E-Stim Systems Stuffer

Vendor: E-Stim Systems

The E-Stim Systems Stuffer Bipolar Anal Electrode

The E-Stim Systems Premium Bi-Polar Anal Electrodes have been getting rave reviews from me since I started reviewing them. So when they asked if I wanted to take a look at their new surface treatment I was al for it – and discovered another major improvement.


With the basic from like a butt plug the Stuffer is shaped like any other toy from the E-Stim Systems Torpedo Range. The head has a diameter of 6.25mm and a length of 9cm. It takes 3cm from the tip to reach the maximum diameter so this plug is rather dull. The neck has a diameter of 38mm and is 22mm. Both the head and base which is 40mm long taper towards the neck for a more comfortable fit. For easier grip while playing the base features four grooves. With an overall length of 152mm you get a lot of metal which results into a total weight if 955g.

The material and production quality it top notch! The screw connecting the top and the bottom is stainless steel and the plastic is quite sturdy. The piece de resistance is the aircraft grade aluminum the head and the base is made out of. In March E-Stim Systems introduced a new surface treatment which give their anal electrodes a more even, satin like matt finish which liooks great.

Left: An E-Stim Systems Large Torpedo with the Previous Finish
Right: E-Stim Systems Stuffer with the New Finish

E-Stim Systems so convinced by their build quality that they give a lifelong warranty and having been using these kind of electrodes extensively for almost 5  years I have to agree. Even the plastic hasn’t aged. Yet there is a drop of bitterness with the combination of the aluminum head and the stainless steel screw: Since the screw is harder than the material the thread is cut into, if you tighten the screw too tight too often the thread will get a bit dull. With my old electrodes this made unscrewing both parts a bit difficult. But E-Stim Systems fitted the Stuffer with a hexagon socket at the bottom of the screw so you can now use a hex key for easier unscrewing.

Speaking of screw and thread, for easy cleaning this toy is made out of five individual pieces: Through the base a hole is drilled. Into this hole a plastic insulator is put into which the screw is put. Onto this screw you put another piece of plastic which forms the neck. On top of this you screw the head of the electrode. Into the base and the connecting threat holes for 4mm banana plugs are drilled. The holes are far enough apart for using low profile plugs so you can comfortably sit on this plug.

Another neat thing is that the toy comes in a nifty and stylish black box that can be adjusted length-wise. So if you don’t store your e-stim toys in them but display them proudly you can store other stuff like clamps in there. I use one of the larger boxes for band-aids and the a thinner one for sounds.

Playing with the Stuffer

Since nothing has changed in the way the Premium Bi-Polar Electrode performs this section is a copy and paste from older reviews of this toy.

First a piece of advice on how to read this section: I will only discuss how the physical properties influence the sensation. The sensation itself depends very much on your e-stim box and the program you select.

Detail of the Hexagonal Socket for Easier Disassembly

When choosing the right electrode before play there are three important things to keep in mind:

  • The Material: Unlike other soft materials like vinyl or silicone most anal toys are made out off aluminum will not yield! So if you can barely fit a 64mm vinyl plug into your ass taking the Stuffer will at least take some training, especially because the dull top makes it hard for the ass to open up. If you sphincter isn’t exceptionally well trained (I am talking taking a fist without much pre-stretching) I highly recommend pre-stretching with softer toys which have steeper slopes. But you will get rewarded with a REALLY stuffed feeling. Especially when walking around that if you walk around and your hole gets loose there is a chance of almost 1kg of metal hitting the floor which isn’t good news for tiles or hardwood floores…
  • The Handling: A lot of people put condoms over their anal toys when switching partners. The condom’s latex layer will at best alter the way the current flows thus might produce unwanted effects, at worst no current will flow at all. But because the metal is easily cleaned and disinfected this isn’t a big issue if you clean your toy thoroughly after using it on one partner. The best way of cleaning this toy is to disassemble it, put it into hot water with a bit of detergent added to it. Scrub with a soft brush, rinse the water off and let the parts dry. Once they are, spray your preferred sanitizer on them and assemble them again once dried.
  • The Lubrication: When it comes to lube I would always recommend water-based lube. The glycerin in the lube will help the current flow from the metal to the skin. A thick layer of silicone lube can produced unwanted effects.
  • There are specialized electro lubes out there but in my opinion they are overrated. For my sessions I use Swiss Navy water based lube. It keeps it gliding properties for a long period of time and transmits current very well.

