Oxballs Recycler

The Oxballs Recycler

Vendor: Oxballs

After posting the mandatory toy arrival post on Twitter and Tumblr in November, I have had a steady stream of messages asking me if the toy works respectively holds up the promise the design makes. After a long and thorough testing period, these simple questions turned out to be quite difficult to answer.


In order to create this unique setup, Oxballs combined different, already existing toys in a new, clever way using clear, 9.5mm diameter silicone hoses. A 65mm long piece connects the Piss Lock which I reviewed in February with two 90cm long hoses. One hose goes to the Chomp Gag which I reviewed last week, the other to an aluminum tunnel butt plug. My set has the medium size plug which has an overall length of 80mm, a maximum circumference of 38mm and a head length of 55mm. There is also a large version available but with a maximum diameter of 49mm also not really large, especially for anal savvy bottoms. There is an adjustable clamp on the hose leading to the plug to either direct the liquid flow towards the gag or keep it inside the rectum.

Detail of the Tunnel Butt Plug with the Adjustable Clamp

Playing with the Recycler

There are two major play scenarios for this toy, the first one being turning the sub into a self-sustaining piss recycler. It is a hot fantasy of many subs to be forced to drink their own piss over and over and the layout of the toy promises exactly that. Sadly, in reality it does not work so easily because much to my constant annoyance even SM toys have to surrender to physical laws – despite Patrick Califia calling SM sexual magic – which means gravity will pull all liquids to the lowest point in a closed system. Looking at the three most common bondage positions – lying down, standing/ kneeling or doggy – either the dick is the lowest point of the ass with the anus being the lowest point of the rectum. So while some piss will flow into the rectum, the majority will stay inside the hose because the weight of the water column is not high enough to push it inside. When shutting off the hose to the plug or connect the Piss Lock directly to the Chomp Gag, you are facing the same problem. If the sub isn’t tied on a tilted bondage table with the head facing down, the head with the gag will always be higher than the dick. With an internal diameter of 7mm, the 90cm hose has a capacity of approx. 140ml so the sub should have a large load inside his bladder in order for a significant amount of piss to reach his mouth. But this is only the case if the sub’s dick is large enough to fill the Piss Lock well enough to seal it. Otherwise the piss will flow out of the cage instead of into the tube. To a certain extend sucking on the gag helps the piss to travel up.

Detail of the Piss Lock with the T-Connector

The next scenario is being the courtesy piss bottom at a party. If you want to fill his ass and his mouth, he should either be lying down or be in doggy position. If he kneels you need to connect the short hose to the gag and the long one to the funnel. Also, you should tighten the clamp a bit to reduce flow to the plug and additionally encourage him suck, otherwise no piss will reach his mouth. Naturally, at a busy party it is way too complicated to put the Urinal Lock over each dick, especially in this setup only one can piss into the sub at the same time. My recommendation: Get the IKEA Chosigt funnel set (which also comes in yellow). The tube of the larger one has diameter of 10mm, so isolation tape can be used to seal the gapes and attach the hose to the funnel.

The IKEA Chosigt Funnel attached to the Recycler

After all this negativity, all piss bottoms involved in the testing process liked the Recycler for the mind fuck it provided. After you played with it for a bit, you learn all the kinks to make it work and the right scenarios where it will deliver. As you can read in the separate reviews, the parts of this toy are really great but sadly the sum cannot quite live up to it.

Conclusion: Hot piss toy – which takes some thinking to make it work
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique Design Difficult to make it work Oxballs $139
Parts are great toys for themselves

Oxballs Chomp Gag

The Oxballs Chomp Gag

Vendor: Mr S Leather


The gag is made out of two different kinds of silicone. The mouth-piece is made out of soft red platinum silicone. The front is a thick disk with 50mm diameter with a gap housing a black polymer ring. Onto this ring a strap out of sturdy black silicone is attached. It is 20mm wide and 600mm long. The edges of the strap are slightly deburred so they are comfortable to wear. Sadly it has not roller buckle which makes fasting it a bit complicated. This is annoying especially since you should not pull the silicone too rough in order not to damage it.

Detail of the Gumshield-Style Mouthpiece

The front tappers into the actual gag’s mouthpiece. It is molded like the gumshield of a football or ice hockey helmet for the teeth to rest comfortably and securely. The sides are somewhat flexible to accommodate different jaw sizes. From the middle of the gumshield to the front there is a 10mm wide hole. The Chomp gag comes with an elbow connector to connect the gag to other Oxballs piss toys (like the Piss Lock). The connector can be taken out to turn it into a hollow gag.

