E-Stim Systems 1 ¼ Inch Flanged Bipolar Electrode

Mock Up Electrode compared to exising Products

This is a first time in the desiderate section: I am not only wanting a specific toy, I am (hopefully) helping designing one. As you can read here I am a big fan of the E-Sim System’s premium bipolar electrode. They are comfortable to wear and will probably outlive me.

Outline of 1,25 Inch ElectrodeBecause E-Stim Systems is based in the United Kingdom they use the imperial measurement system thus their products come in sizes 1”, 1,5” and 2” (and of cause much, much bigger). At least in my opinion this leads to very big gaps between the different sizes: While a n electrode with a  1” diameter is easily inserted (and most likely will as easily fall out again), one with a 1,5” diameter is for people with an untrained anus already a struggle, especially when it comes to Flanged series which has dull heads.

I have always liked the concept of their flanged, easy to sit on electrodes, especially in combination with a remote controlled box. But all electrodes in the range were either too small (the difference between the head and the neck with the Flange is so little it will most likely fall out of your ass when you walk) or too big. So I am hoping that in some point of time they will start manufacturing a 1 ¼” electrode: Not too big to cause any bigger problems when inserting but with a large enough difference between the head and the neck to walk around freely without having to fear approx. 220g of Steel falling out of your ass. In the end it is in your hands to get it into production: I have talked to the guys at E-Stim Systems. If enough people demand a product they will put it into production.

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