Oxballs Zap

Vendor: Oxballs

The Oxball Zap

The Oxball Zap


Unlike most Oxballs ballstretcher the Zap has an oval shape. It is 25mm wide and 38mm long with a height of 33mm. The material is 8mm thick so in combination with the compact shape it is a quite sturdy ball stretcher. On each long side there is a reinforced hole through which you can put the electrodes. They are made out of aircraft grade aluminum and have a conductive area with a diameter of 19mm. The rough mushroom shape helps keeping them in place. You can order them with either one or two electrode and 2mm pin or 4mm banana plug jacket.

Unlike most Oxballs toys this stretcher is not made out of FlexTPR but medical grade silicone.

_DSC0563-2Playing with it

This material choice is a curse and a blessing. It is firmer than the “usual” FlexTPR so the stretcher is a little bit stronger yet it is soft enough to be worn comfortable even just as a stretcher without e-stim. But the firmer material and small internal diameter makes it a bit hard and tricky to put the stretcher on – regardless if your ball are large (than the small diameter is a challenge) or if they are small (where you will struggle with firmness). This also makes putting the stretcher onto a bound sub a bit difficult.

So much about the criticism. I really LOVE that toy! The firmness becomes a huge advantage when it comes to e-stim. Regardless if the balls are large or small, meaty or skinny the electrodes make skin contact for a good and reliable stimulation. For a ball stretcher the electrodes have a pleasantly large mass and contact area so the stimulation can range from a smooth, tantalizing sizzle to excruciating pain. This especially works well when you get the stretcher with two electrodes so you can really fry your balls. The form of the stretcher makes it perfect for another form of CBT: Milking. The “traditionally” of e-stim milking it putting a conductive silicone loop around the glans. However with this method the stimulated area can’t be targeted precisely. But with the Zap’s electrode you can precisely target the frenulum for an intense stimulation of the most sensitive area of the dick. Luckily putting it on the dick is quite easy so it is my way to go if the stretcher won’t fit around the balls. Apart from using the electrode in the stretcher for CBT the mushroom shape makes them easy to grip so they can be used as a skin electrode. Simply apply some conductive lube and let them travel over your subs body. For doing so, please put something isolating around your fingers like rubber gloves so you don’t accidently let currency flow through your body.

Detail of the Aluminum Pole

Detail of the Aluminum Pole

As nearly every Oxballs toy this toy is easy to care for: After having used it throw it into hot water with a bit of detergent or in a club simply spray a disinfection solution on it. Oxballs says on their website that you can use any form of lube with it. However I don’t trust silicone based lube with this toy because theoretically the silicone oil in it will disintegrate the stretcher. But to be honest I haven’t tried it out. Because water-based lube will also improve conductivity of the electrodes I would recommend sticking to that kind of lube.

Finally a piece of advice when purchasing this toy: Usually I would recommend getting the electrodes with the jacket that fits your e-stim system. However in this case I would in any case recommend going for the 4mm banana plug jacket (unlike I did…). The stretcher sits between the thighs which is a rather confined space which is the perfect scenario for a right-angle plug. However there are no 2mm pin right angle plugs out there (if you know where to get one, please send me an e-mail) but there are 4mm banana right-angle plugs. So if you have a 2mm pin e-stim box, get yourself an adapter with a right angle, it makes your life and play with this toy so much easier.

Conslusion: Versatile e-stim ball stretcher once you have managed to put it on.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Versatile electrode usages Difficult to put on Oxballs (Manufacturer) $49 (one electrode)

$59 (two electrodes)

Good stretcher      
Resistant towards sweat, piss and most lubes & easy to clean  

Oxballs Unit X Stretch

Vendor: Uberkinky

Comparing the Unit X Stretch to the Nuttsling

Comparing the Unit X Stretch to the Nuttsling

Over 1 ½ years ago I reviewed Oxballs’ Nuttsling and it instantly became one of my favorite toys. So when Uberkinky offer me a review sample what Oxballs positioned as a more modern update to their “old” sling line I was instantly intrigued. So instead of a traditionally review I am comparing the new comer to the old champion to see who will be leaving this Oxballs family fight as a winner.