Playing with the Chomp Gag

First things first: If you are looking for a gag as a piece of bondage gear to silence the sub or keep his mouth open, look elsewhere. At best it slightly muffles the sub’s noises. This gag is made for action and high energy play. The soft gumshield is made to offer the sub resistance and protection when he works out the pain with his mouth especially when he is a biter like me who clench their jaws during play. The look of the mouthpiece proofed to be very popular with sports gear fetishist because of the pro sports look it has.

Detail of the Central Hole and Elbow Connector

The hole in middle has some play potential. When closing the sub’s nose – for example during glove over mouth – you can control the air flow through the hole either using your fingers or a plug. Alternatively you can force-feed the incense like poppers or cigar smoke. Regarding piss play I am a bit ambivalent which verdict to give: The small diameter of the hole makes it easy to cover it with the tongue. Eventually the top needs some alternative means to “motivate” the sub to move it. The small diameter is also a problem when the bladder pressure is high; the piss can’t simply move through the small tube quickly enough – if the sub does not suck eagerly and greedy on the mouthpiece.

Being made out of silicone it is very easy to clean even after piss scenes. Simply soak it hot dish soap water, rinse it and slap it onto the next bottom.

Conclusion: Easy to sanitize gag for biters.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Comfortable to wear and effective Diameter of the hole is a bit small Mr S Leather $69.95
Easy to clean No roller buckle
Hot, sportive looks

Blaze, Flint & Chance – A Pack of Bad Dragons

The Three Bad Dragon Dildos reviewed this Time: Flint, Blaze and Chance

Vendor: Bad Dragon

This is the third test of Bad Dragon toys I am writing. And it seems: The more I write about these toys, the more questions I get about specific toys. Luckily, through their unique design, testing and writing about these toys is always interesting. So, if you have read the previous reviews, you can quickly skip to “Playing with the Dildos”. If you are new to Bad Dragon or even ToyTorture.com: Welcome to this pervy little place. Let me tell you something more about these extravagant anal toys…


Bad Dragon prides itself in producing some of the best anal toys out there which starts out with using quality materials. Bad Dragon only uses platinum silicone. This kind of silicone is similar to what sometimes is referred to as “medical silicone” online. While it is medial grade, medical silicone is too firm to make anal toys out of it. The “platinum” refers to the catalyst being used for making silicone. Platinum silicone can withstand acid and heat better than other catalysts like tin for example which can have adverse effects on the body. Being so robust, platinum silicone toys are easy to clean: You can put them in hot water, rub them down with mild acid or autoclave them.  Additionally the surface is super-smooth which makes it hard for bacteria to linger and grow. So these toys are ideal when playing with different partners because they are easy to clean thoroughly.

Detail of the Scales texturing Flint’s Shaft

However, one thing silicone toys do not forgive is the use of silicone or hybrid lube. The silicone will disintegrate the toy, first making it sticky, then gooey. Only use water- or oil-based lube with these toys!

All Bad Dragon anal toys can be made in three different degrees of firmness: Soft, Medium and Firm while firm is not available on XL toys. Soft toys are good for not yet well trained asses or really large toys because the sphincter can deform the toy a bit to fit well. However the softer the material the less stability a toy has so especially with long toys there is a chance they will collapse with the soft material. Also keep in mind: The thicker a toy the harder it will feel. In any case, silicone will always be softer than vinyl, rubber or metal. To help find the right firmness, Bad Dragon offers a set of discs in all degrees of firmness.

One advantage of silicone is that you can easily color and that it is hard to discolor. Bad Dragon offer 56 basic colors for all toys plus special ones for specific plus special effects like florescence or glitter plus patterns. Maybe one day when I am bored I will calculate the number of colors and patterns possible. To a certain degree, there is an interdependency of firmness and color pattern: Soft toys can’t fade from one color to another. The silicone is too viscous and would flow into each other instead of producing a nice fade.

Blaze’s almost smooth Glans, Shaft and Knot


At the date of the publishing of this review, Bad Dragon offer 62 butt plugs and dildos – not including little lube applicators, vibrators and packers. For most toys the size ranges from small (like a smaller dick) to XL (depending on the toy real of a single or even double fisting).

While most people when shopping for toys only look at the diameter, at Bad Dragon toys the depth and thus the position of the maximum diameter are important. Most fistees are more trained to take width rather than depth. So it can be a bit disappointing when the enticing, big knot is way below the level one can take depth-wise.

