Vendor: VAST
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As hot and horny breath play is, NEVER DO IT ALONE OR BY YOURSELF! Every year we lose several members of the kink community to self breath play. No matter how much you think you have figured out the safety and falls backs, there is always a slight and sadly often lethal chance of it failing.
This especially applies to playing with inhalants like poppers or N2O/ laughing gas.
If you are curious about breath play, look for experienced partners to introduce you to this kink and its intricacies. Please just never do it alone! |

Example of the modularity and versitility of the VAST Breathing System
This is the third review on the ongoing serious in covering VAST extreme versatile (and thus complex) Breathing System. In the past I have covered the basic elements and took a detailed look at their Capsule Injector. Today I will review all different accessories which allow subsumed under altering the air stream.
If you want to get a quick overview of the Breathing System, take a look at my first and second unboxing. Recently I got my hands on a second FM12 so I soon will be able to show how to transform a gas mask using the Deluxe Upgrade Kit and Superior Latex Head Harness.
After that short orientation, let’s dive straight into it.
Switch (129€)
The name of this element is pretty telling: It is a switch between two air sources.
It looks like a small brother of the Rebreather. It has a diameter of 80mm and it 47mm tall like its big brother. It also features the same thick and easy to grab and to turn switch which tapers towards the end. The end points to one of two female GM40 ports. The port it points to is the port through which air goes in. The air will flow out through a female port on the opposite side of the Switch.

The Switch with the Inhaler & Breath Reducer Vario
The Switch is a useful, if not essential toy to play with the Air Alteration Accessories which I will review below. With just a turn you can switch between clean air or whatever flavoring device you are using. Or – as a top friend did – have two flavors of poppers ready. It is an extremely useful tool when you do multi-sub rebreathing (as one sub breathes the exhaled air of another). In this situation, getting fresh air into the system used to be very cumbersome. The switch makes it finally so easy that is it a relaxed scene.
If you want to integrate the Switch into your Breathing System setup, please only use short hoses! The longer the system, the more difficult it gets for the lungs to inhale fresh air. So in order to prevent unintended breathing issues, keep it short and tight!
Breath Reducer Vario (34.95€)
This a modern and multi-functional take on the tradition breath reducer with a simple hole. It is a 40mm short tube with a diameter just fitting into a female GM40 port. The lower third of the tube has a male GM40 thread so you can directly screw it into a gas mask or any air inlet of the breathing system. The top features five 6mm holes which are covered by an aligning disk with five 6mm holes. The rim of the disk is textured so it is easily turnable even with lubey hands or wearing thick gloves.

The Breath Reducer Vario Half Shut
When you turn the disk, the intersection of the holes and thus their diameter decreases and reducing the airflow. At about a third of a turn the air flow is noticeably reduced. Since there is seal between the disk and the top air can be sucked through the little gaps even when the holes are completely closed. But it is extremely difficult and strenuously. So the toy lives up to his name being a REDUCER and not a cut of. This is a failsafe because you cannot cut off the air permanently but forgetting to open it again. If you want to cut off the air flow completely, cover the disk with your palm. This way you are in direct contact close to the sub and can react directly if a situation is developing.
If the turning and gradual reducing of air flow is too distracting and thus sophisticated for you and you want the trusted and simple solution, VAST also offers a 6mm breath reducer for 22.95€.

Vaporizer with Switz
Vaporizer with Switch (169€)
The core of this toy is a switch tin with 80mm diameter and 47mm height like the other ones. In the middle there are GM40 female ports on each side. The rotary switch can point to two settings: Parallel to the ports is the “Pass”, turned about 30° down is “Vape”. When turned to Vape, the air flow is threaded through two 90° pipes which end in a lid. Onto this lid a 70mm diameter and 250ml volume can is a screwed.
The tin can be filled with poppers drenched cotton or whatever other aerosol emitting substance you want to expose your bottom to. The fumes can saturate the air trapped in the tin so once you turn the switch he is hit with a large quantity. If you want to reuse whatever you have put into the can, it comes with a screw-on cap to safe it for a later scene.

The Breath Reducer Vario on an AVON S10
The Vaporizer is a good element for extreme poppers pigs who want a strong, heavy rushing load. Through the easy to turn switch, dosing and turning off the poppers supply is easily and quickly done. Unlike other combinations (see below) it is a compact and integrated united. So especially when the high poppers does might impair you, it can be easily operated.
This is totally subjective but I love this element a lot! I like the bulky, heavy duty feel and look! It has a mad scientist vibe with the two kinked noticeable tubes from the switch to the screw lid. It just looks and feels heavy duty.
BUT: It does not make sense for everybody. The combination of a Switch with the Vaporizer or Inhaler (see below) is the more versatile solution. If you ONLY want to use poppers and NEVER would attach other accessories to the Switch, the Vaporizer with Switch makes sense. But if maybe want to have a scene in which you switch between a bubbler bottle and poppers, I would rather recommend the combo of the Switch with one of the two toys below. But if you are a toy nerd like me, you got to have both because you can create even more elaborate scene where you can switch between piss flavored and clean air and then can decide if poppers are induced or not.

(Popper) Inhaler
Inhaler (49.95€)
On top of the Inhaler sits a tube with a male GM40 thread on the outside to easily screw it directly into a gas mask or compatible accessory. On the next level below is a 10mm hole which leads to a 90° tube. This tube penetrates the lid and lets fresh air into the 100ml tin screwed onto the lit. The lid is also perforated with five round 50mm holes to let the whatever aerosol is trapped inside the tin stream upwards.