The E-Stim Systems Stuffer Disassembled for Easy Cleaning

When it comes to e-stim a good rule of thumb when it comes to the sensation is !the larger the mass and contact area of the electrode the smoother the sensation”. Since this is the heaviest and larges anal bi-pole I own the sensation was as expected silky smooth. But unlike the other electrodes the mass difference between the base and the head is so large that the sensation is nearly only felt at the base. It was a weird, hard to describe feeling putting the stroke program on. Usually this created a fucking sensation. This time… it was not bad just different than expected.

Of cause you can also use the electrode also as a monopole. Just plug one banana plug into the anal electrode and the other one onto another electrode, a pin wheel or a rubber loop for example.

Conclusion: High quality bi-polar anal electrode for real ass pigs.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Very smooth sensation Material combination can dull screw thread E-Stim Systems £159
Outstanding build quality and materials    
Easy disassembly
Easy to clean
Lifetime warranty
 The Stuffer was given to me by E-Stim Systems for an independent and honest review.

Flick Duo Power Box

Vendor: ElectraStim

The ElectraStim Flick Duo


The Flick Duo is one of the smallest e-stim power boxes out there. It measures 96x57x16mm. The case is made out of a high quality polymer. The bottom is black with a satinlike feeling while the control panel has a grainy texture and is surrounded by a little bit raised silver frame. The top half of the control panel is symmetrically laid out: There are raised buttons soft buttons with a nice pressure point labeled plus and minus to control the intensity of the two channels. The current selected intensity can be seen on a digital display above the controls. Below the controls are orange LEDs which are on when the channel is firing. Between the two channel controls are four green and one red LED which display the intensity of the kinetic recognized by the power box.  Below this scale there is a digital display which indicates which program is currently selected. The lower half of the control panel has two buttons. The upper one is for cycling through the programs. When the green LED left to it is on you are cycling through the 8 regular programs. When you hold the program selection button for approx. 5 seconds the right LEDs goes on which means you can now cycle through the 4 flick programs. When changing modes please keep in mind that holding down the button will cycle one program further in normal mode until the mode change takes place. The lowest button is the power bottom. Next to it is a red LED which comes on when the battery level is low.

Detail of the Two 2mm Sockets

There are only three sockets on this power box: Two 2mm output sockets for the two channels and a Mini-USB socket at the bottom. If you want to use 3.5mm plug leads ElectraStim offers adaptors for 12€.

The small form factor is partly due to the build in battery which lasts between 4 and 6 hour of play depending on the intensity. This feature was heavily discussed among my testees. Personally I prefer power boxes which uses 9V block batteries (also known as PP3). I usually carry around a bunch of them at an even so when one gets empty I can replace them easily or take a battery out of another box. For the Flick Duo I theoretically have to carry a power bank. But the small form factor was really appreciated by some testees (especially the ones who are not like me and travel with a ton of electrodes) saying it is a very discreet power box which can easily be stored away during public play for example. Once the Flick Duo ran out of power you can use the provided Mini-USB cable to charge it which takes approx. 3h.

The Flick Duo comes in a nice black box along with a detailed manual, two leads, four pad electrodes, a Mini USB charging cable and a drawsting storage bag (For detailed pictures take a look at my unboxing).

Playing with the Flick Duo Power Box

In order to get the box ready to play simply push the power bottom. The box will go through a little self test and then you are ready to play. The box will always start in the first program and with both channels turned down.