The name “Bad Dragon” shows the company’s affiliation with the furry scene. All the dildos are inspired by anthropomorphic fantasy creatures like dragons or werewolves and some real ones like dogs and horses. This design inspiration reflects in the toy design. Most toys are heavily textured with veins or scales running the shaft and ridges or bumps subtly increasing the diameter. The texture stimulates the many nerve endings inside the sphincter. But the more texture, the harder to toy will be to take. So I highly recommend taking the degree of texturing into consideration when choosing the size and firmness.

Detail of Chance’s Glans

To some toys, two special features can be added. The first is the suction cup. If you can add it, get it! It makes playing and riding the toy much easier. As a material, silicone is somewhat sticky on its own (that’s the reason why no matter how thoroughly you clean it, there is ALWAYS dust on the toys!) but the strong cup which is integrated into the base design keeps the dildo in place (or sticking on the bathroom wall), even when riding it vigorously.

The second add-on is the cumtube which is a tube cast in the middle of the toy. It comes with a syringe you can fill with (cum-like) water-based lube and shoot it into your ass, simulating the feeling of the dragon’s dick cumming in you. Naturally, such a tube makes cleaning the toy more difficult. Also, in my testee panel the opinions on the cumtube’s effect are split. Some love it, some find it overrated. I would recommend ordering one of their Lil’Squirt toys (I will be reviewing their Seadragon Lil’Squirt in May) to try out the effect for yourself before investing money into a bigger toy with a cumtube.

Flint and Blaze Glowing after having been Exposed to UV Light

Playing with the Dildos

Blaze the Fire Drake

Blaze’s shape is almost like a traditional, anatomically correct dildo. It starts out with a big, fat glans below which are some gentle ripples and then grows into a big, fat knot which is textured by really subtle veins. It tappers again above the base so you can comfortably rest on it, enjoying the filling feeling of the big knot. Blaze is one of the few toys which comes in five sizes: From Mini to XL. This adds to him being a good beginner’s toy with a maximum diameter 4.25cm and usable length of approx. 10cm. My Blaze is made in Blaze’s Signature color which fluoresces blue. Especially in play setting with UV lighting or a dark room after having been “charged” with black light, this effect adds a nice visual aspect to the scene.

The Anatomic Glans of Flint and the Bumps and Ripples on his Shaft

Flint the Uncut Studded Dragon

Flint is quite the opposite of Blaze. The tip starts out with the glans lurking under a ring of foreskin which makes the tip rather dull. Starting from the frenulum around the glans are seven bumps on both sides which run down the upper side of the heavily curved shaft, flanking subtle ripples. The shaft’s lower part which is arching out is textured with deep, scale-like ridges. While the shaft’s diameter increases towards the middle and gets thinner again, this toy does not have a knot but the texturing goes down all the way to the base which is shaped like two massive balls. The color on this Flint is a bit like the one on the Blaze. It is called “The 5th Kind” and fluoresces green under UV light.

Chance the Unflared Stalion

To review Chance was a request by many readers. While most other Bad Dragons focus on the stretch of the knot and the stimulation of the texturing, this is explicitly made for depth play. The glans is a slightly dulled dome with small ripples around the rim. It tappers slightly at the shaft which except some veins and a bump in the middle is completely smooth. This lack of stimulation equals lack of irritation so Chances travels somewhat smoothly through the colon. The shaft ends in a massive base shaped like two testicles which ensure a secure stand despite not being offered with a suction cup.

Detail of the Bump and Veins halfway down the Shaft of Chance

There is also a “Flared” version of Chance out there. Flared is the state when a horse’s glans increases in size and diameter when climaxing. The wide, flat glans makes the tip extremely dull and this is only a toy for ass pigs with a really loose hole and lots of width training in the deep.

Choosing the texture for Chance is more important and more difficult than on other toys. It is available in all three firmnesses. If your colon is not extremely well trained for depth play in a way that you can stick your fist in and just keep going, do not choose firm! The toy will be too stiff to go around the bends of the colon. While soft is of course predestinated for that, through the “wobbliness” the toy is hard to control. So my personal recommendation (and the one of all my friends who own a Chance) is getting it in medium.

This Chance’s color is a “simple” fade from two blue colors called “Midnight Aquatic”.

Toy Prototype: Whale Penis Flogger

ToyTorture.com is not only about reviewing toys. On a regular basis small toy makers approach me and ask for advice on market research and product design. Since clever, ingenious toy design intrigues me, I am always excited and happy to bring a new means of perversion into the world.