The Unit X Stretcher follows the same basic constructionas the Nuttsling with three holes: One hole through which you put your balls and dick which is oblique for a comfortable fit when it is pressed onto your body and a hole each for your dick and your balls. While the Nuttsling had a more industrial look with bulges for reinforcements the Unit X Stretch uses thicker material and a rough sand clock shape to create the same compression resistance. Through this and an additionally internal bulge in the tube going down to your balls the sack’s neck is compressed a bit for a nice bulky balls look. The major difference to the Nuttsling is that the tube opens up a bit behind the bulge leading for a more comfortable wear. Generally speaking all holes and tubes are 1 to 2mm wider than on the Nuttsling so generally speaking this toy is a bit more comfortable to wear – despite the bigger stretch. The tube going down to your balls is now 51mm long vs. 35mm on the Nuttsling. This more of room and comfort apparently lead to the omission of the recesses for your seminal ducts.

Detail of the Larger Holes

Detail of the Larger Holes

Material-wise a little bit has changed. Oxballs claims to have used a new TPR blend which is supposed to be more stretchy and rubber-like. For the stretch I can’t really tell. It is a bit easier to put on but I wouldn’t attribute that to the new material but to the larger holes. For the feel, yes it feels a bit different, not like rubber but a little bit smoother. More importantly: I felt that the shine stays on way longer despite extensive usage so it at least looks more like rubber.

Playing with it

In the review of the Nuttsling I said that it is made for really long-term usage. This applies even more to the Unit X Stretch. I have worn it on long parties, nearly all Folsom Europe, slept with it on for a night and never experienced any problems. This is due to the stretcher being a bit larger in any dimension and the tube going down opening up. The times I pinched skin when putting it on or walking around dropped to nearly zero. It is also a bit more comfortable to wear because the sand clock shape allows for little bit of collapsing on the narrowest point so the stretcher adjust a bit onto who much stretch your balls can take. This of cause doesn’t compromise the effect of a ball stretcher. The balls still bounce happily when jerking off or fucking and are hold properly far away from your body when they want to come closer for shooting your load making the orgasms more intense. In fact: Because my balls are a bit on the larger side I liked the extra 15mm stretch. The more of comfort doesn’t excuse you from a proper shave. Caught pubic hair between your skin and the stretcher can create quite sever pain when moving!

For putting it on nothing has really changed to the old model so I repeat my old instructions:

  1. putting both forefinger and middle finger inside the stretcher tube,
  2. squeeze and pull it apart,
  3. push the back against the point where your perineum meets your scrotum,
  4. pull the tube over your balls,
  5. than your dick through the hole and
  6. finally adjust the tube which will probably still be a bit deformed after the squeezing.
Detail of the Bulge for a Snug Feeling

Detail of the Bulge for a Snug Feeling

Despite the new material nothing has changed when it comes to lube. Oxballs still claims the new TPR blend is fine with any form of lube. I have tried it with water-based one, silicone lube and olive oil and Vaseline and it didn’t alter the surface. So even during a sloppy, messy fist scene with lots of Crisco it will stay nice and shiny. Another property of really all Oxballs TPR blends is that they don’t take over smells. So you don’t take the smoke smell of a crowded bar or other fumes from a dirty party back home. As expected the new blend also does not conduct electricity so the Oxballs Unit X Stretch can be used for isolating between two poles in electro CBT. The longer neck even allows for new interesting kinds of play: Until I have bought the Oxballs Zap last weekend in Berlin I used to stick two Mystim Silicone Pad Electrodes into the tube in order to fry the ball’s neck. I have to admit it is a bit of a challenge to place them there but the fun is worth the effort.