Program Number Program Name Sensation
1 Continuous Permanent stimulation from both channels
2 Alternating waves Perpendicularly raising and falling sensation on both channels
3 Escalating Simultaneous Wave Raising and falling sensation on both channels with first increasing and than decreasing speed
4 Alternating Pulse A short burst alternating between the channels
5 Escalating Simultaneous Pulse A pulse on both channels which increases in speed
6 Simultaneous Falling Rest A pulse on both channels with the time between two pulses getting shorter until the stimulation is permanent
7 Alternating Dual Pulses Pulses first slowly alternating between the two channels, than quickly before starting over
8 Rapid Fire Escalation Alternating between both channels the number of pulses increases by one each time until 19 pluses are reached and then starting over again

After pressing the program selection button for 5 seconds you switch into Flick mode which offers you four programs.

Program Number Effect
1 Left output is Flick sensible, the right is permanently on
2 Right output is Flick sensible, the left is permanently on
3 Both channels are flick sensitive
4 One channel is only active. After a certain amount of sensation has been induced on one channel, the other becomes active.

The ElectraStim Flick Duo turned on in normal mode

In Flick mode the box will fire when exposed to up-and-down motion. I would describe the sensitivity as medium. I attached the Flick Duo to my wrist when jerking off and REALLY had to beat the meat in order to feel something. Generally speaking you really have to concentrate in which way to move the box in which intensity to get the desired effect which at least in my case took way too much mental effort to jerk off properly. So instead of a self pleasure enhancer the Flick Duo is a sophisticated pain play tool. Attaching it to the top’s wrist (and the leads along the body which enough slack for him to move around!) when flogging or spanking adds a new dimension and range of sensation to impact play. The Flick mode can also be used a bit like the audio input on other boxes: But instead of putting the mic in front of the sub’s mouth so he has to control himself in order to make the stimulation stop with the Flick Duo the sub has to be tied standing up with the above his head and some degree of being able to move his feet to “work” sensations out. Now hang the Flick Duo from his balls and attach electrodes either to his junk or if you are really evil use pad electrodes on the soles’ of his feet. Kick the dangling box to get it started and watch him jump around trying to cope with the stimulation which inevitably creates more stimulation.

Conclusion: Small e-stim power box with movement triggered stimulation feature.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Interesting programs Battery not exchangeable ElectraStim


Mr S




Movement triggered programs Activation of Flick Mode takes rather much movement
Two channels
Small in size
Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by ElectraStim for an honest and unbiased review.

Oxballs Nutter Electro Sacksling

Vendor: Uberkinky


The Oxballs Nutter Electro Sacksling

The Oxballs Nutter Electro Sacksling is a sheath for putting around your balls. It is made out of their super-stretchy and easy to care for FLEX-TPR. The Nutter comes in black, smoke clear, clear and clear read; the e-stim version is only available in clear. The top is designed like their very comfortable, long-time wear proven Unit X sack slings. The bottom features a sack for each ball. While the TPR around the balls is thinner there are reinforcement veins which help compress the sack to fit even smaller balls. At the bottom of the sack there are two holes either to drain swear or for the electrodes’ socket. The electrodes are two aluminum disks with a diameter of 22mm and each weight 9 grams. On the bottom of each disk there is a 25mm long tube with a hole in the middle which serves as a socket for 4mm banana plugs.

Detail of the two Aluminum Electrodes

Playing with the Nutter Electro Sacksling

As with all tight Oxballs nutt toys putting this one on is a bit of a challenge. I highly recommend shaving the crotch area well because getting hair caught by the TPR can REALLY hurt. Before putting the Nutter around your balls I recommend putting another Oxballs cockring around your balls to keep them from retracting into your body. Than stretch the opening hole wide and stuff your balls into the sheath; this works best with a third hand if available. Some testees managed to get their balls into it by turning the sack inside out, placing it onto the balls and flipping it back.

While the FLEX-TPR is resistant towards all forms of lube I do not recommend putting lube into it trying to make putting the Nutter on easier. The lube will get everywhere and you won’t get any grip anymore.