During the holiday season last year Jonas from Tromsø in Norway contacted me. His primary kink is impact play and in the long dark winters he taught himself how to make floggers. Like his father and grandfather he is working in fishery. After mastering the “traditional” hides like bull or elk, he quite successfully started experimenting with hides from his daytime job, mostly classic aquatic leathers like shark or ray. In October he got his hands on a truly unique hide and started turning it into a flogger which he was very eager to show me. Since he was in Berlin for BLF Easter, we met for a coffee at Romeo&Romeo today. I have seen many extravagant toys and unique designs, but this one blew my mind.

The Whale Penis Hide Tails before Stroking them

Knowing of his passion for exotic hides, a friend from the Norwegian College of Fishery Science gave Jonas a hide of a whale penis and he turned it into flogger tails. When I first saw the flogger, it looked weird. It had a standard sized grip but only six thin and short tails. I know this kind of tails from pocket floggers I sometimes use in spanking scenes. But they have smaller grips for better handling. The tails’ leather is very soft and flowing, almost like Deer hide and has a smooth, slightly grained surface. The magic start when you start stroking the tails: They quickly grow in length and width, get heavier and after a minute of caressing and jerking a full-sized flogger was lying on the table! What first was a light warm-up toy for small areas grew to a big, heavy thudder. This effect is the reason why there are only six tails. He experimented with eight or even twelve, but as soon as they started growing, the knot holding them together burst.

Obviously, this toy has great potential. It is small enough to fit in a pocket and is easy to carry around. The small tails work great for a close-up, intimate warm-up. Once you are done, simply stroke the tails or expose them to vibration to make them grow and continue the scene with full-size flogger.

After Stroking them, the Tails became long, thick, wide and heavy

As excited I am to get to call one of these floggers my own, Jonas still has some major problems to work out. First, there is the right amount of stroking. If you overdo it, the tails get hard as a rock and you either have to use it as a paddle, wait at least half an hour or put them into ice-water to make them soft again. Especially when using the ice-water, it takes a lot of rubbing to make them grow again. The next issue is the grip balance. It is either too small and too light to control the big thudder or cartoonishly large for the small, short tails. Until now, he only managed to make round-cut tail-ends. He experimented with angle-cut but if you hit the sub too hard with them, sometimes the tips squirt, soiling the sub’s back. Last but not least, ethically sourcing the hide is a big issue. But Jonas is determined to work out these kinks and bring this amazing product to the market soon. He is already experimenting with some other exotic hides. He showed me a video of an electric eel hide flogger he is hoping to turn into a toy, combining e-stim and impact play. So I am very certain we will hear a lot from this talented young man in the near future.

MC Customs Impact Toys

A Selection of MC Customs Impact Toys

Vendor: MC Customs

Sometimes I get very specific questions where to get toys for a very particular scene. Especially from the United Kingdom and Asia readers ask me where to get authentic impact toys for corporal punishment role play. Apparently their tragic history of physical forms of punishment in their education system created a special fetish scene. Since this is not really my kind of kink, I had to do some digging around until I found a company which makes toys satisfying the requirements made in most of the inquiries.


All toys from MC Customs are made out of really high quality leather. When I first opened the parcel, the rich smell of quality leather was intoxicating and it still have some presence in my playroom. The manufacturing shows real craftsmanship: All edges are burnished and dyed edges; the toys which consist of two leather layers are sowed flawless. Each toy is embossed with the makers stamp. But on certain toys you can even add a customization like my nick name on the Holed Spade Paddle. The leather is dyed in two colors, either a London Tan – which I have been told is the authentic color – or a more “modern” dark brown.

Three different Types of Lochgelly Impact Toys: A Strap, two Two Tail Tawses and a Three Tail Tawse

For their tawses and straps, they use three different kinds of hides with different degrees of stiffness. The stiffer the hide, the more sever the impact blow will feel. The straps and tawses are all 60cm long but the width depends on the impact space design: The Two Tail Tawses and Narrow Straps are 3.2cm wide, the Wide Straps 3.8cm and the Three Tail Twases are 4cm wide. There are two styles available: The Glasgow style which has a short grip section and rounded end and the Lochgelly style which has a longer grip section and a pointed end. The Lochgelly implements have the severness degree embossed just above the hole for hanging the toys or attaching a loop.

The Ferrula was originally used by monks in Christian schools. It is made by sowing two pieces of stiff leather together. Being 33cm long, both ends are slightly drop-shaped with a width of 5.6cm at the half-circle and then tappers to 5.2cm in the middle.