Topview of the Inhaler’s Lid
This is not only a great toy for any poppers pig who plays with gas masks. It is a great toy for every poppers pig! Drench (a few) cotton ball(s) with poppers, put them into the container and screw the top on. The bend tube and the five holes are small enough to trap most of the vapors inside. As soon as you start huffing with just your nose and mouth the agent escapes easily, flooding your lungs and mind. Especially in messy party situations or when you are clumsy like me so handling a bottle full of poppers can be dangerous, huffing safely from the Inhaler instead of an open bottle is so much handier. If you want to switch poppers brand throughout the night, a replacement tin with a lid costs 3.90€.

Bottom view of the Vaporizer’s Lid with it’s Tin on the Right
Vaporizer (79€)
The last of the three poppers inducing tools is the Vaporizer. It is a lid with two female GM40 ports on top. The lead to different holes in the lid so there are distinct in and out ports depending on the layout. The lid screws onto the same 70mm diameter 250ml plastic can like the Vaporizer with Switch. The can comes with a lid so you can store whatever is inside once the scene is done.
If you already have the Switch to alter between air and fumes and are playing with a HEAVY poppers pig, the Vaporizer is the way to go. Through the larger container about 2.5times more poppers fumes can collect than inside the Inhaler.

The Bubbler
The Vaporizer is a tool if your sub is into the permanent introduction of smells into the system. In this scenario put it directly before the air intake of the gas mask so the fumes hit him permanently. However, the nose quickly becomes desensitized to smells so the effect is limited. I would not recommend this with poppers because constantly breathing the vapors is not good for your heart and lung.
Bubbler (69€)
The Bubbler uses the same two female GM40 port design. The inlet is connected to 200mm long silicone tube which is closed with a plug at the bottom. In the bottom 4 rows of 5 holes have been punched inside the hose. The outlet is just a short 90° tube from the bottom of the lid. The head screws onto a 1l bottle. The thread fits many 1l milk bottles – at least in Germany. It even works with glass ones if you want to bring such material into your playroom.
The name of this toy comes from the effect it has: You fill it with a liquid – most commonly piss – till at least the highest of the holes inside the hose are covered. Once you start to breath, you have to create so long underpressure until the water level drops below the hole and the “vacuum” is broken. By doing this breathing is made harder because you first need to create sufficient underpressure (the higher the water column, the more underpressure is necessary). It also flavors the breathing air with whatever liquid is inside. In the process the liquid bubbles and thus the name.

The Bubbler’s Hose
This bubbler is a bit different from other bubblers I have played with. Usually a bubbler has a hose for letting air in. The immersion depth determines how difficult it is to get fresh air. Through this hose you can also add liquid if you are a meany. With this toy you have to decide how intense the scene is going to be by choosing the liquid levels. But to be frank, due to the small volume of the bottle and the highest hole being at about 40% of the way up, even in a full bottle drawing breaths is not getting so much harder. So this is rather a piss flavorer than breathing impairer.
Of course other bubblers have a hole in the top for the hose to go through. With the Vast Bubbler you can take the piss home with you in a replacement bottle. This will be extremely useful for pro doms!
When playing with this bubble, a bit of care is necessary. Due to the chunk, heavy-duty gas mask ports on top, it is extremely head-heavy. Add to this the small footprint of the bottle and it can easily tip over, causing the piss to flow everywhere. My recommendation is to put it in a lube bottle holder to store it safely.
Sniffer (119€)

The Siffer with the Two Jar Sizes
The Sniffer follows the same basic design of the Bubbler: Two female GM40 ports, one connected to 130mm hose, this time with only 4 holes in one of the 6 rows, one connected just by a hole through the lid and short 90° tube. The lid has a 100mm diameter and its thread fits large pickle jars 😉 The Sniffer comes with two PET bottles – or rather jars –, one with 1,250ml and one with 4,000ml.
As the name says, it is made for sniffing things, most often probably underwear or socks. Getting a jockstrap cup through the 100mm opening is a pain in the ass so I would not recommend it.
It is a good toy for inhaling the scents your top wants to expose you to if you stick to a few simple rules:
- Don’t overpack. Fumes need spaces to waft. If you pack it to the brim, not only the hose will be kinked, shutting off the air, but the smell is packed instead of free flowing.
- The warmer the medium, the better the smell. Often I get messages of frustrated sneaker and sox slave who have bought gear from one of their admired tops and the smell is rather faint. Body heat releases the smell so wear it for a couple of minutes before putting it inside. What I would NOT recommend is putting a warm grain pillow inside the jar! Those have a strong graining inherent smell and if you are not having a horse play scene it is really unsexy.
If you daisychain the Sniffer in a setup behind another fume agent – like a poppers source or the Bubbler bottle – be prepared for the content to take on the smell. Most often I used the Sniffer with really rank sox and the switch so the bottom was periodically exposed to heavy fumes and clean air. Since the sense of smell quickly gets used to smells, periodic break or switching between two strong smells for continuous intense effects is strongly recommended. But this toy also works if you want to prime your sub to your smell and let him breath only through the Sniffer. If you don’t pack it too densely (see above), you can comfortably breath through it so without the airflow being impaired. So the sub can sniff your smell indefinitely.
Again the (replacement) jars come with a lid so you can store whatever inside for the next scene.