Vendor: Mr S (USA) & Regulation (EU)
What is Peg Away Putty for?
There are many great ass toy manufacturers out there who produce an incredible number of different toys for every kind of ass, kink and fantasy. Yet each ass is different, each bottom’s “itch” is placed somewhere else. For this kind of situation, Square Peg introduced their Peg Away Putty. As the name says, it is a putty you can mold to alter the shape of your silicone (and ONLY silicone, best platinum silicone!) toys to fit your needs best. You can also create entire toys from scratch, starting from sounds over what Square Peg calls “bands” which you can put on your wrist for fisting or your toys to add texture up to entire plugs and dildos though this will be a pricy endeavor.
What do you get?
Each set consists of two containers: One with an opaque white activator for curing the silicone and one with the colored putty. This putty comes in all typical Square Peg colors and firmnesses: The iconic bronze and graphite in supersoft, in firm the classic black but also in white, blue red, yellow, green, pink, brown, purple, orange and grey. The entire container does not need to be used at once. Just take as much putty and activator as you need and close the container afterwards. You also get a manual which explains how to use the putty correctly (and which I have misplaced).
How do you use it?
Before you start actually using it on toys, I recommend playing with the putty without the activator to get a feeling for the material, how it behaves, how you could shape it and how to mold it on the toy. Without the activator it won’t cure so you can play around with it, try a different shape and start over again.

The Square Peg Pegger Extractor with More Putty Sever Ridges
When you have gathered enough experience, realized your idea in vitro without the activator and got a feeling how much putty you need for your project, the toy, surface and hands need to be prepared. All surfaces coming in contact with the putty must be grease and dirt free. So I recommend washing everything with a degreasing dish soap. When you are from the USA I recommend the simple Dawn Ultra (NOT the ones with lotion or special smell or else), in Germany I use either Pril or Fit. The putty should best be used with well cleaned bare hands, because gloves can be covered in stuff which can hinder the curing process. Also, the putty comes off the hands so easily, you do not need gloves. If you have very sensitive hands, Square Pegs offers special glove which are made to work with the putty.
To ensure a proper curing and bonding, you have to use equal parts of putty and activator. This means you will need half the putty amount from your in vitro tests. Now knead both elements on a smooth surface like a glass cutting borad until you get a homogenous mixture. And then the shaping starts. Like good pizza dough, the mixture is very elastic and tends to return to its original shape. So it needs a bit of beating and stretching until it maintains the desired shape. Wrapping it around plastic tubes helps with that. Once the final shape is reached, either gently yet firmly attach the putty to the existing toy or add texture. Now the toy needs to rest for at least three hours for the curing and bonding to take place – I recommend letting it sit over night – and then your new toy is ready to go.

Peg Away Putty Used to make the Pegger Extractor’s Rim more Blunt
So much for the technical part. But how does it feel to work with it? To be honest, I am not the most handy person and I was afraid to use the Peg Away Putty. But the playing around with the putty helped a lot and showed me how easy it is. When altering a toy, I recommend taking it easy and not add too much material. Especially when it comes to adding texture to a toy, even little and subtle additions can have a big affect on how the toy feels; adding a bit of girth with a steep slope can turn an easy fucker into a hard struggle.
The Peg Away Putty comes in different package sizes from 1 oz to 4 oz with the price ranging from $14.95 to $44.94. Just take a look at the range at Mr S and Regulation which set fits your project best.
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