The Holed Spade Paddle is also made out of two pieces of leather. The overall length of it is 37cm. The grip is 14cm long and is supported by a metal tube to make it stiffer and more comfortable to rip. At the end, there is no hole for hanging the toys but a short leather loop attached. Starting out from the grip the paddle tappers for 9cm into the impact area which measures 14cm by 12cm. This area has four rows of three holes each which reduce the wind resistance and thus increase the impact sensation.

Detail of the Tawses‘ and Straps‘ End Embossed with the Leather’s Weight. Right: Dark Brown Leather
Left: Tan Leather

Playing with the Impact Toys

Tawses and Straps

Having been originally designed to really punish people, these toys are not for the faint of heart. While there are the three mentioned intensity degrees, the difference between a Medium and Extra Heavy is not between “I felt that” and “That fucking hurts.” but “Ouch” and screaming in excruciating pain. You can influence that also by the selection of the toy: The strap will feel the “nicest” while the Two Tail Tawse is quite nasty due to the reduced wind resistance. Another aspect to keep in mind is the coloring. The heavier the material the stronger is colors. While all will quickly redden the ass, the Extra Heavy can produce some degree of bruising, depending on the sub.

The MC Customs Ferrula

If you are not an experienced impact top, I do not recommend using these toys straight out of the box. Since they are long and thin, throwing them in a controlled manner takes some practice. If you want to vary your blows a bit, I definitely recommend getting the Lochgelly style: The further you grip towards the impact area, the lesser the impact sensation and the more controlled the throwing. Holding the toys this way enables you to use them for a sort of warm-up. Warming up the bottom is a necessity with these toys because especially when delivering severe blows with the Extra Heavy tawses right away, there is a chance of breaking the skin. But once you mastered the toys, there is some pain variance in them which besides the kinetic energy is determined by how much of the toy hits the bottom – from a full blow to just flicking with the ends.


The Ferrula falls in the category “small and nasty”. Being stiff, it is very stingy even when putting little energy into it. But you can control the blows easily enough for a proper warm-up. Being small and nimble, tops from my testee panel used it for all forms of impact play, from ball busting to bastinado. With the stiffness comes that it is a bit of a bruiser but mostly reddens.

The MC Customs Holed Spade Paddle

Despite the small size it is just long enough to target both cheeks, but it really shines when putting all of the blow into one spot. One of my testees actually put the paddle into his briefcase and carried it around all day, just to have it at hand when his slave needed some TLC during his lunch break.

Holed Spade Paddle

From all the toys reviewed here, this is probably the most conventional of the toys reviewed today. Everybody who knows how to spank with a paddle can incorporate it into a scene right away. Despite the holes, it is the “nicest” of all impact toys and actually quite good for warm-up. The large hitting surface distributed the kinetic energy and thus the sensation over a large area. Furthermore through the size the impact surface has a little give, softening the blow to a certain degree. Despite all of that: It is still a stingy toy. While it reddens the skin quickly, none of my testees managed to bruise with it. So if the scene requirement is not leaving (lasting) marks, it is the toy to get.

Conclusion: Very well made sever impact toys with unique history design.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Extremely well made Takes lots of practice to use them in a controlled way Lochgelly Wide Strap Heavy £46
Intense impact sensation with little required force
Two Tail Lochgelly Tawse Medium £29.50
Two Tail Lochgelly Tawse Extra Heavy £40.50
Three Tail Lochgelly Tawse Extra Heavy £40.50
Ferrula £35
Holed Spade Paddle £50
Disclaimer: These toys were sent to me by MC Customs for an honest and unbiased review.

Bad Dragon Egg Plug

An Easter Basket full of Bad Dragon Egg Plugs

ToyTorture.com is more then you see on this website. Besides answering reader questions which toy might be right for them I am giving manufacturers feedback on their products way beyond the constructive criticism in the reviews. So when Bad Dragon introduced their Egg Plug in 2017 I was thrilled on one hand. Through their signature heavy texturing on their other toys, they can be hard to take even if you are able to take the diameter on a smooth toy. Despite some smoother toys like the Blaze (which I will review next week), Bad Dragon was always lacking a training toy for stretching the sphincter gently to take bigger toys. This gap filled the Egg Plug.

