HML Electro Ballstretcher

HML Electro StretcherThe last two weeks I have been talking about ball stretchers and will continue the next couple of weeks. But D-Rings and dividers are not only the only extras you can put onto a ball stretcher: This one from HML has both of the features and two electrodes to fry your balls. The thought of weight pulling down and swinging on my balls while they are zapped or setting the weight in motion by the shocks is really tempting. And 24,90€ for a leather ball stretcher with divider, a d-ring AND electrodes is a fair price.


Reader Request and Site Housekeeping

As promised earlier this year I made some requested design changes: All old articles have gotten a new layout for a more attractive appeal and easier access to the pictures. Also, the conclusion box is back but without points in different categories. Instead the conclusion, pro and cons and where to get is put in a more structured way. The look of the box isn’t final yet but it is an improvement over the old style. Also after some requests I have where possible incorporated links to other big stores (until now Mister B for Europe and Mr S for the USA) where you can get the product from. With toys which are made by a big kinky manufacturer like Oxballs this is easy because the products I reviewed are the exact same in every store. Other toys, like the Clover clamps, can come from other manufacturers with different feather pressure, etc. So the link to the product I am actually reviewing is marked as “manufacturer” even though the store in most cases doesn’t really produce the toy themselves. A request I haven’t really figured out yet how to implement in a lucid way is to tag articles by which stores sells which toys For a little more comfort when browsing for toys from a certain store there now is a spreadsheet on the “Review” landing page where you can browse the reviews by manufacturer/ store, category and toy name. Sadly my WordPress theme still messes with the layout and the drop down boxes don’t work yet. Last but not least: I have finally put content on the FAQ page. If you have any other questions you think others also want answered feel free to send them to me and I will post them.

I have also gotten a couple of mails asking me to review some more basic and inexpensive toys. As most of the time I listen to my honored readers. Some of you might have already noticed the last two weeks I have been publishing reviews of ball stretchers and there are still some reviews to come. In my opinion ball stretchers are an essential and inexpensive toy so I hope you are happy with this little series even though I have to be honest: At the moment I am looking forward to test and review other stuff than ball stretchers right now. So I am hoping you are as excited as I am about the other great toys I will review in the not too distant future.

E-Stim Systems 1 ¼ Inch Flanged Bipolar Electrode

Mock Up Electrode compared to exising Products

This is a first time in the desiderate section: I am not only wanting a specific toy, I am (hopefully) helping designing one. As you can read here I am a big fan of the E-Sim System’s premium bipolar electrode. They are comfortable to wear and will probably outlive me.

Outline of 1,25 Inch ElectrodeBecause E-Stim Systems is based in the United Kingdom they use the imperial measurement system thus their products come in sizes 1”, 1,5” and 2” (and of cause much, much bigger). At least in my opinion this leads to very big gaps between the different sizes: While a n electrode with a  1” diameter is easily inserted (and most likely will as easily fall out again), one with a 1,5” diameter is for people with an untrained anus already a struggle, especially when it comes to Flanged series which has dull heads.

I have always liked the concept of their flanged, easy to sit on electrodes, especially in combination with a remote controlled box. But all electrodes in the range were either too small (the difference between the head and the neck with the Flange is so little it will most likely fall out of your ass when you walk) or too big. So I am hoping that in some point of time they will start manufacturing a 1 ¼” electrode: Not too big to cause any bigger problems when inserting but with a large enough difference between the head and the neck to walk around freely without having to fear approx. 220g of Steel falling out of your ass. In the end it is in your hands to get it into production: I have talked to the guys at E-Stim Systems. If enough people demand a product they will put it into production.

How Mister B brightened my week

As a marketing person I have been taught to never start a message with a negative statement. But today I somehow can’t do anything else: My week has been shitty so far. On Monday I fell down some stairs on campus and have to walk on crutches. Holding on crutches while standing in a crowded metro probably made me an easy victim because in such a place my smartphone and a set of expensive and very dear to me pens were stolen out of my pocket on Wednesday.

Mister B Medical Padded Leather CollarDespite the theft I went to Demask with a friend of mine in order to look for a collar for him. He decided to go for a custom black version of the Mister B Medical Padded Leather Collar because he wanted a locking buckle. When leaving the shop I saw the Mister B beanie hanging behind the counter. I wasn’t really in the mood for any further browsing even though I need a new one so I didn’t ask for the price.