So at the end the question remains: Who is the winner? For me it is the Unit X Stretch. It does all the things the Nuttsling does just as good but a little bit more comfortable and with a little bit more stretch. To be honest I personally prefer the industrial look of the Nuttsling over the sprtoy streamlined one of the Unit X Stretch but when it comes to play

Conslusion: The new most comfortable ball stretcher I own with even greater long-term potential!  
Pro Cons Where to get Price  
Comfortable even over long periods of time A bit tricky to put on Uberkinky £24.99  
Flexible Uncomfortable when unshaved
Resistant towards sweat, piss and lube  

E-Stim Cock Straps

Vendor: Various

Detail of the Conductive Area and Strap

Detail of the Conductive Area and Strap

This review is about a basic e-stim toy nearly every major manufacturer carries. The one I have gotten were give aways with every electro box Mr S sold. Sadly they have stopped doing it and are not selling this particular toy anymore. So when reading this review please keep in mind that the actual measurements of different versions of this toy may vary! The way it works and the construction are all the same.


The main part of this toy is a rectangular plastic body. The bottom is made out of stainless steel for better conduction. On the one side of the top is a knob onto which the low profile lead is attached. The female side of this plug is made for 4mm bananan plug. The other side is a clasp through which the strap runs. It is made out of an elastic fiber and is approx. 17cm long and 2cm wide. The inside is made out of a conductive fabric.

Detail of the Clasp and Connection Knob

Detail of the Clasp and Connection Knob

Playing with it

The operation of this toy is quite easy: Simply put it onto the desired body area, make sure that the heart doesn’t lie between the strap and the other pole and tighten the strap so that it is fastened securely. They basically fulfill the same purpose as the conductive silicone loops I reviewed some weeks ago. Yet they have some important differences. The most notable is the handling difference: The edges of the toy is not conductive so you can theoretically place both straps next to each other without short circuiting your box. When turning up the power please be a bit more careful than with these loops. Despite the larger contact area and the fact that the conducting area is pressed onto the body the higher conductivity (at least when I compare my straps to my loops) leads to a stronger effect which is a bit more stingy. You can take away a bit of the sting by using conductive lube or soaking the bands in salt water before play. Through this property they are useful when your sub has maxed your box with the conductive loops. From experience I would say that these straps give you another 30% more sensitivity but as always with e-stim this can vary depending on the sub and his physical condition. I also tend to use them when the sub is not restrained tightly and moves a lot and/ or has a small dick which might cause conducting silicone loops to fall off. Due to these loops being kind of stiff the elasticity of the cock straps helps when you want to attach electro to rough body areas.

Conslusion: Essential e-stim toy
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Holds onto body even in difficult situations Difficult to create a smooth sensation Mr S $59.95
E-Stim System £28
MyStim 34.80€
Uberkinky £3.99

Shots Easy Rider Deluxe Anal

Vendor: Local Sexshop


The case with the Sleeve turned inside out

The case with the Sleeve turned inside out

The toy is roughly sand clock shaped, 16.5cm tall and with a diameter of 6.6cm. The case is made out of a somewhat flexible black plastic. On top is a little hole while the bottom is close by cap. Inside the case is the approx. 13cm long black sleeve which appears to be made out of TPR. The opening of the sleeve is supposed to be anal but seems more to me neutral so it doesn’t resemble any anatomic features. The first half of sleeve is a bit tighter and is textured with low profile ripples, the second half is wider and with low profile dots. The toy comes with a foam piece around it to create greater friction.

Playing with it

This toy is used like any masturbator: Lube up your dick using waterbased used (silicone and fat based lube will disintegrate the sleeve!) and shove your dick into it. Once you have entered you can put a finger over the hole on the top to create a vacuum or squeeze the case for a tighter feel. Once you are done, you can take the sleeve out of the case, wash it and turn it inside out for drying faster.

Hole on the Top for Creating a Vacuum

Hole on the Top for Creating a Vacuum

So much for the standard usage. Now to the play experience. This is one of the few spontaneous purchases I have made when it comes to toys. A couple of month ago I had a hell of a scene being bound, getting my nipples played with and some light BC done by one guy and the other one edging and milking me with the oral model sleeve of a Fleshlight. I want to recreate the sensation for another scene but couldn’t get an original Fleshlight where I live and didn’t want to invest so much money for a toy I would probably not use too often. But in Germany we have a saying “The one who buys cheap buys twice.” and sadly the saying also applies in this case.