Detail of the Unit X Neck Design

But this bit of stress is way worth it. First there is the fetish aspect. With the Nutter on your balls look and feel bulkier and heavier, almost as if they have been pumped. There are also new sensations: The larger the scrotum, the more constant pressure is applied to the balls. It is not much but a constant, subtle and for mist CBT aficionados horny stimulation. The neck of the Nutter adds a little stretch which creats a unique sensation when cumming: The stretch keeps the balls from coming closer to the body which makes climaxing a bit harder yet more intense when finally getting there while the pressure tries to squeeze the cum out of your balls.

Detail of the Supporting Veins and the two Electrodes

If you get the e-stim version the fun gets even more intense. Since it comes with two electrodes the Nutter can be used as a bipolar toy with the sensation focusing on frying the balls. Especially with a remote controlled or motion triggered power box you can quite authentically recreate the feeling of getting kicked in the nuts. As a monopole – either with just one electrodes or with both daisy chained – using a monopole cock toy is the most fun because the currency travels along the many nerve endings along the shaft. For this kind of play an e-stim sound is the best counter electrode.

When you want to use the Nutter for e-stim you have to place the electrodes before putting the sheath on. Despite the TPR’s snug fit around the sockets they become a bit loose when stretching it to put the sheath on. Because of that I recommend attaching the leads before putting the Nutter on so you have something to hold onto.

Maintenance is quite easy: Simply wash it with warm dish soap water and let it dry. Afterwards spray a sanitizer on it. I recommend storing it not touching any other toys otherwise they might disintegrate each other.

Conclusion: A bit hart do put on to but intense CBT and E-Stim Toy
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique CBT sensation Difficult to put on Uberkinky Nutter: £44.99
E-Stim Version only come in clear E-Stim Nutter: £69.99
Bi-Polar E-Stim Stimulation
Easy to Clean

Prestige ElectraLoops

Vendor: ElectraStim

The ElectraStim Prestige ElectraLoops


The design of the Prestige ElectraLoops is a premium approach towards one of the most essential e-stim toys: The conductive rubber loops. One of the drawbacks of the more basic loops is that the lead’s plug is put directly into the tube. This is not only a bit tricky especially with lubey fingers but if you weren’t careful enough the rubber could tear forcing you to shorten the loop. ElectraStim addressed this issue by attaching extra thick 6.5mm conductive tube to a chocker. The choker is made out of aluminum and comes in classic silver, vibrant cherry red and posh gold. On one side of the choker there is a metal socket for 2mm pin plugs to connect the electrode to your e-stim box. On the other side there is a hole through which the tube runs in order to adjust the length. The usable length of the tube is 21cm. The loose end is close with an aluminum plug in the same color as the choker which prevents the loop to be pulled through the choker. This does not only add a nice bit of color but is a nifty safety feature because it effectively prevents attaching both lead plugs to one monopolar electrode which would short-circuit your powerbox.

The ElectraStim Prestige ElectraLoops are sold in pairs.

Playing with the Prestige ElectraLoop

I consider this toy THE E-Stim essential. If you buy one pair of electrodes for your box, make it this because it is so versatile. The probably most often used play scenario for this toy is CBT: Put a ball stretcher on, lay one loop around the penis root and the other one around the stretched balls and try some different programs. With some training most men can even turn their box with these electrodes into a milker. For this stimulation put one loop either around the penis root or on the bottom of the shaft and the other one right below the glans and select the stroke program. If you do this on a regular basis your dick will most likely learn to reach an orgasm from the currency induced nerve irritation on the frenulum. For faster trainings results I would recommend adding some form of anal set up which stimulates the prostate in the same pattern. But always keep in mind to not overdo the stimulation because especially with electro the nerves of your genitals are easily overwrought. So the stimulation might have a nice torture aspect getting your endorphins flowing but won’t make you come.

