The Three Bad Dragon Dildos reviewed this Time: Flint, Blaze and Chance
Vendor: Bad Dragon
This is the third test of Bad Dragon toys I am writing. And it seems: The more I write about these toys, the more questions I get about specific toys. Luckily, through their unique design, testing and writing about these toys is always interesting. So, if you have read the previous reviews, you can quickly skip to “Playing with the Dildos”. If you are new to Bad Dragon or even ToyTorture.com: Welcome to this pervy little place. Let me tell you something more about these extravagant anal toys…
Bad Dragon prides itself in producing some of the best anal toys out there which starts out with using quality materials. Bad Dragon only uses platinum silicone. This kind of silicone is similar to what sometimes is referred to as “medical silicone” online. While it is medial grade, medical silicone is too firm to make anal toys out of it. The “platinum” refers to the catalyst being used for making silicone. Platinum silicone can withstand acid and heat better than other catalysts like tin for example which can have adverse effects on the body. Being so robust, platinum silicone toys are easy to clean: You can put them in hot water, rub them down with mild acid or autoclave them. Additionally the surface is super-smooth which makes it hard for bacteria to linger and grow. So these toys are ideal when playing with different partners because they are easy to clean thoroughly.

Detail of the Scales texturing Flint’s Shaft
However, one thing silicone toys do not forgive is the use of silicone or hybrid lube. The silicone will disintegrate the toy, first making it sticky, then gooey. Only use water- or oil-based lube with these toys!
All Bad Dragon anal toys can be made in three different degrees of firmness: Soft, Medium and Firm while firm is not available on XL toys. Soft toys are good for not yet well trained asses or really large toys because the sphincter can deform the toy a bit to fit well. However the softer the material the less stability a toy has so especially with long toys there is a chance they will collapse with the soft material. Also keep in mind: The thicker a toy the harder it will feel. In any case, silicone will always be softer than vinyl, rubber or metal. To help find the right firmness, Bad Dragon offers a set of discs in all degrees of firmness.
One advantage of silicone is that you can easily color and that it is hard to discolor. Bad Dragon offer 56 basic colors for all toys plus special ones for specific plus special effects like florescence or glitter plus patterns. Maybe one day when I am bored I will calculate the number of colors and patterns possible. To a certain degree, there is an interdependency of firmness and color pattern: Soft toys can’t fade from one color to another. The silicone is too viscous and would flow into each other instead of producing a nice fade.

Blaze’s almost smooth Glans, Shaft and Knot
At the date of the publishing of this review, Bad Dragon offer 62 butt plugs and dildos – not including little lube applicators, vibrators and packers. For most toys the size ranges from small (like a smaller dick) to XL (depending on the toy real of a single or even double fisting).
While most people when shopping for toys only look at the diameter, at Bad Dragon toys the depth and thus the position of the maximum diameter are important. Most fistees are more trained to take width rather than depth. So it can be a bit disappointing when the enticing, big knot is way below the level one can take depth-wise.
The name “Bad Dragon” shows the company’s affiliation with the furry scene. All the dildos are inspired by anthropomorphic fantasy creatures like dragons or werewolves and some real ones like dogs and horses. This design inspiration reflects in the toy design. Most toys are heavily textured with veins or scales running the shaft and ridges or bumps subtly increasing the diameter. The texture stimulates the many nerve endings inside the sphincter. But the more texture, the harder to toy will be to take. So I highly recommend taking the degree of texturing into consideration when choosing the size and firmness.

Detail of Chance’s Glans
To some toys, two special features can be added. The first is the suction cup. If you can add it, get it! It makes playing and riding the toy much easier. As a material, silicone is somewhat sticky on its own (that’s the reason why no matter how thoroughly you clean it, there is ALWAYS dust on the toys!) but the strong cup which is integrated into the base design keeps the dildo in place (or sticking on the bathroom wall), even when riding it vigorously.
The second add-on is the cumtube which is a tube cast in the middle of the toy. It comes with a syringe you can fill with (cum-like) water-based lube and shoot it into your ass, simulating the feeling of the dragon’s dick cumming in you. Naturally, such a tube makes cleaning the toy more difficult. Also, in my testee panel the opinions on the cumtube’s effect are split. Some love it, some find it overrated. I would recommend ordering one of their Lil’Squirt toys (I will be reviewing their Seadragon Lil’Squirt in May) to try out the effect for yourself before investing money into a bigger toy with a cumtube.

Flint and Blaze Glowing after having been Exposed to UV Light
Playing with the Dildos
Blaze the Fire Drake
Blaze’s shape is almost like a traditional, anatomically correct dildo. It starts out with a big, fat glans below which are some gentle ripples and then grows into a big, fat knot which is textured by really subtle veins. It tappers again above the base so you can comfortably rest on it, enjoying the filling feeling of the big knot. Blaze is one of the few toys which comes in five sizes: From Mini to XL. This adds to him being a good beginner’s toy with a maximum diameter 4.25cm and usable length of approx. 10cm. My Blaze is made in Blaze’s Signature color which fluoresces blue. Especially in play setting with UV lighting or a dark room after having been “charged” with black light, this effect adds a nice visual aspect to the scene.

The Anatomic Glans of Flint and the Bumps and Ripples on his Shaft
Flint the Uncut Studded Dragon
Flint is quite the opposite of Blaze. The tip starts out with the glans lurking under a ring of foreskin which makes the tip rather dull. Starting from the frenulum around the glans are seven bumps on both sides which run down the upper side of the heavily curved shaft, flanking subtle ripples. The shaft’s lower part which is arching out is textured with deep, scale-like ridges. While the shaft’s diameter increases towards the middle and gets thinner again, this toy does not have a knot but the texturing goes down all the way to the base which is shaped like two massive balls. The color on this Flint is a bit like the one on the Blaze. It is called “The 5th Kind” and fluoresces green under UV light.
Chance the Unflared Stalion
To review Chance was a request by many readers. While most other Bad Dragons focus on the stretch of the knot and the stimulation of the texturing, this is explicitly made for depth play. The glans is a slightly dulled dome with small ripples around the rim. It tappers slightly at the shaft which except some veins and a bump in the middle is completely smooth. This lack of stimulation equals lack of irritation so Chances travels somewhat smoothly through the colon. The shaft ends in a massive base shaped like two testicles which ensure a secure stand despite not being offered with a suction cup.

Detail of the Bump and Veins halfway down the Shaft of Chance
There is also a “Flared” version of Chance out there. Flared is the state when a horse’s glans increases in size and diameter when climaxing. The wide, flat glans makes the tip extremely dull and this is only a toy for ass pigs with a really loose hole and lots of width training in the deep.
Choosing the texture for Chance is more important and more difficult than on other toys. It is available in all three firmnesses. If your colon is not extremely well trained for depth play in a way that you can stick your fist in and just keep going, do not choose firm! The toy will be too stiff to go around the bends of the colon. While soft is of course predestinated for that, through the “wobbliness” the toy is hard to control. So my personal recommendation (and the one of all my friends who own a Chance) is getting it in medium.
This Chance’s color is a “simple” fade from two blue colors called “Midnight Aquatic”.