The Masturbator Disassembled

The Masturbator Disassembled

I love my hand and never saw the need for a masturbator but I was ready to change my opinion but I was disappointed. While the material of a Fleshlight felt almost skin like (my thoughts were sort of elsewhere in the situation) this material smells a bit and is sticky. I would consider my dick average size yet the sleeve was too tight for me when using it with the case or without it. It was also a bit short. Once your dick is lubed up you don’t feel the texture because its profile is way too low. But with the right dick you can overlook this shortcomings; I have actually had some testees who theoretically enjoyed the sensation if the material would have been less sticky. But the two major problems ruin this toy: First the suction can’t be adjusted. You either close the hole at the top with your finger of you open it up. There is no state in between. Second theoretically you can increase the sensation by increasing pressure on the case. But it is so inflexible that the increase is negligible. Of cause there is the foam tube which fills out the space between the sleeve and the case. Or there was: I used this toy for an edging scene and the sub started pissing after he came so I had to throw the tube away. I replaced it with a ductape shut freezer bag filled with rice which is water proof. Sadly I was told by my more masturbator experienced testees that all inexpensive share on of the other shortcomings described above so this is a middle of the road masturbator. So if you look for really good a masturbator, take some more money look elsewhere. Either invest in a real Fleshlight or get a caseless jerk-off sleeve from an established manufacturer like Oxballs.

Conslusion: Inexpensive yet mediocre masturbator.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
In expensive Too small and too tight Shots (Importer) 12,08€
Easy to clean Sticky material
Suction not adjustable

Keepburning Zizi Plasma

Vendor: Keepburning

The Pair of Zizi Plasma Stretcher

The Pair of Zizi Plasma Stretcher


This toys come in pairs: You get two oval rings which measure 19mm by 27mm. On the short side the ring has a height of 29mm which goes down to 24mm on the middle of the short side. They are made out of TPR which makes them very easily to stretch wide yet the 6mm thick material guarantees a snug fit. Like with every other TPR toy it is resistant towards the most common forms of lube like silicone, water and fat based lubricants.

My pair is black but you can get them in 7 colors from classic black and transparent to vibrant neon colors.

Playing with it

Like the other Zizi Toys I have reviewed so far I have gotten this toy from Mister B.

Due to the small inside diameter and the medium stretch of the thin material together the ergonomic form that recessed towards the middle it is a good stretcher especially for tight balls. Also if your package isn’t too big this toy can work as a cockring. Especially if you like it tight put the second over the first one and enjoy a real squeeze. If you generally like the blood-staunching effect of cockrings regardless of the material put on or two Plasma rings on either end of your dick to staunch the blood in your glans or your entire cock.

An Example of the Stretchiness of the TPR

An Example of the Stretchiness of the TPR

So much for sexual play. For getting kinky you need really loose balls. You can use this toy to squeeze the neck of your balls when only a steel ball stretcher with a small internal diameter is at hand. A nice operational scenario for really low hangers is stretching each ball individually. You need fairly loose sack skin and really low hanging balls for this but once you separated the balls you can hit them individually or attach single silicone loops (or even better: silver coated cooper wire) to really fry them.

I have been playing with this toy for over half a year and I haven’t seen any problems with the material yet. But since the material is thinner than most other TPR toys I can imagine that it will break sooner or later. But with such a low price replacing it every other year shouldn’t be a too big problem.

Conslusion: Versatile and gear-friendly masturbation toy.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Ergonomic shape Medium stretch power compared Keepburning(Manufacturer) 12,90€
Interesting play possibilities for low hangers
2 for 1

Keepburning Zizi Cosmic Ring

Vendor: Keepburning

The Keepburning Zizi Cosmic Ring

The Keepburning Zizi Cosmic Ring


The Cosmic Ring is shaped like an eight. Both ends are 20mm thick and the material gets thinner to 7mm in the middle onto which Zizi rocket logo is wrought. Both holes have a diameter of 26mm. Being made out of TPR the holes can be stretched to accommodate even quite large dicks yet fit snug enough even for smaller dicks and smaller or tighter balls. Another benefit of TPR is, that it is resistant towards body fluids and most lube so even out of a sleazy group scene where silicone-based, water-based and fat-based lubes mixed it came out in top shape.