Detail of the Aluminum Choker

When playing on the penis I would always recommend putting a TPR stretcher on – like one of the many stretchers and cockrings from Oxballs – because there are easy to handle, are not conducting and will keep the electrodes from touching and thus from short-circuiting. Due to the smooth round edges and since no springs are used to hold the loop in place to risk of catching hair or pinching skin when tightening the loops has been massively reduced. However the design has a bit of a drawback. Especially when you want to put one loop around the base of a big wick with massive and/or stretched balls being able to pull the loose end out of the choker to wrap it around the junk would be great.

But this toy is not limited to CBT. When wearing an isolating glove use the pair as a skin electrode and caress the sub’s skin with it. You can even make an anal electrode out of the pair: Either put one of them into your ass and the other somewhere onto your skin below the waist or put an isolating layer between them – for example a piece of freezer bag which is large enough to keep the electrodes separate even when the electrodes shift a bit – and shove both up your butt in order to create a bi-pole.

Detail of the Aluminum Plug that closes the Loose End of the Conductive Rubber Loop

Maintenance wise this toy is very easy to handle: After having played with it, just wash it in hot water with a bit of detergent in it. Once it’s dried spray or wipe it with a disinfectant. This is especially important when you have used it below your glans because even unnoticed drops of precum can transmit STDs!

Another important play and maintenance aspect to keep in mind is the lube: since the loops are made out of silicone, never use silicone lube on it. On the one hand silicone lube doesn’t conduct currency and on the other hand silicone lube will destroy the silicone of the loops.

Conclusion: Premium version of an e-stim essential.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Premium materials and design Sometimes a bit hard to handle ElectraStim



Easy to operate even with lubey fingers
Regulation £49.55
Low risk of damaging tube when attaching leads Mr S $74.95
Almost no risk of catching hair of pinching skin
Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by Uberkinky for an honest and unbiased review.


Twist Action Nipple Suction Cups

Vendor: Uberkinky

The Uberkinky Twist Action Nipple Suction Cups


The body of these nipple pumps is a 57mm long clear plastic tube which comes in four diameters: 17mm, 26mm, 38mm and 50mm. For this review I was sent the 17mm version. Inside this tube is a plastic disc with two black rubber seals. This disc is connected to a knob by a threaded rod. The knob features deep, ergonomically shaped grooves so it can be operated securely even with sweaty or lubey fingers.

Playing with the Twist Action Nipple Suction Cups

Playing with vacuum toys escpecially on the nipples has two possible goals. The first is the stimulation through suction. This is a delicate sensation which originates from the skin’s tension inside the vacuum and targets the high nerve endings density of the nipple. In order to create this sensation the tube’s diameter should not be larger than the nipples’ vestibule. Also, being delicate, it is possible to not feeling the sensation at all when the bottom is not receptive for light nipple stimulation. But if he is, there is a wide range of possible sensations and stimulations ranging from a light sucking one to agonizing pain depending how intense the vacuum is. These sensations can of cause be enhanced by adding external force through a vibrator or a riding crop. Especially for this kind of play this kind of nipple pumps is better than the cups made out of squishy materials like TPR because you can precisely dose the intensity of the sucking sensation.

In any case nipple pumps are teasing the nerve endings so they can be used to prepare the nipples for other forms of play. After 10 to 15 minutes being exposed to vacuum the nerve endings react more intensely to any other form of stimulation being it pressure, heat or cold.

Detail of the Easy to Grip Knob

In order to be effective nipple pumps are best used on well shaven chests because hair below the tube’s rim can prevent the necessary seal for a vacuum. What doesn’t interfere with the working principal though is sweat so these nipple pumps are a great toy to use after extended rubber wearing when most moderate nipple clamps won’t grip anymore.

Though nipple pumps are hot toys a word of warning is in order: Playing extensively and often with vacuum toys can permanently increase the size and volume of the body parts sucked into the vacuum tubes.

Conclusion: Easy to use and versatile nipple toy.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Easy to operate even with slippery hands Does not work for everybody Uberkinky £16.99
Wide range of possible sensations
Can be used to increase impact of existing nipple toys

Blackjump Padded Sling Stir-Ups

Blackjump Padded Sling Stir-Ups

Vendor: Blackjump


These sling stir-ups are made out of three 20cm long and 6cm wide bridle leather belts are perpendicularly attached to an O-ring using sturdy rivets. The lower and the middle straps feature thick and not too soft padding under soft nappa leather; the un-padded top one features a welded D-ring.

