Christmas Gift Tip I: SeriousToyS Rubber Sling

In Germany we call the four weeks before Christmas advent time and number the Sundays until Christmas 1st to 4th advent. In ancient times this was a time of contemplation and preparation for the Christmas holidays but nowadays the four Sundays are used for shopping and thinking about Christmas presents. So from this Sunday on until Christmas I will present you some hopefully new and creative gift ideas.

I will start out this little series with a toy I have been owning for over a year now and I love it: The SeriousToyS Sling – a sling made out of rubber. Not only can a true rubber fetishist finally get a playroom where everything is made out of rubber, but this sling is also practical. Being made out of rubber, it is very easy to clean which comes in handy when playing wet or if you use a lot of lube while fisting. Also unlike with leather sling you do not need to worry about the weight of the person lying in the sling. You can even use it to store you Smart car if you need to.

However, the sling comes in two sizes: Standard (379€) and Large (429€) if you have really beefy bottoms. Also upon request you can get a version with holes for really dirty games or matching ankle loops.

The sling can be ordered from Vast, the webshop of the manufacturer in Dortmund. They ship internationally.

Affiliate Program and Objectiveness

Some reader might have noticed: I have joined the Mr S Leather Affiliate Program. But since on this site also tests of products from Mr S Leather are presented I think it is worth to write a bit about why I have joined the program and what changes it might inflict on this site.

When getting in contact with the folks at Mr S for the first item of the desiderate section they invited me to join the program and after reading through the benefits and conditions I decided to join. I did so because of three reasons:

  1. A lot of American readers ask me where to get the stuff tested on this website in the USA because they don’t want to pay high shipping and custom duties when from European stores.  So after a little research and a survey under my American friends I ended up with Mr S being the best online source for BDSM toys in the USA. This was one of the reasons why I wrote the article about basic toys and only linked products from Mr S.
  2. As some of you may know I will spend a semester abroad next spring. If everything plays out the way it want it to, I will visit San Francisco and I already have a way too long list of items I want to get from Mr S. Since being a student, money is always tight and every dollar of store credit will make my visit to the West Coast more fun. So if you need something from Mr S feel free to use this link 😉
  3. Running this site costs a bit of money and a bit more of time. So if my reviews get someone in the USA to buy himself a toy, I take the liberty of offering him the chance of giving something back to me for the effort of writing a review.

So, how will this program influence this site? A bit but not much. All toy tests will still be as objective as my subjective opinion can be (what a nice oxymoron). This means, only because I might get some store credit from Mr S it will not influence how a toy will perform. Also due to limited access to their products you will not only see Mr S’ toys tested– even though I would like to test some but can’t get my hands on them yet. What will come are links under reviews of products from other stores called “Get a similar product from Mr S Leather” when Mr S carries a similar product. This will hopefully decrease a bit the e-mail inquiries coming from the US asking where to get the product at the other site of the Atlantic Ocean.

Everything else will stay the same. Also: Don’t feel intimidate to write to me. I appreciate every comment, e-mail, tweet, even the ones asking me where to get certain toys.

A New Kind of Cockring

On Monday I took my guest master to my local BDSM dealer in Dortmund. There, he and my BF discovered a new type of cockring and bought it right away. Hand bended and welded out of stainless steel it reminds one of the shape of a pear. In order to wear it you first put your balls through the circle and push them into the long attachment piece, than you can put your hopefully still soft cock through the circle.

The main point of this new design is that other than with standard cockrings the spermatic duct isn’t cut off by the tight metal of the ring. Also another issue known to people with large balls is addressed: Since you don’t have to squeeze your cock through a ring already to a large extended filled with parts of you balls the cockring itself sits tighter and needs/ can be a lot smaller than normal cockrings.

The big question is: Does it work? Since I don’t have anal intercourse and consider cockrings a useless toy in a session (if you have a real use for a cockring during a session, please let me know), I have to rely other people’s opinion for standard cockring usage. My guest is thrilled by his new cockring. Finally his trademark – the nearly endless stream of precum – can flow again and also his piss pressure has increased – besides working great as a cockring. My BF hasn’t made up his mind yet. I had it on for a quick jerk off and was pleasantly surprised. With my balls bouncing around more freely and the end of the attachment pressing against the outer site of my protest it was a nice toy for some unpainfull self pleasure.

If you are interested in such a cockring, they are only available at Demask Dortmund for about 50€ probably also via e-mail order. Since they are handmade by a blacksmith close to Dortmund don’t expect manufacturing tolerance like with a machine made toy but in the end you have an individual one of a kind cockring if wanted produced made to measure to your dick diameter.

What a weekend

Boy, what a great weekend. I had a good friend and top from Hamburg over to play, drink, cook and show around the Ruhr region. To be honest, he was so captivating that I neglected this site a bit and tomorrow I will have to work again. So it will take some time to catch up with everything.

I started with updating my Recon and GayRomeo sub profile with pictures from the weekend which sadly I am not allowed to show here. If you are interested, check it out and leave a cruising or footprint 😉 As you can see I also managed to post the little bit belated desiderate blog post. But there is still more to come this week – especially getting some sleep and spending hours over hours at the gym in order to somehow train off the many gin tonics, gateaux and great food 😀

Mister S Neopren Restraints

For the first item of this new segment I chose the Mister S neoprene restraints. On several occasions I wished I had some “water”-(please insert here any other kinky liquid you desire ;))proof restraints. Of cause, for a short period of time you can use your leather restraints. But when water goes through the piping and into the padding or if you play with a little bit more aggressive liquids like piss which can alter the color of the leather, you want to use something which feels at home in a moist environment. Browsing stores in the last couple of years I have come across some neoprene restraints but most of them were missing a buckle strap making them difficult to handle. What’s more to love about the Mister S Neopren restraints is that you can get matching collars and blindfolds.