The Bad Dragon Egg Plug in „Signature“ Color featuring the almost decadent golden colored Base

On the other hand, I was a bit disappointed. Being only available in Small (63.5mm diameter) and Medium (75mm diameter) the largest possible size was almost modest compared to the diameter of their bigger toys. And on the other side of the spectrum, the small already had a hefty size for a beginner. But this Friday, just in time for the Easter Holidays around the corner, they introduced three new sizes: Mini (4.7mm diameter), Large (96,5mm diameter) and Extra Large (106.6mm diameter). While the Mini has the perfect size for eager anal amateurs, the gap between the Medium and the Large is significant. So while in my conversations about the Egg Plug I always told the guys at Bad Dragon “Once you make it, I want the XL and if possible in Firm”, I have to do a reality check and long for a Large in Soft with Natural color and the suction cup. Though to be honest: The XL in Signature (or even better: Golden Base and fluorescent colored egg like “5th Kind”) would make a striking visual in all playrooms!

The Bad Dragon Egg Plugs from XL to Mini

The available colors are also something I really like about the Egg Plug. In the Natural and Signature color, the actual egg rests in what looks like a golden egg cup. Plug-shutting my hole with something golden is a visual which is almost too good to be true.

The Egg Plug starts out at $75 for the Mini with regular colors and no suction cup (which I highly recommend) and goes up top $215 for the XL with marbled color and a suction cup.

Duke’s Butt Masturbator

The Bad Dragon Duke’s Butt Masturbator

Vendor: Bad Dragon


Like almost all masturbators which cover the entire dick, Duke’s Butt has roughly the form of a 190mm long lashlight with a 105mm diameter head which tappers to a 55mm diameter shaft. The opening for the dick is 6x18mm which is just large enough for a comfortable entry yet tight enough for a hot grip. The front of the head is sculptured to look like the anus of a scaly animal, in this case Duke the Bad Dragon which has become Bad Dragon’s mascot. The shaft is textured with deep v-shaped ridges on one and slight bumps which are anatomically placed to support the fingers on the other side. This design enables a somewhat secure grip even with lubey fingers. The inside is rugged with ridges which run parallel and perpendicular. Behind the tight “sphincter” (approx. 70mm behind the opening) there is a small cavern which ends in a relatively high raised ridge on the bump-side of the shaft which feels like a second sphincter.

Detail of the Shaft’s Texturing for better Grip

Like all Bad Dragon toys Duke’s Butt is made out of high-quality platinum-silicone. Like all of the masturbators, it is made in the firmness degree “Super Soft” which is not available for their anal toys. Since each one is hand-made, you can choose from a variety of different colors and patterns. But naturally since it is a “soft” toy, fades are not available.

Playing with Duke’s Butt

Duke’s Butt works like every other masturbator: Lube your dick up excessively (But only use water- or oil-based lubes. Hybrid and silicone ones will disintegrate the toy), put some lube around the opening hole and since the rear is open and accessible, pour some lube inside it, and more or less gently put it onto your dick.

What sets this toy apart from all other masturbators I have come across is the material: If it is a masturbator without a case, it is too firm and I feel uncomfortably disconnected from my dick or if it has a case, it is too soft and floppy. The Bad Dragon ones (in the review process I had a chance of using Janine and Snowball from friends) are thick and strong enough to not collapse, but soft enough that through the grip’s tightness the jerker can control the intensity. The inside’s texturing is firm enough to stimulate yet gives in easily enough for comfortable play. The silicone warms up quickly to body temperature which made the feeling more natural and intimate.

Detail of the Anus Shaped Head

Cleaning Duke’s Butt is easy: Simply put it in warm water with dish soap, let it soak a bit and clean the inside with a thin, soft bottle sponge. You can even put it the dishwasher. For an initial drying, set it onto the head for about 4h until all water has run down and then on the side until the inside is dry. Store it lying on the side without touching other toys. Like all silicone toys, the surface is slightly sticky and it attracts dust list hell.

Choosing the right of the over 20 different Bad Dragon masturbators is difficult. On the one hand there is the internal texturing. Some people prefer heavy and rough texturing over smooth ones. Bad Dragon provides cross-section animations of all masturbators so you can somewhat imagine how they might feel. On the other hand, there is the headspace. Even if you disable the Fantasy product descriptions, some gay men have a hard time imagining fucking a vagina – even if it is the one from a mermaid.

Conclusion: Uniquely textured masturbator for people who prefer individual grip tightness.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique internal textures Can’t be used with silicone lube Bad Dragon $95
Grip of the toy equals sensation intensity
Easy to clean
Cool color choices
Disclaimer: This toy was sent to me by Bad Dragon for an honest and unbiased review.