Detail of the Padding, Riveting and the Welded O-ring

Playing with the Padded Sling Stir-Ups

This sling accessory is made for power bottoms who do not want to lay down in the sling but actively work with the top during anal play. The padded perpendicular strap keeps the foot from slipping out of the stir-up when the bottom stems into them. By lifting his ass up and having the support he can push is ass towards whatever is in front of his ass allowing to increase the speed or the depths of the pounding. Once the sub stems into stir-ups the not uncomfortable stiffness of the straps form around the foot, giving it great support for really active engagement. Yet due to the comfortable padding they are great for extended scenes with bare feet.

The support through the tightness comes with a price. Since the leather doesn’t really get broken in they are a bit hard to get the feet into them on your own. Also they are rather confined. Not too bulky sneakers up to size EU47/UK12/US13 are no problem but most kinds of boots are simply too bulky to fit in.

Conclusion: Unique stir-up design for the active power bottom.  
Pro Cons Where to get Price  
Allows for active participation during anal play in the sling Too tight for boots Blackjump 69€
Difficult to get in and out without help
Made for heavy duty play
High quality leather

Sling Suspension Straps

Vendor: Regulation

The Regulation Sling Suspension Straps

When I posted last week’s review of the SeriousToyS Rubber Sling I have gotten a lot of questions about the leather restraints hanging in the background. So I decided to review them this week. When I announced the review on Twitter the guys from Regulation got in touch with me and said that the product has been discontinued which is a shame. Usually I don’t write reviews about products which are not available any more. But since I really love these restraints maybe this review will be helpful to kinkster who run across a pair of hand slings and wonder what to do with them.


The basis of the Suspension sling is a 64cm long and 4cm wide strap of saddle leather. On one end a large, welded D-ring is riveted using four rivets, on the other end a 4.5cm long leather loop using again four rivets is created. Between these two sections thick and soft padding covered by soft nappa leather is sowed onto the strap.

Detail of the D-ring at the top

Playing with the Sling Suspension Straps

The function principle of these restraints is pretty simple: Put a foot or a hand through the loop formed by the strap and tighten it. If you than put tension on the D-ring there is no way to get out of these. Through the thick padding and the fact that the force pulling on them is in line with the limb and not perpendicular like it is the case with a D-ring attached to a cuff-style restraint these restraints can be worn comfortable even with considerable tightening draft on them. These properties along with the sturdy build make these restraints ideal for any situation where pulling force is involved like in a spread eagle or for the wrists on a St.-Andrews-Cross. Another usage scenario are hogties where a lot of sensations are induced like tickling or bastinado. The movement will keep the bondage tight while the force distribution minimizes the injury risk. I personally use them in the sling. The unique combination of softness, sturdiness and easiness to hold onto makes them ideal to grab onto something and work things out physically when the sensations get too intense. In combination with the stir-ups (which I will review next week) they are ideal to lift oneself up from the sling and ride the fist in your own speed.

Detail of the clever fettering way through a leather loop.

One thing must not be forgotten to be mentioned here: Despite being called sling SUSPENSION straps they are NOT made for extended suspension. Putting the entire body weight on these restraints can cut circulation. If you are looking for suspension restraints I recommend these for the hands and these for the feet.

When buying a sling type strap pay attention to some important details. There are suspension hand straps out there which just feature a d-ring on each end. While basically you can do the same thing with them as with the Regulation ones reviewed here, the ones I own have a major advantage: Since the loop which forms the sling is wide the leather is twisted forming a smooth curve. Thus the padding is all around the wrist or ankle, unlike the two-D-ring-version where they are exposed to the edges of the stiff strap leather. So when you are planning on buying a two-D-ring-version pay attention that the edges of the strap are either padded or piped.