A pair of ankle and wrist restraints cost $79.95 each at the time of the publishing of this article.

Some Small Changes and Final Placement for Semester Abroad

Today I got my final placement for my semester abroad: I will attend North Park University in Chicago! I have been to Chicago for a couple of day during my exchange year when I was still in school and I instantly fell in love with this great city, so I was thrilled when I got the news that I will be spending an entire semester there. Also the college seems to be good: A good faculty-student-ratio and good access to public transport. However: North Park is a Christian university. This will be an interesting experience for me and the university and as well. If any Chicago kinkster, rubber fetishists or BDSM guys are reading this blog, I would love to hear all about the Chicago scene. I already know the Chicago Rubber Men and followed them instantly at Twitter. But I think there is more to know about the Chicago scene.

Getting this info also means a lot of work for me: Booking flights, organizing stuff in advance, getting immunizations, etc. Besides that I have one of Hamburg’s best tops coming for a visit for an enhanced weekend. So I sadly currently have other things on my mind than this website. I am still working on the update on the rating but it will probably take some additional days. Despite still working on the text, I already took numbers out of the rating chart at the end of the reviews because I haven’t come up with a way to make them work yet. As soon as I figure out how to make the charts go, I will also delete them 😀

Last but not least: I sent of the first e-mail asking for the permission to feature pictures from a web shop in the new category Desiderates. I am quite excited how the response will be.


Getting Post

I hope you all had a fun night out at MIR 2012. I wish I could have been there but sadly my semester abroad is in the summer and not in the winter term. We will see when I will make it to the Windy City for this great event. Plans are currently 2016 but let’s see what my bank account says then 😀

After spending yesterday on working and reflecting on the toy rating system (I am currently organizing my thoughts and I will post a blog entry or even an article on it in the first half of the next week) today a little update on my postal affairs.

First of all: After what seems like ages, I got my new light tend. It has been more than 4 weeks since I ordered it but the first parcel was damaged, then they it was out of stock but Friday I got my new one. As you can see from the picture, it is way bigger than my old (the right) one. As soon as I have time, I might reshoot my toy collection in a decent environment. But since the new tent is about four times the volume of the old one, the light issue is an even more pressing one. We will see how I will deal with it.

Also, after spending a lifetime in a waiting loop I got my new mTAN and thus could get my neuro wheel. When using it on my own the effect was rather disappointing, a little bit like tickling yourself. However, on Thursday I get a visit from a friend from Hamburg how might try it out on me… 😉

Going Postal

I know the title of this post is a cheap rip off from a great Terry Pratchett novel, but it suits perfectly. In Germany the formal federal postal service which is now DHL set up boxes where you can send and pick up parcels so you don’t have to be at home. The system isn’t perfect since you can only receive parcels shipped with DHL but anyway, it is great for people who are not at home all day.

Monday they implemented a change in their authentification system: Instead of a static PIN they now send you a mTAN with the notification SMS that a new parcel has been delivered. I awaited a new toy yesterday and was thrilled when I got the SMS that it has been put into the Packstation box. I was not so thrilled when I sat that the SMS ended right after 160 characters – right before the mTAN. So I called the DHL hotline – and waited for about 45 minuits in a waiting loop before I had to work. I sent e-mails, used twitter and the contact form, today I spend another hour of listening to their ridicules waiting loop music but I had no success. Thursday will be a holiday in Germany and I hope they send me a new mTAN by tomorrow evening, otherwise somebody will really suffer and not in a good way!

Murphy Loves this Site

I don’t know what I have done wrong that I have so much misfortune when it comes pictures: Today I took pictures for today’s article. And when I wanted to download them from the SD card my PC told me, that the card was compromised and even the Sandisk tools couldn’t help me recover them. Since the article was supposed to be a picture story I am left with nearly nothing. In the future I want to have a stack of articles and reviews I can pull from if something goes wrong but I am far away from this state. So I have to ask for your patience. Thursday is a holiday in Germany. I will redo the pictures and post the article. Of cause the next week will see a new review – this is if my camera doesn’t explode.

Quo Vadis

Today I also want to tell you where this website will and/ or should be heading. But I think such an important topic needed its own blog entry.

The core of the website will be reviews. I plan to publish a review every other week. Looking at my collection and the rate I buy new toys, I will have enough material to review for about two years. If you have a specific toy you want to have reviewed or if you are a collector who wants to get rid of parts of his collection or a producer/ vendor who wants to give me toys in order to review them, just click here where you will find means to contact me or just send me an e-mail.

For the weeks where no review will be published I plan to have two segments which will get new features every four weeks.

  1. Desiderates: Published in the blog section under the tag “Desiderates” I want to present toys I found at (online) stores which I don’t own yet and the reason I find them intriguing. I am not sure how this segment will work because in order to publish pictures of the toys I need the permission of the web store to present them on this side. We will see how this will work out and hopefully as this site will get recognition, vendors will get interested that their toys are presented here.
  2. Articles: This will be shorter or longer pieces on topics about BDSM, DIY, etc. I have a couple of ideas what to write about and I don’t want to give away too much yet.

As you see, if everything turns out nice and if I don’t get too consumed with work and studies, especially since I will spend a semester in the USA from January to June 2013, there won’t be a week without new content being added to this site. Next to the “editorial” content the blog will get update more often – as soon as I have figured out what to write there accept the problems of keeping this site alive 😀