Mister B Boot BagMister B Gym Sack used as Sneaker BagToday I went on Mister B’s website and discovered they have updated their entire signature line. For some time I have been using two of their gym sacks for keeping sneakers or dildos together in my suitcase or as a light and small bag for an essential selection of toys to carry around in clubs. I tried carrying around boots in them twice. Sadly they are not big enough for 20 hole rangers and the rivets aren’t really designed to hold such weight. Mister B Gym Sack used as Dildo BagSo with great delight I found out that Mister B now has a dedicated boot bag. I haven’t any measurements and they won’t arrive at Demask until next week but I from the pictures I believe that the bag can hold a pair of cross boots or two pairs of 20 hole rangers. I will update this page next week when I have taken a look at the bag itself.

Mister B Messenger BagBasically the same thing applies for their new messenger bag. For some time I have been looking for a smaller alternative to my large ones when I just need to carry around a tablet, a sketch book and a bottle of water. It looks rather small so I am not sure if it will hold everything I need but I am definitely excited about a kinky branded bag.

Shirt BackFinally I probably have just been blind but did Mister B update their shirt line? I’ve never seen someone wearing it with a large logo on the back. I am a big fan of shirts with prints on the back. Might just put a size L in black on my birthday list.





For those who are wondering when the next review will be up, I am thinking about Sunday and I am thinking about to review my three bipolar electrodes from E-Stim Systems.

E Stim Electrodes

On Trying to Order a “custom” Surf Suit from Rubber Bob

The first piece of rubber I ever got was a size M surf suit from Blackstyle. When I got it, it fitted quite ok but over the last 2 ½ year I got a bit beefier around the chest and shoulders and sadly a bit wider around the belly. I also got used to color on my latex pieces and since an all-black cat suit as a basic piece is planned to come in 2014 I decided to get myself a new surf suit.

With money being a bit tight as a student (I know I should spend less on toys and more on gear) I looked for alternatives to the great yet more expensive German manufacturers. was recommended to me by a bunch of my British Twitter followers. They told me he made basic pieces in good quality for great prices. When I first visited his website I was kind of… surprised by the layout and product pictures. Apparently the website is 13 years old. But if the quality of his products is up-to-date I do not really care about the business’ public appearance. Clicking through his offering I found that surf suits are called “Andy Style” and that you can e-mail them for custom modifications. So I got in touch with him in late October asking about a surf suit with a yellow zipper, two yellow stripes and yellow piping in 0.6mm black latex. As expected due to his focus on basic pieces the colored zipper and the piping weren’t possible. Due to the upcoming Christmas season I didn’t pursue getting a new surf suit any further.

On Wednesday I had a friend over for tea, put him into my rubber surf suit and he loved the look and the feel of rubber yet didn’t want to spend as much on his first piece as I did. Meanwhile I made plans to attend a rubber U35 piss party at the beginning or March in Karlsruhe which gave me a reason to get a new surf suit. So today I got in touch again with Bob this time asking if I could get two yellow stripes on the side and 5 instead of 3 runners on the zipper. He replied that the suit is made out of 0.45mm rubber, only comes with one yellow stripe and that no additional runners can be added. Since runners are easily added in Germany and I can live with one stripe I inquired if I could get the suit made out of 0.6mm rubber for of cause a higher price. He replied that he wishes me best of luck in finding a manufacturer that would match my requirements which left my kind of puzzled: Maybe I am spoiled by the waste amount of options I get offered for example when I am at RubAddiction, Rubber Factory or Blackstyle but simply taking a thicker rubber sheet and charging more for it is in my opinion not a crazy or difficult to fulfill task. So in the end I will probably keep my Blackstyle surf suit or turn to China and see if they are as good or as bad (depending on the source) as the internet claims they are.

Unser WordPress soll schöner werden

For the last couple of month I have been running tests and collecting feedback from selected readers about the design of the website. The main points of criticism were:

  • Due to the static welcome page new content is hard to find
  • The category landing pages are just ugly
  • The way pictures cramped at the top of the articles look bad
  • The light box is not working properly
  • Especially in longer articles the layout could be better

Embarrassingly I had to agree to all points of criticism. Most of them were due to me not being able to deal with WordPress correctly. As you might have seen from today’s posting I have started addressing them and spent some time last week finding plug-ins that work for me in order to make the articles more attractive. Over the next couple of weeks there will be some additional changes to the website. And MAYBE (that is a big maybe) the comment function will be reactivated. So stay tuned and check back on in a couple of days.

