Weredog Gage

There Weredog Gage XL in Signature Color

Vendor: Regulation

When Weredog entered the anthropomorphic dildo scene roughly two years ago, I immediately got dozens of questions about their material and manufacturing quality. Because of that, I am glad that thanks to Regulation I am able to be reviewing one of their most requested toys in this series.

Update May 7th 2021: When I published this review about ¾ of a year ago, I was kind of torn what to think about this toy: I like the shape and design but the soft firmness ruined it for me. Now I have gotten a signature colored XL Gage in firm which addresses this issue. So I am revisiting and updating this review.


The Gage starts with a dulish, almost human like glans. Around the rim there is a thick and wide ridge, almost like on the SquarePeg Acorn. The shaft below has an overall oval shaped and is two-parted. On the upper, slightly barrel-shaped two-thirds texture it king. On front there is a cluster of four three-parted scales while on the back a network of on big horizontal and two smaller vertical veins add a little stimulation. The shaft’s lower third is an enormous smooth knot. At the bottom the knot’s two semi-spheres taper towards a tiny neck which again flows into wide and sturdy base.

Left a Weredog Gage in Medium Firmness tipping over, right one on Firm standing up

If you choose the toy in any firmness but firm, the size of the neck becomes a problem since it is too thin to support the massive shaft. I have several toys that cannot stand upright on its own (for example Bad Dragon’s Elden) but a soft or medium firmness Gage is an extreme case! The neck is so thin and bendy that riding the toy is a challenge! My testees and I had to focus on “controlling” the shaft when riding that it took away part of enjoying the texture. Luckily my firm Gage fixed this issue. It stands upright on its own and doesn’t break out when riding it. At Shore 00-45 the firm version is about as firm as a Bad Dragon medium so the texture is not too scruffy. But of course the knotting in firm is hefty. The base is lightly textured with small ridges and mimics the look of a huge ball sack giving the toy a secure stand.

Note: I am doing this review based on the XL which I measured. All other numbers in this table are based on a quotient between my toy’s length and the length on the website, assuming that the sizes scale proportionately.

Size Overall Length Insertable Length Glans Rim Mid Shaft Above Knot Knot Neck
S 170mm 147mm 32x29mm 50x36mm 40x27mm 42x48mm 31x28mm
M 213mm 180mm 41x36mm 62x45mm 50x34mm 53x60mm 39x36mm
L 271mm 231mm 52x46mm 79x57mm 64x44mm 68x77mm 50x45mm
XL 330mm 285mm 63x56mm 96x69mm 78x53mm 82x93mm 61x55mm

Detail of Gage’s Voluminous Knot

The Gage like all Weredog toys is made out of pure platinum silicone. This has a couple of advantages: Being super-smooth it is not only easy to insert but bacteria have a hard time lingering on it. Furthermore it is easy to clean: Just use soap water, give it a good brush to get the lube off, let the toy dry, spray some sanitizer on it and you are got to go. Though two words of warning: Only use water- or oil-based lubes on silicone toys. The silicone oil in silicone lube will disintegrate the silicone and destroy the toy over the long run. Also, silicone does not play well with other plasticizers. So store it separately. Luckily, the toy comes with a nifty black storage cotton bag that offers some level of protection. Weredog uses a silicone with a velvet-like surface. The makes the silicone slightly sticky to lube does stay in place more easily. The disadvantage is that it easily attracts dust. For the pictures in this review is washed the Gage and dried it with a high end microfiber cloth. In the process of taking the pictures, I could watch the toy getting more and more dusty…

Detail of Gage’s Scales

All Weredog toys at used to come Regulation come in “Jet” colour which is an interesting shade of black, almost a very dark anthracite and medium firmness. Now they come in the signature color which means for Gage a blue tip that fades and dribbles to black while the base is snow white. It is an interesting look that especially comes to live under UV or blue playroom lighting. Firmness wise they are split: They have a firm base (Shore 00-45) and a medium (Shore 00-41) body which mean Weredog leans to the softer end of the firmness spectrum. To give you a comparison example with a popular and widely used toy: The knot has roughly the same diameter of a large SquarePeg Acorn. In SuperSoft the Acorn feels firmer than Gage’s medium firmness knot.

Playing with Gage

Detail of the Glans with the Thick Glans Rim Bulge

The clever and complex design of Gage make it a treat for everybody interested in high intensity anal play. To be honest, it is a toy more for the experienced player because the dull tip takes some pre-stretched and already loose sphincter to let Gage in. But once the glans penetrates the anus, the FFun begin.

The first highlight is the bulge around the glans rim. It is very voluminous and thick so it is perfect for triggering the stretch sensation of the many nerve endings inside the anus. With a bit of training and taking the glans reverse you can even target the prostate.

Though the real means for prostate stimulation (and in one [locked] case of testee panel member prostate milking…) on Gage are the scales. Their relatively steep ridges are not as intense as they might look at a first glance due to the material being quite soft. The flow of rise and drop when riding the shaft creates an intense massage sensation both at the anus and the prostate. Two testeee panel members created a “sport” to find the right amount of lube and speed to get to a friction sweet spot. Riding the barrel-shaped upper two-thirds of the shaft stretches and makes the hole nicely loose.

Detail of the Thick Veins

This looseness is absolutely necessary because the knot sits perfectly perpendicular towards the rest of the shaft. Yes, the two semi-spheres of it are somewhat guiding the sphincter to open up. But still, the massive size, the stretch being perpendicular towards the anus’ ergonomics and the steep slopes will be a challenge, taking the hole’s stretch to the max. And once the knot pops in, it locks in place due to the thin neck. Adding to this effect are the knot’s shallower slopes at the bottom that intensify the stretch when taking it out. All things considered, taking Gage’s knot is one of the more intense, probably also extreme experience in toy play. But also very rewarding and literally fulfilling. The knot’s pressure on the prostate was intense enough to make one testeee have an anal orgasm. Though one word of caution when playing with the XL: When knotting it, you should be depth-savy a bit because depending on your body taking the entire toy will in most cases cause the glans to knock on your second hole.

Like most complex anal toys, a different level of fun is reached when playing with a top who manually controls Gage. Through the oval profile, once he starts twisting the toy, a new level of stretch is reached and the textures become more even intense!

Detail of the Thick Base & Too Thin Neck

When playing on your own, the Gage is a bit of a diva that needs special handling. The neck between the huge and heavy body and the large base is quite thin so the toy tips over in soft and medium firmness. So for the initial popping in, hold the shaft, push the glans through your anus and let the fun begin. Once inside, you can still vigorously ride the dildo but with soft and medium firmness ones it takes some practice to control the flopping around neck and thus tumbling shaft! The base is large and thick enough to keep the toy from moving.