Playing with it

Even though it looks quite different than the Oxballs Trough I had the same question when I got this toy from Mister B: What am I supposed to do with this toy? But after playing around with it a couple of times it became a regular in my play.

Side view showing the difference in thickness between the ends and the middle bridge.

Side view showing the difference in thickness between the ends and the middle bridge.

Like the Oxballs toy is enhance the masturbation experience: Put one hole around your dick and the other one around your balls and the stroking movement will be transferred to your balls. Since the bulge at the back of the balls is a bigger than the one of the Trough the bouncing sensation is greater. If you get off bouncing rather than additional prostate stimulation I would recommend this toy as improving your self-pleasuring. Due to the more compact design it can also be worn and used without any problems when wearing a jockstrap of codpiece gear.

The stretchiness makes the Cosmic Ring also a versatile cock toy: Take both rings and wear it either as a cockring or a ball stretcher. Because one side of the package is 40mm high and the other one only 7mm depending which side you put in front of it either pushes your dick up or down and will let your ball bounce more freely or encourages slapping against your thighs when jerking off. Due to the bulges in either of the three configurations the separation between a silicone loop around the base of the junk and the balls is large and stable enough without having to short-circuit your box when the sub wiggles.

Example of doubling up the Cosmic Ring

Example of doubling up the Cosmic Ring

This is extremely handy since not everyone has as low hangers as I have thus making the Zizi Megamen or Oxballs Nuttsling too uncomfortable in the first place. On the other hand: If you have really low hangers and the Nuttlsing or Megamen is too short, due to the relatively large additional stretch the Cosmic Ring helps make cockslings even interesting for people who otherwise wouldn’t feel any stretch at all.

A weird form of play I have witness at a group scene: The connection of people. Some just put one ring around one dick and the other around another one. One transferred the stroking sensation onto the balls of another and I found a couple who was into docking (putting your glans under the foreskin of another person) and they put the holes behind their glans thus pumping them up a bit. I have to admit I don’t get this form of play but was glad to see them getting pleasure from the Cosmic Ring. This scene also dissipated some doubts if the rather frail looking bridge between the holes would withstand the tension which it did. I still wouldn’t put too much stress onto it too often. But then this toy isn’t too expensive if it breaks.

Conslusion: Versatile and gear-friendly masturbation toy.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Great for wearing under codpiece gear and jocks Middle part seems a bit frail Keepburning(Manufacturer) 16,90€
Resistant towards sweat, piss and most lubes

Keepburning Zizi Megamen

Vendor: Keepburning

The Megamen Cocksling. Notice the different long tubes which make for a different sensation depending which way you put it on.

The Megamen Cocksling. Notice the different long tubes which make for a different sensation depending which way you put it on.

As you might know I like a good pair of bouncy balls when jerking, fucking or just walking around (even though for that I prefer a bit more weight). Earlier this year I reviewed my favorite ball stretcher the Oxballs Nuttsling. Back then I already wanted to compare it to the Keepburning Megamen cocksling but couldn’t get my hand on one just in time. I was especially curious because Oxballs is a ball toy maker who ventured into ass toys while Keepburning is know for their high quality ass toys and now makes toys for your junk. A couple of weeks ago Mister B sent me this toy so I can finally write the review I have been waiting for over half a year.


Like all dick and balls toys of this kind the cocksling is made out of relatively thin TPR making it very flexible. You can get this toy in 8 colors so even the most fashionable sub get the shade which he thinks will festoon his junk best.

Detail of the reinforcement of the opening holes.

Detail of the reinforcement of the opening holes.

The basic form of this toy is like the letter T. The main body is trapezoid thus following the anatomy of an erected dick. The tubes coming out of both horizontal sides of the main body are 9mm and 13mm long. The perpendicular tube provides 22mm of stretch and has a diameter of 35mm. All opening holes are reinforced with three thin rings which provide a bit snuggier fit.