Mister B Padded Rubber Restraints


Last weekend I was in Karlsruhe at the Mister RubClub contest. It was a great event and I had loads of fun playing with a newbie. However, I learned that I am missing an important piece in my gear collection: Piss-proof restraints.

Leather doesn’t really like piss, but luckily there are a number of different materials out there: Neoprene, Velcro and rubber. Neoprene isn’t really my kink, it takes some effort to get the piss washed out of Velcro so that leaves rubber. Sadly rubber isn’t really made for hard playing. Most rubber restraints are either made out of the thick, hard kind of rubber with mostly sharp edges (in Germany we call them old tire rubber) or the softer one latex gear is made out of. That particular rubber looks great but when made out of two layers with fabric in between for reinforcement it is too weak – at least for my kind of BDSM. So finding the right kind of restraint for the piss AND pain pig in me is kind of hard.

Luckily Mister B offers just the right kind of restraints: On the outside is sturdy, reinforced rubber with rivets holding the D-rings in place, the belt loops are also reinforced with metal and on the inside there is thick padding beneath soft rubber which guarantees long term comfort when playing or even just wearing. Since they restraints come with different piping colors you can eve wear them as accessories or hankies. If I remember it correctly Mister B was also making matching collars reading “Piss Pig”, “Fuck Toy”, etc. but I can’t find them on their website anymore. You might need to ask your local Mister B dealer or contact them directly if you want one.

However, there is a downside with these restraints: The price. The pair of wrist restraints cost 105€, the pair of ankle restraints 112,50€. For the effort and difficulty of making theses restraints it is a good price point but sadly still too much to make me pick one up when I drool over them at their Berlin store or Dortmund’s in store boutique. So if anyone is looking for a belated Christmas or New Year present, please feel free to hit me up.

The Wonders of Playing with a Newbie

I spent the last weekend with friends who are part of the organizing committee of the Mr RubClub contest where Germany’s MIR contestant is chosen. It was a remarkable party due to two reasons.

First it was my first contest party. The contest itself was fun despite the under heated room. I have never been at a drag show because it didn’t interest me (until now?) but the MC who was a SPI member was hilarious so I might visit a drag show this year. The contest wasn’t as interactive and complex as the ones in the US, it is basically just a series of short films where the candidates present themselves and their relation to the community and afterwards everybody can cast their vote. However, I have rarely felt such an intense sense of connection within and with the kinky and especially the rubber community. It was an awesome experience.

Second and more important was the experience of playing with a person fairly new to BDSM. I was introduced to him on PlanetRomeo prior to the party through a mutual friend. He was cute but I wasn’t really in the mood for playing. He was feeling subbie and in Germany most of the fetish community events are more about fucking than BDSM with everything that goes along with it (p.e. difficult access to toys stored at the checkroom, strange people touching you while playing, etc.). But he and my friend convinced me to take some toys with me after all. After the contest was done, I grabbed my little toy bag, took him to the playroom, bound his hands behind his back, attached two silicone loops around his balls and dick and attached them to my ET232. What followed afterwards was an incredible experience. Not only did he respond really well (he maxed my estim box on High Frequency, something I have not managed yet which was incredible hot) but I was struck by the sense of wonder, excitement and enthusiasm he was showing. The glowing in the eyes, the subtle intensifying of his breathing turning into moaning when I turned up the intensity, teaching him how to breathe and work his way through the pain, resulting into the changing of his face expression from agony to ecstasy. It was more rewarding and satisfying than some session I have with an experienced pain pig when the inner sadist comes through wanting my subs to wiggle and scream as much as they can. After he had enough you could really see the gratefulness in his eyes and the involuntary smile of endorphins rushing through his body as soon as the box was turned off.

After we grabbed a drink he was so curious about the BDSM scene, how stuff works, what can, should and mustn’t be done. And the entire 5 hour bus drive home the next day we were texting forth and back allaying his thirst for knowledge. The situation was kind of bizarre to me: I have ever thought of myself as a more or less experienced “newbie” to the scene having only been really active for about three years and there I was helping someone else discover the great world and wonders of BDSM. From what and how he is asking I am pretty sure he will become an awesome Kinkster, a greedy pain pig and maybe even a good top.