So all things considered, Gage even in the small size is probably not the right toy to start your anal adventures out with. But if your hole is a little bit pre-stretched already or you can even easily take a fist, it is a perfect toy to reach new stimulation heights through texture and stretch.

Where to buy?

You can get the Gage at Regulation for prices between £70 and £155, depending on the size. They all come in Jet black and medium firmness. But you can contact the Regulation customer service for custom orders.

Axel, Bruiser & Dexter

Toy Properties

Form: Dildo
Material: Platinum Silicone
Colors: Almost endless combinations
Firmness: Soft to Firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Bad Dragon


What can I say about Bad Dragon toys which I have not already said? They started out over 11 years ago with crafting anthro anal toys and have become somewhat of a benchmark in platinum silicone toys. They were one of the first companies to only offer toys made out of this body safe, easy to clean and great color-showing material. To manage the sheer endless coloring possibilities, they very early developed a 3D visualization, actual sizing and comparison tool on their product pages. So you can spend hours playing around which toy in which size and which color will be best for your rectum and playroom decor.

Bad Dragon Dexter, Bruiser & Axel

While the choice for a color is a purely aesthetic one, an important play-wise choice is choosing the correct firmness. Bad Dragon offers three different ones: Soft (about Shore A2), Medium (about Shore A5) and Firm (about Shore A8). The firmer a toy, the more the texture will be felt and the less it will give in and bend. This is especially important when it comes to longer toys which have to penetrate your second sphincter. Bad Dragon offer sample discs for their firmness but keep in mind the larger a toy, the firmer it will feel.

Detail of Dexter’s Glans & The Scale Ridge

While platinum silicone is really easy to clean (soak in warm dish soap water, scrub excess lube off with a soft brush, rinse, dry sanitize and store away), an important word on the lube choice: ONLY use water or oil based lubes with silicone toys! The silicone oil in silicone lubes will tarnish and disintegrate your toys over time!

Due to the high level of customizability, Bad Dragon toys can only be ordered at Bad Dragon. So much for what all Bad Dragon toys have in common. Since the design of each individual toy is highly influence by it’s shape, I will discuss the design and sizes for each toy separately.

Playing with Axel

Axel starts out with a dullish, almost human glans. The glans rim in the left and the right is textured with a band of five rather prominent bumps. While on the back of the glans it flows into the shaft smoothly with a smooth ventral groove, in front there is a steep, almost vertical drop. In combination with the spiked bulge around the glans rim, the tip of the dildo has a very noticeable pop when penetrating the sphincter. The shaft’s top is lightly textured with bulges left and right from a smooth center. Directly on both sides is another line of high-rising bumps while the bottom of the shaft is almost smooth except some very shallow grooves.

Detail of Axel’s Texture

The texture might sound like much but especially in medium or firm (as I have gotten mine), the bumps are VERY stimulating for the prostate or the anus itself. They are so dominant that the bulges are subjectively not really that intense at first.  However, as it is often the case with Bad Dragon toys, the clever placement of different textures in sum make all the fun, especially when riding the toy. So when the bumps have made the sphincter tired on that particular area, you will start feeling the gentler massage of the bumps.  The short smooth section between the two lines of bumps is a very nifty feature: Sometimes you can take a toy but your sphincter does want not really relax. In this case, inserting Axel up to this section and twisting it’s oval shaft inside your anus can help it to stretch, relax and work those unwelcome kinks out.

Axel cannot be equipped with a suction cup. But the solid, massive balls in combination with the light stickiness of the silicone gives the toy a solid stand even when riding vigorously.

Size Mini Small Medium Large Extra Large
Diameter Head 38mm 50mm 64mm 76mm 94mm
Diameter Shaft 44mm 57mm 75mm 89mm 118mm
Insertable Length 95mm 121mm 155mm 184mm 216mm

Detail of Bruiser’s Glans Drop and Shaft Texture

Playing with Bruiser

Bruiser really does his name justice as being a rough fucker. The steeply tapering glans is good for easy insertion. But, below the glans rim is a steep drop. This ridge if the first one of three high bulges that texture the shaft. Below the shaft sits a thick, massive knot, only followed by a short, sphincter-width high resting shaft.

As I said, Bruiser goes in easily, but riding the ridges is somewhere between agony and ecstasy, depending on the firmness and how forcefully the fucking is. The knot is roughly triangle shaped, has a bulge also on top and sits perpendicular to the natural sphincter opening. So the stretch of it is huge! I definitely recommend pre-stretching before playing with him.

Comparison of Bruiser’s and Dexter’s Knot

Compared to other canine toys of Bad Dragon, the knot diameter-shaft length ratio is surprisingly low. So even depth is still a challenge for you, you might be able to knot this brute. However, if the shaft slips through the second sphincter, the ridges and bulges are a real challenge because the stimulate this sensitive area HARD.

As the only toy out of the three, Bruiser can be equipped with a suction cup. I highly recommend this feature because when trying to knot, you can easily push him backwards. This is also the first suction cup toy from Bad Dragon that due to the large balls does not give in too much when bearing down on the knot. Unlike Nova or Terra where the knot slips down further the more you push, Bruiser’s knot stays in place – making the knotting experience even harder.

So long story short, I really enjoyed Bruiser because I like rough anal play. But it is not for the starter or faint of heart.

Size Small Medium Large Extra Large
Diameter Head 38mm 46mm 58mm 71mm
Diameter Shaft 33mm 38mm 53mm 69mm
Diameter Knot 53mm 66mm 89mm 108mm
Insertable Length 152mm 178mm 229mm 267mm

Detail of Dexter’s Knot with the Front Texture

Playing with Dexter

The glans of Dexter is short, pointy yet rounded and features a small band of three scales at the bottom. Below the shallow glans rim sits a short, barrel-shaped shaft very lightly textured with shallow veins and hinted ventral groove. The lower half of the body as made out of a softly rounded knot. At the bottom of it there are four not too deep ridges. Just like Bruiser the shaft below the knot is short for resting when knotting this toy.

This is as far as the similarities of Bruiser and Dexter go. Dexter is a bit of the anti-thesis of Bruiser. Where he is rough and brutal, Dexter is soft and well-rounded. It is easy to insert, the stretches are smooth yet noticeable. Yes, especially in firm as I have gotten mine, the knot pops noticeable. But the rounded shape opens the sphincter up gentler than Bruiser’s forceful opening. One similarity has Dexter with Bruiser: The knot diameter-shaft length ratio is small again. So Dexter is a good toy to start out getting knotted. Not only because it’s design is soft but it will most likely not to through your second sphincter. And if it does, the sensation will be softer than with Bruiser.

Comparison of Bruiser’s Suction Cup and Dexter’s Flat Base

A nice feature of Dexter are the ridges at the knot’s front. When put him in, the pressure stimulates the prostate. But when you ride Dexter, the ridges will massage the prostate. This way, some testee panel members managed an prostate orgasm.

