Oxballs Clone Duo

The Oxballs Clone MAX Ball Stretcher

Vendor: Oxballs

It has been over four years that I have last reviewed an Oxballs ball stretcher. Despite having reviewed so many over the past eleven years, I get many reader questions regarding them. So I decided to take a look an exotic model today which are designed to stretch your balls lower.


The Clone Duo is a set of two funnel-shaped ball stretchers; one black, one blue. It has a very short nuzzle on top of a big cone. It comes in two sizes: The Clone and the Clone Duo MAX which is the basis for this review.

The two stretchers have the same design and dimensions standing 41.5mm tall (37.5mm at the standard version). On top they have a diameter of 47mm and 68mm at the bottom. The top aperture has a diameter of 31mm and the bottom of 42mm. This means that the wall strength increases. This means that there is a spring force working towards the bottom.

The exterior is textured with texts and graphics: Around the nozzle runs a band of the product and brand name, the cone features bold arrows pointing down – just in case you were wondering in which direction the force works. On the MAX there is “HUGE” written between the arrows so you don’t confuse them with the standard ones.

The Tow Colors of the Clone Duo MAX

They are made out of platinum silicone making them very skin-friendly. The super-smooth surface reduces the chance of skin and to some extend hair getting caught. While the material is stretchty, it is more rigid and more importantly more shape stable than (Flex-)TPR even when exposed to kinetic energy and warmth over extended period of time (like in being worn 24/X). If you prefer to lube up your stretcher before putting them on, I recommend sticking to water- or oil-based lubes. Oxballs claims it is fine to use silicone lube but the silicone oil inside the lube will over time disintegrate the surface making it sticky. Speaking of sticky: Silicone itself is always a bit sticky so regardless how thoroughly you clean them, there will always be flint and dust on them.


Different materials use different plasticizers which can damage each other! Because of that it is important to store your ball stretchers apart without touching each other like in a shape sorter. Before putting them away, you should clean them, especially when lube has been used. Simply soak them in hot dish soap water, rinse them off, sanitize and let them dry before storing them away.


The Large Diameter Difference of the Top and Bottom Aperture

Playing with the Clone Duo


More than most other ball stretchers the Clone Duo is designed to stretch and extend your balls over time, turning them into low hangers. Unlike with stacking several rings above each other the spring force constantly and softly pushes your balls down. The lasting stretch might not come as quickly as with other methods (esp. like wearing a metal ball stretcher 24/x) but it is a gentle stretch that will affect your everyday life not too much – if you choose the right size. If you can already comfortably wear a 35mm ball stretcher, go for the MAX, otherwise start with the regular one.

As written above, the stretch force works in the direction of the arrow. So the lowest stretch is when you put the top aperture towards your body and the bottom one towards your balls. The next step up is turning it around and let the bottom press against your groin. From there you have to work quite a bit with stacking stretch rings till the next step which is stacking two Clones above each other. If you want to go harder and more, the next escalation is letting the bottom holes face each other and the final step is to the top holes meet in the middle. Though in order to achieve that you really need (meaty) low-hangers.

Meaty is a key word: The more intensely you stretch, the more likely it is especially for small balls to stay in place when putting the stretcher on or even worse slip through. Again, with added small ring you can prevent this. But with all training, who said it is going to be easy.

One of the more Intense Stacking Options

If you already have somewhat low hangers and enjoy a good swing, the Clone is worth a try. Weighing 68g each and stretching your balls good, there is certainly a good tug and swing. Of course it is far from a metal ball stretcher but my testees enjoyed it because you can wear the Clone longer than a metal ball stretcher at same stretch level.

When you plan on wearing the stretcher constantly for best stretching result, consider the size. The spring force causing cone-shape makes the Clone way bulkier than other ball stretchers. You have a very noticeable – and visible – silicone lump between your legs. Most testees got used to the feeling and did not describe it as more annoying than other stretchers. But there is still a cone of shame around your balls others can see (If you want to put a cone of shame around your entire junk, Oxballs got your covered too).

Conclusion: Tool for stretching your balls LOW for intermediate and experienced stretchers.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Soft and gradual stretch over time When using two difficult to put on. Clone Duo $66.00
Clone Duo MAX $99.00
Good stretch and weight for swinging balls Very bulky for 24/X wearing
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