Playing with it

Believe it or not this toy was one of the most debated one between my testees and me; naturally since it was up against one of my favorite and most often used toys…

Even more than the Oxball stretcher this one is made for really long term wear. Providing less stretch with a larger diameter there is less stress on your sack neck. So if you have tighter balls or just if you just want the kink feeling of having something on your body which doesn’t have too much of an effect this is the right stretcher for you. I have worn this toy for three days and to three full workout cycles to the gym, rode a bike several times and it didn’t bother me at all. The TPR is resistant towards sweat or piss and most forms of lube making it a 24/7 toy – if you are shaved. Pubic hair getting caught between the TPR and your skin is an “interesting” sensation you want to avoid.

A comparison of the material thicknesses between the Oxballs Nuttsling on the left and the Megamen cockling on the right.

A comparison of the material thicknesses between the Oxballs Nuttsling on the left and the Megamen cockling on the right.

Putting it on works like the Oxballs: Pull the vertical tube apart and put your balls through there, adjust the tube than pull the main body over your hard dick.

For any more play than just “wearing a ball stretcher” it really depends what you are looking for and you anatomy if this is the right stretcher for you. In order to get the bouncy feeling in your balls you need to have massive balls or be into pumping or saline. I have an average dick and a bit meaty, low hanging ball sack and my junk felt a bit lost in this toy. In order to add stretch you can of cause always use one or two or three (you greedy boys ;)) TPR cockrings like the Zizi Top. Of cause this toy works well as a separator between the conductive silicone loops when you use them for CBT. However especially for smaller balls I wouldn’t recommend this toy as a stretcher for ball beating because during several scenes a ball retreated into the tube. One thing I like about this ball stretcher is the T-shape with the differently long tubes: When the longer tube faces your body your dick gets a bit a bit pushed down which is an interesting sensation when fucking someone.

Conslusion: Comfortable ball stretcher for tight or big balls with true long-term potential
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Comfortable Can only be really filled by large genitals Keepburning(Manufacturer) 22,50€
Flexible A bit tricky to put on
Resistant towards sweat, piss and most lubes Uncomfortable with pubic hair


Bon4 Metal Chastity Cage Regular

Vendor: Mister B

The Cage locked with a 51mm Ring attached

The Cage locked with a 51mm Ring attached

Chastity is one of the big things in (gay) BDSM. Handing over the control of one’s dick and orgasms to a top is one of the biggest sacrifices a sub can do without interfering too much with his day to day schedule. This is what makes chastity devices so intriguing.

Despite its popularity I haven’t done a chastity device review yet. I owned two: A CB6000 and a cheap steel one. The first was too small for my soft dick, the second had too sharp edges and without a proper and in-depth testing I am not writing reviews. So I was pleasantly surprised when Mister B sent me the new Bon4 Steel Chastity Cage size Regular to review. And I was more pleasantly surprised when I found out that it actually fits my soft dick.

Detail of the Locking Pin with Pad Lock

Detail of the Locking Pin with Pad Lock


The construction of this chastity device is fairly standard besides its being made out of brushed stainless steel. There is a cage which is connected to a ring behind your balls which keeps it from falling off. The cage is approx. 8,5cm long with a diameter of 3,7cm for the shaft and approx. 5cm for the glans. Between the cage and the ring there are two pegs with 1,2cm length to keep both parts at a comfortable distance and adding up to a total usable length of 9,7cm. The chastity device comes with four rings with the following diameters: 39mm, 44mm, 47mm and 51mm. With this variety the device should fit most dicks. If you have a smaller one you can always take a look at the small version for 149€.

The device has a few unique properties due to the material. The rings have a hinge at the bottom which makes putting it on quite easily. I have also heard a lot of reports from friends who’s dicks broke plastic/ silicone chastity devices over time due to material fatigue. This is defiantly not going to happen with this device. The build quality of the toy I have gotten is superb but if there should be any rough or uncomfortable spaces the toy comes with a little sheet of fine sandpaper and tape to mend these spots. There is also a small lock in black bag the toy comes in.