Base-wise Dexter shares a lot with Axel: Like him, Dexter cannot be equipped with a suction cup. But the thick and massive base is sturdy enough to stay in place when riding heavily.

Size Mini Small Medium Large Extra Large
Diameter Head 29mm 41mm 48mm 55mm 73mm
Diameter Shaft 36mm 46mm 58mm 64mm 84mm
Diameter Knot 50mm 67mm 80mm 92mm 120mm
Insertable Length 102mm 140mm 166mm 184mm 254mm

E-Bead 2.0

Small & Large E-Stim Systems E-Bead 2.0

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

A couple of weeks ago I reviewed the new E-Stim Systems version of Mr SElectrified World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug that. Since the WMCBP has always been a signature product of Mr S, another product E-Stim Systems now manufactures for them got little attention: The E-Bead 2.0. In my opinion too little attention, to let’s take a look at this toy.


The E-Bead 2.0 is a bi-polar, insertable electrode. This means you do not need another electrode for stimulation. The two poles equally sized and barrel-shaped which taper about a third each way towards their flat tops and bottoms. Between them is a thin isolator made out of black polymer. Unlike other E-Stim Systems electrode, both poles are permanently connected. Due to this design, there are now two 4mm banana jacks on the bottom of the electrode but a 155cm long sturdy lead with a 3.5mm jack is soldered onto is.

What the E-Bead 2.0 does have in common with E-Stim Systems other premium electrode is aircraft grade aluminum they are made out of. The surface features a brushing that gives the material a silk-like look and feel.

The E-Beads 2.0 comes in two sizes for different experience levels.

Size Overall Length Barrel Diameter Barrel Length Isolator Length Weight
Small 96mm 32mm 38mm 20mm 130g
Large 124mm 38mm 51mm 22mm 255g

Playing with the E-Bead 2.0

If you have played before with other premium insertables from E-Stim Systems, you will soon realize that the E-Bead 2.0 is unlike (almost) every other electrode they make. This is largely due to both sides being equally large and equally heavy or to be frank, a bit tail-heavy due to the lead. Since both barrels have the same, large mass and relatively large surface area, the sensation of the E-Bead 2.0 is mostly smooth – depending on your power box, program and output level. This is not really a short-coming but if you wrap your head around it, it becomes a cool new way of playing.

Detail of the Flat Barrel Tops and the Soldered Lead

The most common game my tested played was challenging (looser) subs standing straight or suspended in a harness to keep the electrode in. While this does not sound too hard at first glance, the E-Bead focuses most of the stimulation directly on the sphincter causing the sub to tense it. When the stimulation decreases, he relaxes and the electrode could fall out. A loosely related game did a dom play with his sub: Put him in a jockstrap, loose shorts, attach the electrode to a remote controlled box and the sub has to walk around and not facing the embarrassment of a buttplug electrode falling out of his ass. He tried this type of play with other electrodes but since the base usually has considerably less weight than the head, it only worked well with either extremely large electrodes or the E-Bead 2.0.

As an electrode for lying down, the E-Bead 2.0 got mixed reviews from bottoms. Some liked the slimmer footprint since there is not base, others found the lower barrel too long and thus uncomfortable. And of course, depending on the bottom’s experience level, there is a chance of the electrode just slipping in.

Detail of the Isolator between the Two Poles

The highlight of the E-Bead 2.0 is of course the fact that through the soldered lead it is a closed system. This means the electrode can be completely pushed into the rectum. This is opens up a completely new field of e-stim play. Through the large mass and length, the electrode “spins” inside the hole, touching areas otherwise never stimulated. The effect intensifies when the bottom wiggles and moves and thus somehow comes close to feedback loops created by audio or movement programs on power boxes: The more the bottom moves, the more movement inside the rectum, the more stimulation. Especially with the large electrode, electrode’s mass moving around inside the body adds another layer of stimulation. This kind of sensation is the strongest when the sub moves freely, when walking for example. Another unique experience for loose subs is when a skilled top slip two fingers in and press the prostate between the two poles for a mind-blowing stimulation.

Of course, this construction makes handling the E-Bead 2.0 a bit different from other electrodes. You must not pull on the lead to get it out! The lead is sturdy but not made to handle this kind of force. Instead, the bottom should push it out. Due to the shape, the electrode sometimes “jams” inside the rectum but rest assured: Everything that goes in, comes out again. Though being fistable for the top to grab it manually is nifty and adds another aspect to the play 😉 Since the electrode can’t be disassembled, simply wash the body and the lead in warm soap water, leaving the plug outside the water.

Conclusion: High quality and nimble electrodes for unique stimulations inside the rectum
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique sensations inside the rectum Hard to keep in when only one pole is inside the rectum E-Stim Systems Small: £95.95
Large: £104.95
Long Lead
Excellent Build Quality A bit more difficult to clean than other E-Stim Systems premium electrode


The E-Stim Systems E-WMCBP 2.0

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

A little bit over 4 ½ years ago I reviewed the original version of Mr S’ Electrified World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug. Mr S discontinued the original model some time again – both the electrified one (probably because there have been problems with lead fractures) and “analog” one. In March 2019 a new all-silicone version was introduced, leaving e-stim lovers twitching bit unsatisfied. Luckily half a year later Mr S Leather proudly presented E-Stim Systems as the manufacturer of an all new Electrified World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug or short E-WMCBP 2.0. Being a big fan of E-Stim Systems’ premium electrodes and having to live up to a massive legacy, I was very excited for this review! Let’s see how the E-WMCBP 2.0 performs.


As the name already states the E-WMCBP 2.0 is an insertable electrode and like almost all premium E-Stim Systems ones a bi-polar one, meaning you don’t need another electrode to enjoy the sensation. Like its brothers it is made out of aircraft grade aluminum which is treated with E-Stim Systems’ “new” matt finished, giving it a slik-like look and feel.

Detail of the Screw and Banana Jack for the Body

The basic form follows the one of the original World’s Most Comfortable Butt Plug: The body starts out cone-shaped with a dull tip followed by a barrel-shaped middle section which about 60% of the overall body length until it tapers again into a cone-shaped bottom. The transition from sloped cone to straight barrel is softly rounded and thus a bit more comfortable than on the original toy.

Like all E-Stim Systems premium electrodes now follows a neck made out of a black polymer which 28mm long and has a diameter of 11mm. This houses and isolates (together with a small white polymer washer) the stainless steel screw from the base. At the bottom of the screw there is not only a 4mm banana jacket but also a 2mm deep hex key socket.

The base is a disc with 50mm diameter and 11mm height. The middle is slightly tapering towards the neck and softly flows into the disc’s surface. On base’s side there is another hole for a 4mm banana plug, turning the disc into the second pole.

The E-WMCBP 2.0 comes in two sizes. Both sizes share the base but the body is significantly different.

