Going on hiatus

To my own surprise I have published quite regularly the last couple of weeks – and been rewarded with raising reader numbers. Thank you very much for your support and interest! You are my motivation when writing new reviews.

However, the next couple of weeks I will be going on hiatus. Tomorrow I will be flying to Chicago for about 2 ½ weeks. I have the privilege and the honor of having been invited to join one American BDSM groups on their annual run so my mind will probably be elsewhere than on reviewing toys. I will of cause always keep my eyes open for new, interesting toys. Right after the event I will fly into Berlin for Folsom Europe. Since I will arrive on Saturday around noon, I hope I can still make it to the street fair. If you see me, come say “hi”.

Due to being quite occupied there won’t be any reviews and I will not be able to answer mail and messages. So please be patient if you try to contact me. I will get back to you late September. Until then: Have a great and kinky time.

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