Playing with it

Detail of the hinged ring

Detail of the hinged ring

It is kind of hard to write this section. The chastity cage isn’t really a toy, it is a control device made to be worn 24/7. With the high build quality and the material which will withstand moisture and physical stress the Bon4 Metal Chastity Cage is up to the challenge. But in the end more than even any piece of gear it has to fit perfectly to fulfill its purpose. A too loose ring and you can get out of it easily or it will simply fall off when walking. A too tight ring will make wearing it for a long time uncomfortable or can even cause damage to your genitals due to cut circulation. So even more than with other toys I urge you to try it out if it fits you. If you have problems with the ring sizes Bon4 offers addition ones with 36mm and 56mm diameter. The lock is quite a high quality one but still it is more a psychological barrier for the sub. A skilled lock pick will sooner and a desperate sub will later figure out how to open it with a pair of paperclips. For checkable security I recommend using numbered plastic locks.

One of the greatest problems with chastity cages is hygiene. Most devices only have small holes for pissing and some for water because materials like plastic doesn’t allow for bigger ones without compromising stability. Yet again stainless steel doesn’t have this problem so the case basically consists out of holes with some beams which makes hygiene not problem. You simply shower wearing the cages and you are all set. The material also opens the door for some torture possibilities. Since metal picks up temperature quite easily most subs fund mild ice and fire play… interesting. And I probably don’t need to tell you that steel is conductive. Of cause there is a downside: The metal makes the cage way heavier than the plastic ones. My testees had very different opinions on that topic: Some found it uncomfortable, some loved the constant pull and movement on the balls.

Everything you get when you order the Bon4 Metal Chastity Cage

Everything you get when you order the Bon4 Metal Chastity Cage


This review covers only the “technical” aspects of the Bon4 Metal chastity cage. Chastity never has quite been my kink, partly because I was frustrated with the cages not fitting my dick. I also didn’t find the thought of handing control of my dick over to a top tempting. For this review I have worn the device on and off for a couple of days and was genuinely impressed how much I liked it. Yet a true long term test has yet to be done. A top friend of mine has challenged me to a week of chastity which will begin this Sunday. You can expect a small blog entry every day about my experiences and problems with the cage. But a week doesn’t say much about true long term usability. I have been looking for a sub to be locked up for quite some time and as soon as I have found one and put into the device for an extended period of time there will be a follow-up review.

Conslusion: High quality and robust chastity cage
Pro Cons Where to get Price
High build quality Heavier than other chastity devices Mister B 159€
Regulation £ 119,99
Sturdy material Can be a bit more visual under the clothes than other devices
Good hygiene


HML Electro Ballstretcher

Vendor: HML


HML E-StretcherThe stretcher is made out of one piece of soft leather. The twist with this simple construction is that the leather is folded so despite the one-piece-construction the edge is nicely piping like rounded. In combination with the soft leather it makes this stretcher extremely comfortable to wear. For added stretch strength there is a seam running around the leather making the construction a bit stiffer.

The Stretcher has a diameter of 3,7cm.

The Stretcher has a diameter of 3,7cm.

The stretcher is 4cm wide and has only one diameter setting of 3,7cm which should fit most balls. Sewed onto the body is a 2cm wide separator which can be adjusted to two length with snap buttons: 8cm length and 2,4cm space between the rim of the stretcher and the separator strap and 9,5cm length with 3,3cm. That makes it a bit larger than the Mr S stretcher I reviewed in February. So if you have big ball, take a look at this stretcher. Like the Mr S stretcher there is a welded steel D-ring mounted onto the separator which is hold in place by two rivets. Sadly the rivets are quite close together so the D-ring won’t be in the middle when you adjust the separator to the larger size. I have already talked to the guys at HML they are making a new version of this stretcher with two diameter settings and more space for the D-ring. If you want this version right now, just write it into the comments when you order this toy.

Detail of the welded D-ring

Detail of the welded D-ring

The pièce de résistance of this toy are the two electrodes for 4mm banana plugs mounted on the separator strap. Because they are separate you don’t need another pole to use them.

Playing with it

I can’t say much more about this ball stretcher than I said about the Mr S stretcher in February: It is very comfortable to wear and has true long term potential. And because the D-ring is welded unlike the Mr S stretcher you can even engage in rougher play with this stretcher than the Mr S one.