Size Overall Length Body Diameter Body Length Weight
Medium 126mm 38mm 75mm 270g
Large 139mm 44mm 88mm 355g

The E-WMCBP 2.0 Disassembled

Playing with the E-WMCBP 2.0

Being an e-stim plug, let’s see how the E-WMCBP 2.0 performs in that regard. Being offering a large mass and surface, this electrifiable butt plug provides very smooth and pleasurable sensations to start out with. Though depending on the box, program and power level naturally can turn into a stingy beasty. The relatively large and thick base compared to other E-Stim Systems’ insterables makes the sensation even a tad bit softer than other plugs. Due to the top-down-pole-distribution this plug is perfect for the often sought getting-fucked sensation wave-shaped programs provide.

All the points more or less also applied to the original design. The greatest different is the mechanical and thus handling aspect of the new plug. The most important difference is the stiff neck that connects the base with the body. Being rigid there is a leverage effect, especially when being outside and walking. In combination with the heavy and voluminous body this lead to interesting sensation inside the rectum, particularly when the head hits the prostate.

Detail of the Base with the Banana Jack and Tapering Center

My testee panel was split on judging this effect. Some enjoyed the added stimulation, other said that WMCBP lost a bit of its charm and USP of being comfortable, even almost unnoticeable wearable over hours without the flexible connection. I have never been a fan of long-term plug wearing so I cannot tip the scales. So when you have to replace a possible broken original Electrified Worlds Most Comfortable Butt Plug keep in mind that the wearing sensation can be very different. Since the neck is longer and thinner than on all other E-Stim Systems’ electrodes, the sphincter closes up more, so through the leverage this event is intensified when the anus twitched from the stimulation. As an added bonus the thinner and longer neck lowered the risk of the plug falling out when being out and about. This effect is supported by the different base design. The original base had a flat surface that was connected by a 45° edge to the sides. So a relatively large, flat surface was pressing against the anus, having some leverage effect. It is surprising, but the little tapering middle section makes for an enormously more comfortable, almost ergonomic wearing experience, compensating a bit the negative effect of the solid neck.

Detail of the Tapered Body with Blunt Tip

The stiff neck has another advantage. The original plug was a nightmare to push through the sphincter once lubed the toy. The body became slippery and gripping the base did not provide any help at all. With the rigid connection, even after lubing up the base serves as a comfortable handle. Speaking of insertion: Being made completely out of metal and polymer, in theory you can now use silicone lube with the E-WMCBP 2.0 – but only if you use it without e-stim stimulation. Silicone lube is an isolator. If you want sizzling e-stim fun, only use water-based lube (Specific e-stim lube is not necessary in most cases. Personally I use Swiss Navy Waterbased for e-stim).

Following the E-Stim Systems’ standard design for premium insertables, the E-WMCBP 2.0 addresses two of my major points of criticism on the original toy: Where on the legacy version lead fractures was a constant threat, the E-WMCBP 2.0 is virtually indestructible. Also cleaning is a jiffy: Unscrew the body from the base, take all elements apart and wash in hot dish-soap water, dry, sanitize, done.

Conclusion: An evolution in quality and performance of an iconic toy while losing a bit of the original’s uniqueness
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Very smooth sensation Through stiff neck probably not the “World’s MOST Comfortable” butt plug anymore E-Stim Systems Medium: £104.95
Large: £114.95
Unique Base-Body-Pole ratio
Excellent Build Quality & virtually Indestructible
Easy to clean


Toy Properties

Form: Dildo
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Almost whatever you can imagine
Firmness: Soft to Very Firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Organotoy


The Ash starts out with a very steeply tapered glans-like top about a third of the insertable length. ¾ of the back of the glans-rim is textured with smoothly rounded, yet pointed spikes. The intensity of these spikes is even higher through the significant drop from the glans to the body.

The body has half-barrel shape. The backside of the toy is almost straight down while the front arches from the tip of the glans outwards with the apex at 2/3 of the insertable length. The lower half of the front is textured with a symmetrical cluster of bumps. On the backside below the spikes around the glans 2/3 of the body is lightly textured with shallow vertical grooves.

The Organotoy Ash in Small and Large

The base is thick and wide for a secure stand and is decorated with a fantasy texture of bumps. As an option you can add a suction cup and/ or a Vac-U-Lock hole to the bottom to attach your Ash to a fuck machine or use one of the many accessories like suction cups or handles for even more vigorous manual fucking. Speaking of options: Ash comes in four different sizes (Quick note on the size chart: The firmer, the toy stands straighter so the actual sizes of the individual toy can vary).

Size Overall length Insertable Length Diameter Glans Drop below Glans Rim Max Diameter Diameter above Base
S 112mm 95mm 37mm 5mm 40mm 35mm
M 165mm 135mm 60mm 8mm 62mm 52mm
L 215mm 175mm 78mm 11mm 81mm 68mm
XL 270mm 220mm 98mm 13mm 102mm 86mm

Detail of the Vac-U-Lock Hole and Curviture of the Suction Cup

While I am at the topic of choosing your perfect Ash, Organotoy usually has a small stock of ready-made toys. But what sets them apart from any other toy manufacturer is the wide range of customizing for your toy. You can choose the firmness freely between Shore 00-30 (plushy!) and A30 (hard vinyl) depending on your taste. For the Ash I would recommend something between A5 and A20 because it needs the firmness to press the right spots. When it comes to your toy’s color, your imagination is the limit. Besides the wide range of colors they offer which can be either applied solid or marble or fade or whatever, a former Holldywood SFX makeup artist is in charge of custom airbrush coloring.

All toys are made with ISO 10993-10 certified platinum silicone which meets the highest standards of body and allergy safety. Naturally these toys are easy to clean with hot dish soap water and sanitizer for uncomplicated yet safe fun with several different partners. Though being made out of silicone lube-wise you should stick to water- and oil-based lubes. The silicone oil inside silicone lube will damage the toy!

Detail of the Glans Rim Drop and Vertical Texture

Before I dive into the hands-on part, a quick word on the pictures for this review: The toys this review is based on were from the first batch ever cast, basically late prototypes. Because of this the toys have imperfections like busted air bubbles. The finished product does not have this kind of imperfections (I will post pics on Twitter as soon as I get my Ash in Shore A30 ?).

Playing with the Ash

While the nicely tapering glans implies Ash to be a good beginner’s toy, this first impression is deceptive. Actually the complex texturing makes it a toy for more experienced ass player.

