Two for intensity control, one for the program selection and a fire button. Above the fire button is a little LED which flashes when commands are transmitted. At the bottom of the remote there is a key ring.

Since the Remote is a single-channel box, it comes with one 150cm long 3.5mm jack to 2mm pin plug lead. The 2mm pin plugs is an interesting choice to name it mildly because 4mm banana plug is the system all other E-Stim Systems electrodes are using.

Like all E-Stim Systems power boxes it comes with my choice of batteries for e-stim: Duracel Industrial 9V battery.

To have fun right out of the box, the Remote comes with a pair of pad electrodes. They have a 2mm pin socket which explains the 2mm pin lead.

Like all E-Stim Systems products, the Remote comes with a Lifetime Guarantee if you follow the instructions on this card.

Unlike older boxes, the Remote does not come with a large manually but a easy to follow quick start guide, both for the box and the remote. In my opinion that is the way to go. Most people (especially if they read my E-Stim 101 ?) do not need a full manual but just a quick overview and dive into the fun. For the people who really want to dive into to box, you can download a comprehensive full manual here.

I look forward to reviewing this power box and give you a full, in-depth review soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions about this box, just get in touch!

Best for Self Play – Bondage

The Mr S Asylum Muzzle

I have long thought about if I should really write this piece. Self bondage is a delicate topic. The chances of something going wrong are higher than when you play with someone else – especially when you try to achieve the restriction level that kick most bondage subs. And if something goes wrong, there is no one to help you escape the predicament. I am well aware of devices like ice locks and the time locks that hit the market the past few years. But they are not failsafe and if you get a cramp or some other serious incident happens that requires your immediate attention, you are stuck in them until the time is off. So in this review I will focus on toys that will give you some sense of helplessness but are still easily enough to take off when necessary.

First some pieces of advice for when restricting your movement on your own:

  • I highly recommend sitting or laying down to keep your form accidently tripping and injuring yourself.
  • Get a virtual session sitter. Inform a friend what you are about to do and agree upon a time to check in with them once you are down. Set yourself an alarm clock which leaves you ample time to strip yourself out of the bondage on your own and call them back. If you do not call them in due time, they should inform the authorities about the potential predicament you are in.

The Fetters Chester Binder Restraints

The first I am going to recommend when playing on your own are the Fetters Leather Chest Binders Restraints. With the lockable chest bench has the important momentum of hearing and feeling the lock click, binding the restraints irremovable to your body once locked. For the sake of security and frankly practicality only wrap the cuffs around your biceps which will give you already restrict your arm movement properly. Also, you have something to look forward once the lockdown is over and your top will restrain your wrists to your chest making you even more helpless. Alternatively, take a look at the Fetters Heavy Leather Hogtie Set and just use the thigh restraints. They have the attached ankle restraints to bind these two body parts together, making it impossible for you to move your legs. Theoretically, both pieces of bondage gear could be combined on your own. However, the level of bondage is so intense that the time to take all restraints of in an emergency situation is too long so I strongly advise against combining the two together.

The Regulation Padded Posture Collar

However, there are two good toys matching these pieces of bondage gear. First is the Padded Posture Collar from Regulation. It forces you to keep your head facing straight forward. Since most of our head’s movements are intuitive, a sense of being severely limited will soon creep into your mind. Second is the Mr S Ultra Blindfold. It is the best, most effective and most comfortable blindfold on the planet. Period! It blocks out all the light with being barely noticeable, forcing your to look inside yourself and feel every little element of restriction and your predicament. I consider this specific toy essential to every toy collection because it is SO good. So even if you are not planning on playing with yourself, don’t have this blindfold and want to do some therapy shopping, buy this piece of gear!

The Mr S Locking Front Buckle Gag

For all the reasons above, head gear naturally is great for self bondage. However, I would not recommend combining head gear (except for the Bishop Head Harness) with bondage that restricts your arms like the Chester Binders. The chances of these pieces constricting your breather are very low but still there! So you might need to take them off more immediately than you can undo your arm and hand restraints.

The Mr S Bishop Head Harness with Eye and Mouth Cover Attached

The first piece of head gear is actually my favorite gag: The Mr S Front Buckle Gag. The lavish padding of the front feels like soft leather feels like a gloved hand covering your mouth, making all glove over mouth fetishist like me drool even more – as if the pecker inside your mouth would not be enough. You can this version with a locking buckle to intensify the feeling of being bound even more.