Conclusion: Simple yet clever and effective restraints.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Clever design which places padding all around the joint Discontinued Regulation


£44.99 (discontinued)
Made for heavy duty play
High quality leather

ElectraStim Flick Duo Unboxing

In just a few weeks the Third Annual E-Stim Special will start on ToyTorture.com. For a couple of weeks it will be all about E-Stim on this website. So one after the other I am slowly getting the toys which I than will be reviewing. ElectraStim is one of the major manufacturers of E-Stim toys and thus I have gotten a lot of questions which of their power box I would recommend. Thus I was very happy when they sent me their Flick Duo along with two electrodes earlier this weekend to put them through my hard testing routine.

The toy comes in a black, sturdy 147x87x90mm cardboard box with the ElectraStim logo embossed in silver. It is wrapped in a trade outer packaging which shows a picture of the box and explains its main features.

Directly below the lid the Flick Duo is housed in a velvety covered tray. The power box features soft-touch push buttons which are symmetrically laid out: In the center there are the power and the mode selection button with the mode number indicator above. On the left and on the right are the intensity controls for the two independent channels. At the top there are two sockets for the two channels, on the bottom there is the Mini USB charging socket.

The Flick Duo comes with a manual in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish and Italian. It explains the basis of e-stim, how to operate the box, walks you through the 8 programs and 4 flick modi and gives good advice on how to use the electrodes which come with the box. With the manual comes a little card. On one side they advertise for their Jack Socket e-stim enhanced masturbator, on the other side it is described how you can qualify for an additional year of warranty.

Next inside the box there is a small black drawstring back with a silver ElectraStim logo printed on it. It is large enough to hold the Flick Duo, two leads and a pair of conductive loops and some pad electrodes.

Next are the hardware essentials: A Mini USB cable for charging and two 2mm plug to bipolar 2mm pin leads.

Last but not least the Flick Duo comes with four self-adhesive pad electrodes. They are good for a first glance into the e-stim world and allow for out of the box fun.

I am very much looking forward to test this little beast and am especially excited which means things I will be able to do with the flick feature .

SeriousToyS Rubber Sling

Vendor: Vast

The SeriousToyS Rubber Sling

Rubber is one of the major fetishes in the kink community. As hot as the material is for fetish wear and gear it has some major drawbacks when it comes to manufacture toys out of it: It is hard to cut into shape making the manufacturing process complicated and thus expensive, compared to leather is cannot withstand much force, it dissolves after contact with oils and it needs to be maintained with silicone oil. So when it comes to toys for hard play I stick to leather.

Detail of the Stainless Steel Fittings

I know that there are some rubber slings out there but none of the addressed all the potential issues I mentioned above – unlike the SeriousToyS Rubber Sling I have bought. To be honest I was skeptical when considering the purchase because the sling is more expensive than most leather slings and after all being made out of rubber I feared I would at least have to deal with some of the drawbacks. But since the guy who designed this sling did an awesome job designing my bed with added bondage functionality I gave it a try.

The SeriousToyS Rubber Sling with Holes Cut into it

The sling is a five point design so there is space to rest your head when lying in the sling. It comes in two sizes: Standard which measures 122cm by 75cm or XL which measures 122cm by 95cm. They have also made a model with holes cut into the sling which is great for piss-heavy scenes. The sling is made out of three 2mm thick industrial rubber layers which are reinforced with Kevlar. Instead of using D-rings housed in riveted rubber loops for suspend the sling from stainless steel fittings are used. They are screwed to a counter plate with four screws. This design prevents shearing which is necessary. While most leather slings resp. their fittings give in around half a ton of static load at best an entire Smart car has been suspended from this sling. So even when you really plowing a heavier bottom in this sling, it can withstand the high dynamic load. However, there is a major drawback of using rubber as a sling material: It has a rather low thermal conductivity so even in a well heated room the sling will be rather cold when lying down.