The most noticeable feature is the big drop below the highly textured glans rim. This part of the toy is designed to target the prostate (and as a FTM member of my testee panel says also the G-spot). The dullish tip of the glans along with the steep slope is perfect for applying pressure to these delicate body parts with high nerve ending density. Especially the small and nimble size S is handy for stimulating the perineum part of the prostate. For more intense stimulation of the prostate, the spikes on the glans rim come into play. The next escalation level is moving the spikes perpendicular to the prostate. This takes some training to keep the toy in place and not go too deep. A bit easier and even more intense is scraping the prostate with the ridge. Most intense (and popular among my testees) was combining the two movements by twisting the toy when moving the ridge over prostate.

Detail of the Bump Texture Cluster and the Textured Base

The same effect can be applied to the anus. But the shape of the toys makes it prone to be sucked through the sphincter, especially when well lubed. So it takes some dexterity to keep the glans rim positioned inside the anus. More interesting for this, yet another nerve ending high density body area are the two different textures on the body. The upper vertical grooves are perfect for twisting inside the anus. The lower bumps both come into effect when twisting and riding the toy, adding to the stretch sensation when moving up and down on it. Due to the texture, riding the toy over extended periods of time will make the anus looser compared to a smooth shaft. Yet due to the texture, Ash is again not a toy for novices who want to get a sloppy as. Before trying to conquer Ash, a smooth, round plug with half a centime larger diameter should fit comfortably.

Detail of the Steely Tapered and Dully Pointed Glans

Finally a word on the suction cup which on my Shore A10 form Large astonished me: It does not look deep but god does it have suction power! Even when vigorously riding, regardless if mounted on the floor or the wall, Ash stayed in place!

Where to buy?

Oragnotoy only sells through their website which due to high level of customization is only logical.  They usually do not have a small number of toys on stock but getting YOUR individual toy is more fun. Ash costs between 19,96€ in Small up to 139,96€ in XL. Depending on the firmness, color, etc. the price will be a bit higher.

Deluxe Portable Sling

The Mr S Deluxe Portable Sling

Vendor: Mr S

The Deluxe Portable Sling seems like a weird toy to kick off the new review season. It is marketed as an easy to carry tool for power bottoms playing outside their familiar “wellness swing” – something which in current times does probably not happen often. Yet despite the social distancing, I have been getting more not less questions about this toy in the last couple of weeks. So I guess all the slingless bottoms are looking for a comfortable solution to stuff their greedy holes while staying alone.

Before I dive into the review, a quick shout out to my dear pervy Teck from Austria who kindly lent me his Deluxe Portable Sling for over half a year to test it thoroughly.

Detail of the Neck Cushion


The core element of the Deluxe Portable Sling is one of Mr S almost iconic leather straps: Made out of soft yet sturdy belt leather, it is 3.3cm wide and about 160cmm long. The first 60cm on each side feature holes for the roller buckles with D-ring which is riveted onto the belts. Using the buckles, the loops’ circumference can be adjusted between 35cm and 60cm to accommodate each body type from short to tall. On each side there is a 20x5cm padded leather cushion, very much similar to the lining of Fetters Padded Restraint, which rides on the belt through three riveted leather loops. Between the buckles a lavishly padded back neck piece inspired by their posture collar rides on the belt via three riveted leather loops. This rather particular shape distributes the weight and draft more easily over the shoulders and the neck.

Detail of the Roller Buckle and the D-Ring

Playing with the Deluxe Portable Sling

Getting into this travel sling is very easy: Place the neck piece with the bulge facing towards your ass behind your neck. Then adjust the loops’ length so upper legs rest comfortably on the cushions placed just below your knees. If you want to raise your legs high, tighten the belt.

This adjustability is actually what sets the Mr S travel sling apart from other models on the market – in addition to the superior materials and craftsmanship of course. I have used this sling with bottoms between 167cm and 205cm and they all found a comfortable setting. Since both the leg and the neck cushion are movable, it can be easily moved for maximum comfort. Combining this with the fact that all cushions are really wide, the Deluxe Portable Sling is comfortable, even over extended periods of time. But to be frank, the upper back and neck still support the weight of the legs and every rocking motion is directly transferred onto them. So even if this travel sling feels almost as comfortable as sling you simply lay in, a kinky chiropractic I consulted did not recommend laying in this sling longer than half an hour and then take a break with upper torso stretching for at least 15 minutes.

Detail of the Leg Cushion

Another nifty feature are the d-rings on each side. They turn this penetration support into a piece of bondage gear. By locking wrist restraints or even better mitts onto them, the cock, balls and ass cheeks of the bottom are nicely exposed for all kinds of devious play. The d-rings are NOT for attaching handles for tops who want to pull their bottom closer during fucking! Especially rapid and forceful motions like pulling on them can damage the spin!

Conclusion: Best made and most comfortable travel sling out there
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Highly adjustable Despite everything, not a substitute for a real sling Mr S $189.95
Comfortable over long periods of time
D-rings for added bondage capability

Oxballs Pig-Hole Morph

Toy Properties

Form: Tunnel Plug
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Dark & Light Blue Swirl with Glitter
Firmness: Soft
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Mr S (USA) & Abgott Fetish (EU)

Rosebuds are red
Morph Silicone is blue
Oxballs got a new Pig-Hole
Here’s the review

Happy Valentine’s Day! ToyTorture.com is still on hiatus and will return just in time for the Easter debaucheries in Berlin. But every time Oxball releases a new Pig-Hole, my inbox explodes. So I am taking a break from the break to tell you the thoughts of the ToyTorture.com Testee Panel on the new Pig-Hole Morph.

The Pig-Hole Morph XXL


There is not much new about the Pig-Hole Morph. It is still a tunnel plug with a barrel-shaped body. Inside the body there are grooves for a bit added stability and texture sensation. The top of the body is a bit slanted for easy insertion while at the bottom it tappers and the opens up to a nice and wide base.

It comes in four sizes: Large, XL, FF and Deep-2 (the larger one of the Pig-Hole Deep) and is only available in a dark & light blue swirl with glitter. This tone is the signature color of Oxball’s new Morph Silicone which sets this toy apart from its predecessors. Keeping the shape, dimensions and wall thickness the same as the toys in the original silicone, the Morph Silicone is 10% stretchier (and about 10% lighter if you really have to watch your weight when flying…). Cleaning-wise it is still easy maintenance with just hot dish-soap water, a bit of brushing, drying, sanitizing and done.

The Original Pig-Hole XXL, the Pig-Hole Morph XXL and the Original Pig-Hole FF

Playing with the Pig-Hole Morph

If you want to know what makes the original Pig-Hole or the Pig-Hole FF great for play, check out their original reviews. In this article, I will focus how the new stretchiness of the material impacts the play.

First the bad news: The softer material makes the Pig-Hole even more difficult to insert. My recommendation is still to fold the toy, push the compact package through the sphincter and then manually unfold it. Folding the toy’s body with lubey hands has become a bit easier through the softer material, but getting it to pop through a not already gaping sphincter has become more difficult. Also, the unfolding takes a lightly looser sphincter than before since the material has less basic tension. So it is easier for the sphincter to close it (partly). But on the other hand, the Pig-Hole now adjusts more easily to body and gives in to movement. This is important for the people who want to wear it long-term. Especially when walking, the original silicone the base a bit to rigid and in some situation had so much leverage that the body was pulled out. This does not happen with the Morph.