Oxballs Kick Ass Paddle

The Oxballs Kick Ass Paddle

Vendor: Regulation


The Kick Ass Paddle is made by Ballistic Metal for Oxballs. It is made out of brushed aluminum. The edges are well rounded so there are no sharp ridges. With an overall length of 290mm it is one of the smaller impact implements on the market. Being made out of metal it still weights 300g.

The hitting surface measures 95x105mm with the upper half being a semi-circle. While one side of the hitting surface is smooth, onto the other side a 10mm thick heel part of a boot’s sole is glued. It is made out of a firm black rubber material. The handle is 185mm long and 32mm wide. Its lower half has a vinyl cover for better grip. Like all aluminum paddles with this vinyl cover made by Ballistic Metal there is no hole at the bottom of the handle for easier storage.

The Smoothing Hitting Surface with a Detail of the Brushing and Rounded Edges

Playing with the Kick Ass Paddle

The small and rounded shape of the hitting surface makes the Kick Ass Paddle ideal for precise targeting of small areas like a single ass cheek or areas which are usually targeted with punching like the pecs or upper arms. One top friend of mine even uses it for bastinado though through the relatively long handle it takes some practice. With lighter swing and more control the Kick Ass is just still small enough for ball play from tapping to busting. The handle is long enough for some leverage so you can even do some crushing action between the hitting surface and a metal ball stretcher.

Detail of the Tread of the Boot’s Sole Side of the Hitting Surface

Both sides induce distinct sensations. The smooth side has some thud to it and is a real bruiser with high energy impact play. The textured side is stingy. The tread is high enough with space between the raised bits that the air caught between the hitting surface and the body can escape so there is not air cushion to soften the blow. The edges of the tread are not sharp but especially when you pull perpendicularly at the impact moment the sole pattern has some abrasive qualities. This side mostly reddens and doesn’t leave bruises. But if you target precisely you can imprint the sub’s cheeks with the boot pattern.

A nice material property of aluminum is the fact that is quickly takes on temperature. So when the area is nicely spanked red and warm dip the paddle into a bucket of ice water for a minute to let it cool down. The sensation of a cold paddle hitting a warm body area is quite unique.

Due to the short handle and the thick and rather heavy boot sole, the paddle is rather head-heavy. Especially when spanking in an even rhythm a dynamic quickly develops which can tire out the wrist.

Conclusion: Mean and nimble paddle with two distinct impact sensations.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Two distinct impact sensations Head-heavy Regulation £69.99
No hole/ loop for storage
Good size for targeting small areas

Twisted Monk Rope Kits

The Twisted Monk Started Kit including the Safety Shear and DVD

Vendor: Mr S (USA) or Regulation (EU)

A lot of people ask me on advice where to get quality rope, especially after reading my Bondage Hardware Special on Rope. Living in Germany, I know a couple of places here. Obviously that does not help most of my readers. So last year I got myself two sets of Twisted Monk rope which is sold internationally.


Today I am taking a look at the Twisted Monk Hemp Rope. While they do also offer cotton and polyester rope as well as exotic materials like bamboo or silk, hemp is the material of choice for many rope bondage tops because it is strong and the knots don’t travel once tightend. However, getting hemp rope ready to play is an annoying process: In order to make it soft and flexible to hug the sub’s body and minimize rope burn, you have to boil the rope, dry it under tension and run it multiple times over an edge under tension (for example through a carabineer). All Twisted Ropes are pre-treated so they are very soft and flexible for usage straight out of the box.

Comparison of 6mm (Red) & 8mm (Black) Rope

The rope is twisted out of three strands right-handed (or S-twisted) like most modern rope. It comes in three sizes: 4mm for genital bondage, 6mm for most purposes and 8mm for suspension bondage. While 6mm rope creates smaller knots and thus you can go further with the same length, 8mm might be good for your if you are doing a lot of demos or take videos or pictures because the rope has more presence on the sub’s body. The ends are whipped using strong yarn to keep the strands from unraveling. There is about 4cm of rope before the whipping. I prefer to keep it because the slightly unraveled end makes the ends easier to grab but you can cut it off if you prefer a neat and tight end.

The Contrast of the Crimson and Black Contrast

Twisted Monk offers rope in eight colors: Natural, black, a bright green, a lightly tealish blue, violet, grape which is actually burgundy, crimson which is a bright red and raspberry. The colors are solid and even, really vibrant and do not bleach out even after many washing cycles if you stick to the washing guidelines. However, what really disappoints me is the fact that only the ropes are dyed and not the individual strands are colored-through. Especially at the loose ends before the whipping and on tight knots the natural color shines through. While this may sound like pedantic bean counting, it disappointed me because Twisted Monk claims to be the best rope in the world and I have seen less expensive, pre-treated hemp rope in one of the German stores where I shop which ahs been colored-through.