I have to admit that I am mostly trying to play with more or less experienced kinksters because the play is mostly easier and more intense – and I believe at least some people in the community feel the same way. But all it took was about an hour of my time to spark the fire in ones heart and what I got back was emotionally so rewarding and in the long term might enrich our community with another hot, creative and perverted fucker. So please see this short piece as an encouragement for a new year’s resolution: The next time you see someone standing shyly in the corner of a leather bar or someone with now experiences who just wants to try messages you, sacrifice a bit of your time and give him a glimpse into our world. You will probably be rewarded with something way more satisfying than just a great scene.

Don’t Inject Poppers!

Once in a while I get questions I think/ fear others might have and for the better for all kinksters I decide to post my reply publically. This poppers question is one of them:


I really like poppers, it helps me take bigger things up my hole but the effect of the poppers is only so short-lived. Would it help to inject the poppers maybe directly into my anus to maximize the effect?

Short answer: No, it is even dangerous!

Long answer: Poppers is caustic, especially in delicate areas like muscous membranes (p.e. in your nose). There have been reports of death when swallowed. When you inject it directly into a muscle you “only” will win a trip to the emergency room and sever burns inside your muscles.  Injected into a vein it will be leathal! If you want to know more about poppers, listen to this great short episode of the NoSafeWord Show.

But there are a number of other options you can use in order to prepare your hole for some intense action:

  1.  Anal relaxation sprays: A combination of caring and relaxing botanicals like lavender or rosemary is sprayed on the anus and after a short time your anus will find putting stuff into yojr ass more easily. There are a number of different products on the market and not everyone works as well for everyone like poppers. Try some out. Sadly they are rather expensive.
  2. Special lube: There are numbening lubes out there which relax your anus and make it less sensitive so you can apply a bit (!) more force when pushing things inside your hole. My friend Drewlion developed a special lube also using botanicals like the sprays to facilitate relaxing. Since he uses essential oils they are technically not (latex) condom/ glove safe.
  3. Local anesthetics: In order to insert catheres or other medical device into untrained holes local anesthetics like Lidocain are used. They come in gel or spray forn and work great but have the downside that they will affect your feeling so the insertion sensation will be somewhat between different to nonexisting. More importantly: You will probably not feel if something goes wrong so be extra careful!
  4. „Poppers“ containing balm: Another medicine you can use are balms used to tread anal fissures. They contain Glyceryl trinitrate p.e., will relax your hole and will make you a bit dizzy like with a small poppers rush.

If you don’t want to apply anything to your hole and toys, hypnosis and self-suggestion can help loosening up your hole. You see, there are a lot of possibilities out there to make the anus extra soft but doing something very bad with poppers.

Christmas Gift Tip IV: Books

In a few moments I am off to my folks at home for Christmas but I don’t want to let you alone three days before Christmas Eve without some last minute gift ideas. Since books are still one of the easiest to obtain goods in our economy here are three books I would recommend for every Kinkster to own.

Leatherfolk by Mark Thompson


When I was in Chicago this spring this book was recommended to me by a fellow Kinkster of being a basic reading and I have to agree: Covering everything from the history of the scene by decade since the war through gripping autographical examples , essays that explore our lust and desire from a personal and scientific angle up to the spiritual aspect of kink it provides background info for the novice and new ideas for the experienced player.

Leathersex by Joseph W. Bean


This book has a more hands-on approach. It covers nearly every possible kind of play, gives advice and thus showcases what can be done to a sub. It goes into fairly depth in every topic so for a novice top it is a good basic read to get started. More experienced players will probably discover something new to try out.

Urban Aboriginals by Geoff Mains


In Urban Aboriginals Mains brings science to the play party. He discusses the influence of our body’s gratification system on why we enjoy kinky stuff and how our scene works on a sociological base. Despite some hot example texts and quotes from kinksters it can be a hard read sometimes but when you want to know why your dick is jumping when certain things happen, read this book. But I have to give a word of warning: The book was written in the early 80s and I am not a neuro scientist so some of the things describe might be outdated or proven wrong. If you have knowledge about that please write me an e-mail.