Details of the Grooves inside the Body

The softer material also makes it easier to fist through the Pig-Hole. The top can get in easier and the chances of pulling the entire Pig-Hole out with the fist, are significantly lower. Since the material does adjust more to the surroundings and whatever is stuffed inside it, my testees preferred the Morph over the original Pig-Hole when adding a plug for shutting it. The plug stayed better in place, was more comfortable to wear over time and kept liquids from escaping more securely.

Detail of the Size Indicator at the Base

Finally, let’s talk about the texture side of things. Finally, the grooves inside the body can be felt properly when the top is targeting them. With the original material it was just a faint massaging, with the Morph you can really feel them when the top is pressing against them. If you want more, simply turn the Pig-Hole inside out. While this was already possible under great stress with the original Pig-Hole XXL and is probably theoretically possible with the original Pig-Hole FF, with the Morph it is a jiffy. Now the grooves are on the outside and pulled over a large enough toy or fist can turn it into an interesting textured plug!

Where to buy?

In the USA, Mr S sells the Pig-Hole Morph for $96.95 – 133.95 while in the EU Abgott Fetish seems to be the only retailer so far selling it between 80€ and 110€.


Toy Properties

Form: Prostate Stimulator
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Almost whatever you can imagine
Firmness: Medium to Very Firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Organotoy

I pondered if I and if yes how I should review this toy. So as a little Christmas Special, here’s a review or more an experience report straight out of my cabinet of curiosities…

Detail of the Saw’s Grip

Sometimes toys come my way the most unlikely ways. Sometimes I come across toys where I think “What the fuck?!”  And sometimes both things happen at the same time. This is the story of my Organotoy Saw.

Some moons ago, I received an unexpected parcel in my mailbox. It was from a dear friend. In the enclosed letter she explained that she used this toy to humiliate and milk her chaste ex. After ritually cleansing the toy with bleach, she still did not want it around her so she sent it my way.  And now I am stuck with a massive chunk of bright pink piece of top notch silicone in my playroom. Since I know a lot of you pervs are into chastity, maybe this little report of my experience will help you with your prostate health.


First things first: My pictures do not do the color justice. My Saw is pink. Bright pink. Some might even call it Barbie pink. Great if you are into humiliation, feminization or a fan of the works of Tracey Emin (Yes, legal sex is indeed anal!), but if you look for homomasculinity in BDSM this toy is… particular. Or among my mostly black and graphite SquarePeg toys literally the big pink elefant in the middle of the room… ehm… toy rack. Luckily you are not limited to pink when ordering this toy. Organo toy will make it in almost every color or pattern for you. You can even add an airbrushed dedication.

The Organotoy Large Saw – in Bright Pink

The Saw is one of those toys which name already implies the shape. The body is roughly shaped like a saw blade with smooth and rounded yet teeth like bumps on the bottom of the body. The blade’s width gradually increases while the depth almost stays the same. This way the sensation is focused on the pressure on the prostate and not on the stretch sensation. To ensure this the Saw come in three sizes: Son of Saw with a maximum diameter of 50mm, the Saw M with a max. stretch of 73mm and the Saw L with 100mm. Luckily her ex was also into fisthing so my Saw is a large one. The Saw comes in two base varieties: The standard Saw has a large, chunky grip which makes the toy look a bit like a jack saw but also well manageable with lubey hands (I wonder how her gracile hands grabbed the massive handle…). There is also a Trainer version out there with a big, solid base if you want to ride your Saw on your own.

The Saw is cast using a mould which leads to a seam running around the middle of the toy. It is evened out using a diamond polisher but you can still feel it a bit. Call it added torture, especially in the firmer degrees. Speaking of firmness: While in theory you can order this toy in every firmness Organotoy makes (and they make every between wobbly Shore 00-30 up to vinyl-like A30), I guess the Saw only makes sense from Shore A15 upwards because you need the firmness to keep the pressure focused on the prostate. Mine is Shore A30, the firmest silicone they make, and despite the seam and the amount of poppers needed to take the toy without warm-up (which I would not recommend doing! Some pre-stretching should be done!) it is the perfect toy for prostate stimulation.

Detail of the Saw’s Teeth

Playing with the Saw

Prostate stimulation is the right segway into this segment. The Saw is a toy purely made for prostate stimulation. The firmness in combination with the soft yet prominent bumps apply the right amount of pressure onto the prostate to facilitate semen release. Unlike the stereotype perpetuated in Road Trip expelling cum through prostate stimulation is nothing that – at first – happens quickly and is not as orgastic as shown in the clip. It takes practice to give in into the stimulation, process it and release the cum. So do not expect too much out of the box but just keep practicing. I sent my Saw to a chastity top to try on some of his subs and he was amazed how well, reliable and quickly the toy worked after they got used to it. For those not output-driven, the Saw is a devilish toy for prostate torment.

For other things, it is not really made. Through the oval profile, it stretches the sphincter unevenly and thus is not really made for girth training. I guess there is an academic scenario in which you could wear the Trainer models for extended periods of time but… never mind.

Where to buy?

Oragnotoy only sells through their website which frankly is also the only logical way to get their toys due to the degree of customization. I guess they have some Saws in stock in standard colors and HARD firmness if you are locked up and need release QUICKLY. But the real fun is in having an individual toy crafted to your desires. The Saws start at 55.96€ for the Medium Trainer and go up all the way to a large one for 99.96€. But considering what a custom chastity device costs, this is just a small investment for a necessary accessory and a fun toy for the top to tease the desperate sub.

Organotoy Egg

Toy Properties

Form: Insertable
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Almost whatever you can imagine
Firmness: Soft to Very Firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Organotoy

This review was another community request review. You would wonder how many questions I get each week asking for a review of a silicone egg. And I wonder where all these questions come from (Yes, I am looking at you, furry community!). Because: What can be so particular about a silicone egg?


Well… about the actual design of this toy, there is not really much to say. It has the shape of an egg, a goose egg to be precise because it has a rounded bottom and an elongated top. This makes it very easy to insert compared to the “duller” shape of chicken egg.

As an extra feature you can order the egg with a retention chain or rope. I would recommend this for all sizes which are on the edge of what you can take diameter-wise. Usually the rule of anal play is “Everything that goes in will come out eventually” but a toy getting lost inside and REALLY have to push to get it out can be annoying. I would leave this for toy at least 1cm less in diameter than you can comfortably take and the other should have a lead to be pulled out just in case. They x-ray every toy to make sure that the lead sits tight and secure and is completely encased by silicone without any bubbles. When I first posted pics of my XL and XXL Eggs with a chain, I got messaged asking if it was secure. For testing, I threw the Eggs like Bolas through my playroom and did not notice any damage to the silicone. This is probably more force than any unwilling sphincter will ever wield. Though when you need more than a medium tuck to get the Egg out, I recommend seeing a doctor in order not to damage the sphincter when pulling the toy out.