I have bought two kits of rope: The Starter Kit which consists of one 10m and two 3m lengths of 6mm rope (which I got in Crimson) and the Robust Kit with one 13m and two 5m lengths of 8mm rope (which I got in Black). Each Twisted Monk kit comes with a safety shear (you can’t have enough of those), a card on rope maintenance, a card with safety advice and a DVD with some basic rope bondage layouts.

Detail of the Whipping

If you want to learn more about which kind of rope is right for you, take a look at my Bondage Hardware Special on it.

Playing with the Rope

Today, there is actually not much to say about how to play with. Rope offers infinite, creative way to create sexually and/or aesthetically pleasing setups which can but don’t need to be elaborate. It is really not difficult to learn ones way around the ropes. Two or three knots, some knowledge of human physiology, memorizing the dos and don’ts and common sense are enough. To learn these basics and get some inspiration, I have assembled some recommendations on reading and video material at the end of the Bondage Hardware Special.

Detail of how the Strands are not Colored-Through

To choose which set to get depends on what you want to do. Simple ties like handcuffs or fettering a sub to a bed don’t require much more then 3m per joint. Depending on the bottoms physique, 10m is enough for simple body harness. So the Starter set is a really a good starting point to start ones journey into rope. As the designs more elaborate, you can always expand your rope collection. Personally I prefer combining the two sets of mine: Take the 8mm black rope for the basic “structure” and tie in the 6mm red for delicate details. The black makes the red really pop for a striking contrast.

Conclusion: High quality ready-to play hemp rope.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Pre-treated for softness and out of the box fun … which are not colored-through Mr S Starter Kit $64.95
Mr S Robust Kit $89.95
Tightly whipped ends to prevent unraveling Regulation Starter Kit £64.99
Vibrant colors… Regulation Robust Kit £94.99

SquarePegs Acorn

Toy Properties

Form: Butt Plug
Material: Platinum Silicone
Colors: Supersoft Bronze, Supersoft Graphite & Firm Black
Firmness: Soft; does not collapse when standing up
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store either standing in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damaging the toys


The SquarePegs Acron Size L

Vendor: Regulation (EU) and Mr S (USA)


Just like their iconic Egg Plug, SquarePegs‘ Acorn is shaped like the object it is named after, in this case the nut. The round tip is a bit a bit blunt blends into a steep slope. At the end of the slope, there is a little bulge which adds 4mm to the heads maximum diameter. Below it, the body tapers into a short neck. At the bottom there is a long and narrow base.


Size Diameter Bulge Diameter Shaft Head Length Overall Length
S 69mm 48mm 102mm 162mm
M 76mm 54mm 102mm 162mm
L 80mm 54mm 102mm 162mm
XL 89mm 65mm 80nn 140mm

Playing with the Acorn

Detail of the Bulge

The Acorn is not for “nice” anal play. Through the blunt tip and steep slope it is made to be put into already well opened up ass with loose sphincters. The sensation of the plug being pushed into the ass is a bit like being fisted with clenched fist. The mass and size of the large head makes it the right toy for greedy fist bottoms who need a break but feel empty after extensively being played with. Just use the Acorn as a pacifier for their sphincter.

Once inside the anus, the bulge applies pressure on the prostate. To increase the stimulation, twisted the plug, more or less vigorously fuck the bottom, apply a magic wand or fist punch against the base. The base is slim enough to fit between the ass cheeks yet large enough to allow for a comfortable and secure grip when fucking.

This being said, the Acorn is made for active play instead of passively wearing it over extended periods of time. The neck is too short for the sphincter to really close around it so the bottom has to actively clench the muscle to keep it from falling out if not lying down. Through the dull shape the intrusion is always felt a little bit aggressive to there is a naturally urge of pushing it out. If the sphincter is relaxed enough to not feeling the effect, there is no way the plug is staying in on its own.

Detail of the Bulge and the Size Indication

Where to buy?

The SquarePeg Acorn can be purchased at Regulation London between £99 and £129 or $99.95 and $139.95 at Mr S Leather depending on the size. Both stores only stock the Supersoft Bronze (the iconic color of all SquarePeg toys) variety but can order the Supersoft Graphite and Firm Black if mentioned in the order notes.