Detail of one of the two poles for 4mm banana plugs

Detail of one of the two poles for 4mm banana plugs

As said above what set this stretcher apart are the two poles. They are 4mm sockets mounted between the two parts of a rivet so they have very little mass. Thus even with a low setting on your box you can induce quite a strong and sharp sensation. Turning the power up will soon lead to agony. Most subs than start to wiggle trying to get the stretcher off – which makes anything you attached onto the D-ring extra effective. Because the poles are placed at the middle of the separator strap you can even put silicone loops around the separated balls for really fried eggs.

Conslusion: Great ball stretcher with a lots of play possibilities
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Comfortable to wear for a long time Only come on one width & diameter HML (Manufacturer) 24,90€
Welded D-Ring
Two poles for e-stim
Good value for money


Steel Ball Stretcher

I intended to publish this review as the last piece to my ball stretcher series. But somehow I couldn’t find an angle from which to review this toy because a general review especially of the particular toy I am owning would be useless for anybody who doesn’t have balls which are at least vaguely like mine. So this is probably going to be more of a “Buyers Guide to Steel Ball Stretchers”. Let’s see where the muses will take me…

Closing Mechanism

Detail of the closing mechanism of a split ball stretcher

The steel ball stretcher is as the name says is made out of stainless steel so it doesn’t rust. The other main property of steel is that it doesn’t give in: It either fits or it is too large. The way the stretcher fits is determined by its length and the diameter of the central hole. Depending on the vendor you are looking at it comes in a great number of length, for the diameter I have so far only seen 34mm and 38mm diameter. The diameter can be a bit tricky: When you have a meaty sack but small balls you might have a problem wearing a steel ball stretcher because you need a larger hole to fit the meaty neck of your sack but your small balls might slip through the hole when wearing the stretcher. Because the outer diameter can’t be increased infinitely due to being able to close your legs when wearing it both length and diameter impact the third factor characterizing factor: The weight. This is yet again something you need to try out in order to figure out which is comfortable enough. But please keep in mind that extensively wearing a stretcher with a lot of weight will ultimately stretch your balls (which might be the reason to wear one for some people). I have seen two closing mechanisms for ball stretcher: It either is split in two halves that are hold together with hex screws (depending on the length 2, 4 or even 6) or you have a ¾ steel ring and a magnetic quarter is inserted. Personally I prefer the ones you have to screw together because I have caught way too often skin or hairs between the steel and the magnet.

Diameter & Thickness

38mm diameter of the central hole and 42mm height for 660g lead to a 12mm thickness

I sometimes wonder if this item is really a toy because for a standard dungeon scene I prefer other ball stretchers. They simple tighten the ball more effectively and make gripping them more easily. But I have to admit that the steel band on the bottom of a stretcher makes a good surface when hitting the balls. Then again weights can be metered and attached more easily to traditional ball stretcher with D-rings (I have to admit that there are steel ball stretchers with welded eyelets on them but because they are so bulky I found the stretcher very uncomfortable to wear). In my opinion steel ball stretchers are more a piece of fetish accessory especially for people into CBT. They can be worn comfortable under everyday cloth and the moving momentum of the steel always reminds you that there is something kinky staying with you throughout the day. Of cause that can be turned into a great mind fuck scene: The top attaches the stretcher to the sub’s balls, keeps the hex and they go out for a walk or shopping. Some of my friends actually use light steel ball stretchers instead of a chain collar when the work environment doesn’t permit such a bold sign of submission.


My split ball stretcher disassambled

At the end of every review I reach a verdict but this time I don’t really what to say: I love my ball steel stretcher but as said not as a toy but as a piece of gear. If you want something for torture in the playroom there are better and more flexible alternatives out there. But if you want something to carry your craving for CBT into the everyday life you should definitely give this toy a try.

Vendor Price
Mr S Split Ball Stretcher (1,25cm – 5cm) $59,95 – $99,95
Mr S Magnetic Ball Stretcher (4,12cm) $129,95
Mister B (1,5cm – 12cm) 59€ – 199€