The Organotoy Eggs from Small to XXL

The Egg is cast using a mould which leads to a seam running in slightly off the middle from top to bottom. This seam is evened using a diamond polisher but if you choose one of the harder firmnesses still noticeable. Another imperfection of the casting process is the “navel” at the bottom where the silicone is entering the mould.

Speaking of firmnesses, Organotoy is the only toy manufacturer I know who let’s your freely choose your toys firmness. The range starts at Shore 00-30 which could almost be called plushy soft over A2 to A10 which covers the firmness range of most other silicone toy manufacturer up to A30 which is firm as vinyl or rubber. These firmnesses can be combined freely so you could have a solid core egg with a firm “shell”. Colorwise you can get almost whatever you can imagine. Besides the standard solid colors, glow in the darks and patterns like marbles, split or fade they employ a former Hollywood SFX makeup artist for custom airbrush design (or even custom toy designs if the Egg is not what you are looking for). The silicone used to create all Organotoy creations is ISO 10993-10 certified platinum silicone which meets the highest standards of body and allergy safety. Naturally these toys are easy to clean with hot dish soap water and sanitizer for uncomplicated yet safe fun with several different partners. Though being made out of silicone lube-wise you should stick to water- and oil-based lubes. The silicone oil inside silicone lube will damage the toy!

The Egg comes in 6 sizes starting at S which is still a bit of a challenge for a complete novice up to XXXL for which even in my Little Black Book of Perverts I still have not found a person who would dare to try it (and THB, I even did not get an XXXL because it would just be a playroom ornament).

Size Max. Diameter Length
S 50mm 75mm
M 70mm 95mm
L 80mm 115mm
XL 90mm 140mm
XXL 102mm 160mm
XXXL 113mm 170mm

Detail of the Seam Running Across the Medium Egg

Playing with the Egg

Usually this the easy part to write because my testees and I had loads of different experience with a toy. We actually had very much fun with the eggs (well… mostly with the L and the XL) but… The Egg is a bit of a one trick pony.

After lubing it up, point one of the ends at the sphincter and gently push in. We actually tried to push in the wide side but even on a loose hole the egg will twist towards one of the ends. Due to smooth taper of the top side, it opens up the anus gently. Especially in softer versions with the retention cord this makes it an interesting toy for aspiring novices who want to train their sphincter to relax more easily. Once inside, the muscle can close and relax completely until it needs to open up again to release the toy with the tugging on the cord. Since the egg’s bottom is duller than the tip, it takes a bit of effort to get the toy out but for most (aspiring) fistees this is part of the fun. If you are more experienced, I recommend getting a firmer (and larger) egg. Either wear this when walking out and about, feeling it bounce inside your rectum, or pull with (relative) quickness the egg out of your bowels. It will press against the prostate for an intense stimulation. One of my testees used my (soft) XL Egg to milk his chastity slave. It takes a bit of practice but some of my testees managed to achieve anal orgasms playing throw and catch with the eggs.

Detail of the Chain Cast into the Bottom of the XL Egg

As already said “Everything that goes inside the ass will come out” so there is also much fun to be had with Eggs without a lead.

First things first for my furry followers: Yes, you can get an Egg in egg shell color and push it out like laying an egg. This process can be as intense and exhausting as for birds because of course once inside the rectum the egg does not align perfectly to be pushed out but your muscles have to work to push it in the right direction. Of course, you can also retrieve the eggs manually – depending on your hand size up to size L. The firmer the Egg, the less they it be compressed, making the hand feel way bigger for an intense stretch. The size M Egg actually replaced my billiard balls for this kind of play. And since even Shore A30 silicone is still softer than plastic, there won’t be a problem when one Egg gets lost inside your colon and you recover it sitting down at the toilet.

The smaller sizes of the Egg are also a fun item for rectum stuffing. We managed to get the S, M and one of the two L Eggs inside one greedy bottom. He said, he never felt so stuffed. Pushing out was a challenge of its own because each muscle contraction shifted the remaining Eggs inside him, stimulating the prostate, the anus and the rectum’s mucosa. He described the experience as “somewhere between torture and bliss.” Unlike round balls like billiard or boules balls, the Eggs “wedge” a bit so the changes are lower that they will pass beyond the second sphincter. From a medical point of view, this is not dangerous most of the times but just difficult and unpleasant to retrieve. So every toy staying inside the rectum is a good feature.

Detail of the „Navel“ at the Bottom of the Large Egg

Something a read wrote in upon seeing my pics of the Egg was stuffing the rectum with several small Eggs and then getting fucked. The shifting and twisting of the Eggs inside while the anus is stimulated with penetration was described as “intense”. He used four small and very soft Eggs for this which sounds reasonable. A dick pounding against firm ones does not sound fun. But since I only have one small Egg which though luckily happens to be soft, I could not recreate this scenario so I have to take his word for it. Also, for depth trained people there is a higher chance of an Egg getting literally fucked up into your colon – which then can lead to a fun manual retrieving scene.

Where to buy?

Oragnotoy only sells through their website which frankly is also the only logical way to get their toys. They usually do not have a stock of toys but craft ever toy according to your order. The different sizes, colors, firmnesses and features simply ask for an individual order. The Eggs start at a very reasonable 7.96€ for the smallest size and go up to 74.96€ for the XXXL. Different firmnesses, adding a retention lead or elaborate color combinations can be added for a small extra surcharge between 5€ und 15€ each.

Centaur, Plumber & BFG

Toy Properties

Form: Dildo
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Sokatik Natural Tan, Deep Brown and Black
Custom colors possible
Firmness: Soft to Medium, custom degrees possible
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Mr Hankey’s

The Mr Hankey Plumber, BFG and Centaur


The Centaur is probably one of the kinds of anal toys I get asked most about: What is a good horse dick to train depth? I do not why people are so interested in that but I am here not to judge but to quench your horny thirst for answers. If the Centaur is THE best, I cannot tell. It is certainly the most realistic on the market. It starts out with a dome-shaped glans that allows for a slow and soft opening of the first and the second sphincter. The glans rim is textured with little bumps. The heavily though not deeply textured shaft then very gradually and softly increase in diameter until it reaches the preputial ring. That is a sudden increase in depth, 2/3 down the shaft which adds a lot of girth until it ends at a round, solid base.