Mr s Leather Bad Hood

If you are a fan of feeling many straps around you or a piece of gear slowly encapsulating you more and more, the Mr S Bishop Head Harness is the head gear to go to. The lavishly used soft leather caresses your skin while the many straps are wrapped around your head. Once fettered you can add a blindfold or a gag for furthermore increase the bondage. To be honest, it takes a bit of practice to figure out in which order and how strong to tighten each strap. But once you have gotten the hang of it, it is an intense sensual experience (Big thanks to ReddyWhp who got me hooked on this experience almost exactly 7 years ago!). A similar experience regarding the soft leather wrapping around your face and straps being tightened gives you the Mr S Asylum Muzzle. Bonus feature: It has a zipper on the back so once adjusted you can put it on fairly easily and due to the lack of an attached collar, you can add the Posture Collar. The easiest to put on piece of head gear is the Mr S Leather Bag Hood. Simply pull it over the head, lightly tighten the leather cord around your neck and enjoy the isolation. The rich smell of soft, high quality leather is intoxicating. The two small nose holes should allow for enough air to flow to you if you breathe slowly and steadily.

As always: NEVER do breath play alone! Please be safe in all forms of self play and stick the two pieces of advice I gave at the beginning of the article.

This is the final piece of this series in which I have also talked about Anal Toys, E-Stim and CBT, Edging & Milking. I hope you enjoyed the articles and I would look forward to seeing you again some time around Easter when the regular review will start again. Until then: Stay healthy, stay kinky, stay isolated!

Best for Self Play – CBT, Edging & Milking

Oxballs Ballstretcher from Left to Right: Bullballs, Squeeze and Balls-T

In the last installment of this little series, I have already dipped a bit into the waters of CBT by looking at e-stim toys to torment your junk. Today will be all about manual toys to bring pain and pleasure to your genitals.

On numerous occasions I have talked about the effect of ball stretchers: Besides the obscene look and making your balls feel larger, they keep the testicles from being pulled towards your body when having an orgasm. This in combination with the bouncy motion during fucking or jerking makes your orgasms more intense. When starting out with ball stretching, I recommend the Oxballs ball stretcher made out of their various squishy materials. They take a bit of practice to put one, but if you make a mistake the effects are less painful than with a metal ball stretcher. Also, they cover a wider range of stretch which is important when you do not know your right size.

The MC Customs Ferrula

Ball stretchers are the perfect basis for ball slapping and busting. They provide a good grip and keep the balls from moving away. For ball busting, my toy of choice is the Oxballs Busting Paddle. It’s wide and heavy yet soft head delivers a strong and thuddy impact sensation on your balls. For more stingy sensation or slapping action, I prefer the MC Customs Ferrula paddle. Just be careful when you hit the balls with the Ferrula. Hitting the seminal ducts too often and hard can lead to permanent injuries.

Less painful but also requiring some care and attention when playing with them are vacuum cylinders from Thickwall Cylinder. Carefully pumping your dick, will make it puffy and more sensitive. So some people use pumping their dicks as foreplay for edging or milking. While pumping can help with erectile dysfunctions, the permanent increase in penis size has not yet been proving scientifically. Though, if you want to find out if your dick size will increase over the upcoming weeks of isolation, it will be an extremely enjoyable research process 😉

The Doxy Die Cast House in its Case

There are numerous different toy to make edging or milking your dick more pleasurable. The simple yet effective toys are the masturbators from Bad Dragon. They all have unique textures inside and are made out of supersoft silicone to accommodate even XL dicks. Unlike other masturbators the sleeve is not house in a case but you grip it directly. This way you can dose the pressure intensity just the way you need it. A step up the technology ladder is the Doxy Massager. Either use it on its own to tease the frenulum or add an attachment to pull over your glans, the strong vibrations will quickly get you off once, twice, thrice… What I often do is combining the Bad Dragon sleeve with the Doxy pressed against my perineum to get both my dick and my prostate stimulated. Finally, if you have tense muscles from the unusual workout at home, the Doxy is actually also a really good and strong massage tool! If you want the high end,  100% hands-free solution to your boiling balls, get yourself a Venus 2000. This milking machine will either keep you on the edge for hours or milk one consecutive orgasm out of your nuts after the other. It is a hefty investment, but it will bring you joy for years to come once this crazy situation is over.

In the next and final chapter of this little journey into Self Play I will take a look at Bondage Gear.