Despite the material being hard to work with the manufacturing quality is perfect. Computer controlled water saws are used to cut the rubber so the shape is even. Unlike most other common rubber play items the edges of the sling have been deburred so there are no hard edges which could potentially damage rubber gear or abrase the skin.

Detail of the Three Kevlar reinforced Layers of Industrial Rubber

The Sling Suspension Solution in my Playroom

One of the main advantages of rubber is that it is unaffected by most things. Commonly in play involved substances like piss, poppers or silicone lube can tarnish a leather sling while the rubber maintains its mat shine. Being made out of chlorinated industrial rubber you can even use oil-based lubes like Crisco in this sling without damaging it. This in combination with the fact that it is easy to clean makes this sling the ideal choice for group scenes where you can simply spray the sling with a sanitizer and whip it off or raunchier play. Being made out of industrial rubber the SeriousToyS Rubber Sling doesn’t even need maintenance like applying silicone oil.

For suspending the sling for the ceiling they recommend a rectangle of 1.5m by 2.2m for the standard size sling and 2m by 2.2m for the XL version. However are you can see from the pictures taken in my playroom if you can live with some small niggles and are creative you can even put it up in room with a challenging layout. Last spring they also introduced stir-ups made out of the same rubber and with the same stainless steel fittings for 99€ a pair. They are larger and wider than all other stir-ups I have seen so far. So if you like to wear big waders or MX boots while getting played with in the sling these might be the stir-ups to go to.

Conclusion: The only high quality, heavy duty and easy to clean and maintain RUBBER sling I know.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Made for heavy duty play Rather cold when lying down Vast Standard: 379€

XL: 459€

Can with stand almost everything you expose it to
Made out of rubber
Easy to clean

Crackstuffers Missile

Toy Properties
Material: Rubber
Colors: Blue
Firmness: Hard
Lube: Water & Silicone
Cleaning: Soaking in warm water with non-moisturizing, non scented dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store standing in a well-ventilated place and covered in a thin layer of silicone oil not touching other toys to prevent damaging the toys.

Vendor: Crackstuffers

The Crackstuffers Missile L

When it comes to anal toys Crackstuffers is the brand I get one of the most questions about, especially their depth trainers. Sadly I don’t own one of these toys (yet?) so I am writing a review about the one Crackstuffers toy I own: My Missile L.


The Crackstuffers Missile is a shape dildo. After a bluntish tip the first fifth of the dildo is tapered for easy insertion. The shaft of the dildo is divided into two equally sized sections. The first section features 6 deep grooves while the lower half is smooth. The Missile comes in four sizes.

Size Diameter Shaft Length
S 6.5cm 28cm
M 7.5cm 29cm
L 8cm 32cm
XL 9cm 33cm

Detail of the Deep Grooves

Playing with it

This dildo is not for the novice: The relatively large diameter already in size S, the blunt tip and firm material make the insertion a bit of a challenge. But once the inserted the firm material becomes an advantage. While with softer materials like vinyl or silicone the sphincter can deform the texture lessening the sensation the grooves stand firm for a nice and intense simulation of many nerve endings inside the sphincter. In order to do injure the anus vigorous fucking is only recommended when it is nicely relaxed and soft. So especially the larger sizes are not meant to start the play with. It is a great toy to end a fist scene with when the sphincter simulation causes a sensation overload. If you want to push it further (being tied) into a sling or in doggy position on a fuck bench and being challenged with the sensation of the grooves somewhere between messaging and tormenting the sphincter triggered a strong headspace of submission with some testees.

Example of possible Discoloring

But the Missile is also great for solo play. Since the bottom of the Crackstuffers Missile is plane and the material is firm enough to not stand up even under pressure it is the ideal dildo for riding (or making your squats more interesting if you want to spice up your workout).

However these material properties come with a price: Rubber does very easily discolor or take on odors Also it is unforgiving towards oil based substances. So using this toy in an heavy ass play scene where Crisco is involved will damage it.

Where to buy?

The Crackstuffers Missile can be bought at their online store for £40.95 to £65.95 depending on the size.