Detail of Centaur’s Glans

The Plumber sits on the complete opposite of the toy length spectrum. It starts out with a large and massive natural cut glans. Below the glans rim is a massive, only slightly sloped drop. What follows is a short, almost cylindrical, slightly concave shaft that is textured with wide and thus soft yet deep ridges. At the end, there is again a round, solid base.

The third of the reviewed toys could almost be the synthesis of the previous two. The BFG’s tip is a nicely tapered almost realistic glans with bumps all around the rim. Starting from the frenulum are soft and size increasing scales running all the way down to the base. On the other side of the shaft are soft, flowing bumps. For the increase in diameter make three big bulges on the sides, the last one large and round enough to be considered an anthropomorphic knot, flanked by a cluster of bumps on each side. Below that knot there is only a short resting space until the toys flows into a round base.

Toy Size Diameter Glans Rim Diameter Shaft Middle Diameter Above Base/ at Knot Insertable Length
Centaur Small 44mm 47mm 69mm 248mm
Medium 53mm 55mm 77mm 279mm
Large 61mm 63mm 85mm 324mm
XXL 71mm 73mm 103mm 375mm
Plumber Small 57mm 55mm 53mm 127mm
Medium/Large 77mm 76mm 75mm 175mm
Large XL 105mm 101mm 99mm 226mm
BFG Medium 49mm 63mm 81mm 254mm
Large 53mm 67mm 85mm 279mm
XL 59mm 71mm 97mm 305mm
XXL 63mm 79mm 103mm 330mm

Detail of the Cenatur’s Vac-U-Hole

Mr Hankey manufactures all their toys out of high quality platinum silicone. Platinum silicone is a premium, more expensive material than other kinds of silicone which for example use tin as a catalyst to cure the silicone. This means all Mr Hankey toys are 100% body safe, highly resistant towards acid and heat and with the super-smooth surface leave little possibilities for bacteria to linger and are easy to clean. I usually put my toys in hot water with dish soap and sanitize them afterwards for good measure. This is a quick and easy way to get the toys clean and sterile again between partners at a play party. But you can also throw them in the dishwasher or autoclave them. In order to keep the surface in this condition, never use silicone based or hybrid lube with silicone toys because they will disintegrate the surface. Water and oil based lube are safe to be used with silicone toys.

Silicone is a material that can be colored easily and which color does not fade over time. As standard colors Mr Hankey’s only offers their dildos in black, natural tan or deep brown. However, for $29.95 you can get custom coloring, mostly duo-tone fades like I got on the Cenataur and BFG but other designs are possible. It is a bit of an investment but since these toys are cheap, I recommend customizing them for this small fee because they turn out gorgeous and make your toy a bit of your own! If you need inspiration, browse Mr Hankey’s Twitter feed.

Detail of BFG’s Bumps & Bulges

Firmness-wise you also get only two choice. First there is Medium which is a bit firmer, about the firmness of a rock-hard dick. If you are a texture junkie like me, you definitely want to go this way because it makes every ridge and vein very noticeable! BUT for depth it can be too firm since it also impacts the bendiness. Because of that for larger sizes of the Centaur and the BFG I recommend their 75% firmness which is a bit softer. Mr Hankey’s Toys does offer custom firmness if you want the toys smoother or firmer. I have not tried that service but I would only recommend it for their fantasy toys. For only $4.95 a Vac-U-Loc hole can be added to every toy. Originally designed to attach the toy to fuck machines, there are a number of nifty accessories out there for this kind of system: Handles, Strap-On harnesses, suction cups and double-dildo connectors. Because of this I highly recommend adding this inexpensive feature to your toy. There are just too many useful scenarios along the way to go cheap on this one.

Detail of Plumber’s Large Glans Rim Drop

Playing with the Centaur, Plumber and BFG

Trying to answer the question from the beginning of the review: If you are looking for a pure depth training toy, the Centaur is probably not the best option to go to. But is has many characteristics that makes it a great overall toy to explore and train depth. As already written, the glans is perfectly shaped to open up both sphincters. However, the texturing of the rim make taking the second sphincter a more intense experience than it could be. As you get more experienced and relaxed, twisting the Centaur’s head inside one of the sphincters is an intense yet tantalizing experience. The same accounts for riding the shaft: Since there is no untextured space, it takes a lot of lube and some experience riding it. But again, the texture is very subtle and the steady increase in diameter means, as you loosen up and slide down on it, there simulation continues in the same intensity. Expect of course for the preputial ring. This sudden increase in diameter can be a challenge, especially on the larger sizes because you usually focus on processing the intense feelings deep inside your colon and are not prepared to relax you anus so abruptly. However, again, as you train and get used to the toy’s characteristics, the preputial ring becomes a hot feature. Riding up and down the toy, you are alternating stimulating your first sphincter with the preputial ring or the second sphincter with the glans rim.

Detail of the Centaur’s Subtle Texture and Massive Preputial Ring

Speaking of riding the shaft: Handling-wise the Centaur is a good toy for depth play. The length-girth ration in combination with the thick solid base is keeping the toy from collapsing, making it perfect for riding and inserting it in a controlled manner.

If you try to apply the Centaur’s question to the Plumber, the answer is: Hell no! It is not a toy for the novice. While the realistic glans opens you up somewhat softly, if your hole is not used to opening up and release a plug, taking the Plumber out will the a ripping experience! The same accounts for riding the shaft. While the ridges are flowing and soft, especially in medium the are stimulating the many nerve endings inside the anus HARD. So it is definitely a toy for the experienced, loose and greedy hole which needs a challenge and rough treatment at the end of a fisting scene.

Detail of Plumber’s heavily Textured Shaft

As already written in the construction section, the BFG is the synthesis of both toys: Easy to insert, hard to master. I have gotten my Medium/ Large in Medium firmness which might has been a mistake. Yes, feeling the firmness of the bumps and ridges massage the sphincter as you slide down on the shaft, is very horny and intense. But through the heavily convex shape, the rigidity of the material makes it a bit hard to find the way towards the second sphincter. Though once inside, the deep yet not too complex texture and shape makes it a joy to ride. Unlike other fantasy toys, you are not overwhelmed with texture but can enjoy each and every bit separately. While the increase in diameter of each of the major bulges on the shaft’s side somewhat prepare you for the stretch of the following one, due to the texture it is not a training or warm-up toy! If you want to indulge into the BFG completely, I recommend preparing and relaxing your hole with toys that go a little deeper and stretch a little wider than the BFG you have chosen. Then this great toy can unleash its full potential.

Detail of BFG’s Textured Glans

Where to buy?

Mr Hankey sells their toys directly through their website. This is the best way to get them when you want to customize them even further. They also run promotions on a regular basis so check their page regular to snatch a bargain. Depending on the size and features, the Centaur costs between $124.95 and $164.90, the Plumber between $109.95 and $174.90 and finally the BFG between $149.95 and $184.90. Custom colors costs $29.95, custom firmness $15.95.