Suspension Hand Slings

The Mr S Suspension Hand Slings

Vendor: Mr S Leather


The body of this restraint pair is a curvated piece of bridle leather straps.  The bottom is slightly convex to follow the autonomy of the hand’s bottom; the top is protracted. While the body is made out of sturdy leather, it is padded and lined with soft garment leather. Unlike on their cuff-style restraints or the Four Buckle Hand Restraint (more on that later), the padding is rather stiff. This supports the wrist and keeps is upright yet makes the restraints comfortable to wear. For perfect and tight fit on the wrist, the restraint is tightly closed using Velcro and then secured with a roller buckle belt. Next to the buckle is a welded D-ring.

The top of the protracted tip is folded and secured with two rivets to house a tooled aluminum bar. On both end of the bar, panic carabiners with big, welded O-rings on the end connect the bar to another strap of bridle leather. This is threaded through the two O-rings. Between two rivets which hold the strap together sits another panic carabiner.

The Roller Buckle and D-ring on the back

Like all panic (or security as they are also called) carabiners they can turn to adjust a bit to the sub’s movement. There are no sharp edges to prevent damage on ropes. The release for the opening is tooled and textured for best grip even in stress situations.

Playing with the Suspension Hand Slings

When I have gotten these restraints this summer, they marked the end of era for me: For almost 10 years I have been using the Four Buckle Hand Restraints from Mr S for any kind of bondage and fettering. They were actually part of my first ever order from Mr S. But, when fettering someone on a standing position like on a St Andrews Cross, the Four Buckle Hand Restraints were not the best choice. The D-ring positioning was not perfect if you needed to hold onto something and panic carabiners were always a given in case the bottom collapsed (which luckily has never happened to me yet but happens more often than you probably think).

Connection of the Panic Carabiners with the Aluminum Bar

The Suspension Hand Slings fix all that! It is rare that a piece of (specialized) bondage gear instantly becomes part of my standard (or in this case flogging) play bag but the Suspension Hand Slings did just that. They were designed for the anchor point being above the restraint so there is no stressful horizontal pull on the wrists like when the D-ring is parallel to the arm. The layout and material choice is the perfect sweet spot between rigidity and stiffness for wrist support but not cutting of circulation and allowing enough leeway for the fingers and hand to move bit. Even when broken and getting softer in, they retain enough stiffness.

Stressful situations like being subjected to pain or being suspended can lead to circulation problems even on fit subs. Because of this, when doing suspension or just having a subs fettered standing, you should always use panic carabiners yet I rarely see them in public play spaces. Luckily, in these restraints they are built in. They look and feel like professional sailing equipment though sadly there is no kN value printed or engraved on them. In order to release them, twist the capsule 180° and even under pull they will open. The capsule is kept in place with a coil spring which is just strong enough to keep it in place but prevents the capsule from turning. Because twisting the capsule is such a satisfying feeling (yeah, I know that sometimes I am weird), I often just play around with the capsule. I have not counted how often I turned it but I have not noticed the spring getting any softer or the capsule developing any give.

The Velcro Fastener next the Padded and Garment Leather Lined Inside of the Restraint

Speaking of carabiners: Despite the rigid fettering, due to the twisting carabiners, there is a bit movement possible for the sub to work out sensations. This is important because swift, uncontrolled movements caused by pain could otherwise lead to injuries when the wrist is constrained by the cuff. Especially when whipping someone, I have subs doing pull-ups in these restraints because the bars provide such good support. So when doing extreme pain play I highly recommend also to put the ankles in bondage.

While this toy is called Suspension Hand Sling a word of caution is in order: Suspending someone solely vertically from their wrist, puts extreme stress on the joints, especially the wrists and the shoulders. There are some very well trained subs with extreme upper body muscles who can endure this stress position for a limited time. But neither your sub not you should over-estimate what he can do. So when doing suspension, check-in more often as usual.

The Panic Carabiners

I have also gotten a few reader questions about horizontal suspension with these restraints. In theory it works when the bottom is lying on his back. But you have to thread a tension strap or rope through the D-ring on the body to the major pull of the arm weight is caught there. But still what little pull is left, will make the tip bend upwards causing stress on the wrists. So for horizontal suspension I recommend the Four Buckle restraints.

If in a scene the need for another wrist restraint arises and you have these restraints in your play bag you can detach the part with the carabiners from the bar completely and use what is left as a standard restraint cuff. But since the restraint cannot be turned on the wrist, the D-ring always stays on the bottom of the hand which is a bit unpractical.

Conclusion: Best and most secure restraint for fettering hands above the hand.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Secure and save to use even in extreme bondage situations One trick pony Mr S Leather $239.95
Professional panic carabiners
Extremely well made and thought out

Spiked Parachute

The Spiked Parachute from Regulation

Vendor: Regulation

Sometimes weird things happen at Following last week’s review of the Tenderizer Paddle, I have gotten a message asking if I have played with the Spiked Parachute from Regulation. Since this toy has been in my toy chest for it feels like forever, I went to my website to copy the review link for my reply. But it turns out: I actually have not yet reviewed this toy! It also turns out that I have some CBT gear from Regulation that I have not reviewed yet, a mistake I will soon correct!


This toy starts out as a standard parachute design. The double layer leather body is 5cm wide and is close by two snap buttons. There are two sets of male buttons so you can choose between either 2.5cm or 3cm diameter for size of the hole which goes around the neck of your balls. Through rivets three chains are attached to the body which come together in a ring that is large enough to house most tool carabiners. As the name says 24 sets of 5 spikes on the inside set this parachute apart from the tamer versions.

Detail of the Snap Button Closer

Playing with the Spiked Parachute

I have to be honest when I first unpacked this toy I was skeptical: The leather was a bit stiff and the ring to which the chains connect was not welded. But my worries were unfounded: Despite hanging a LOT of weight onto the ring it didn’t open up. This was also a good test for the snap buttons that even under large physical stress of a wiggling bottom or large amounts of weight swinging on them didn’t give in. And after some leather conditioner and warmth the leather of the body softened.

The Anchor Ringer of the Spiked Parachute

This toy works like every other parachute but just with a little interesting twist. Unlike normal parachutes this one works without attaching something onto it. Just put it around the subs balls and let him walk. The movement and friction around the parachute created by the moving legs is enough to cause the spikes to make an impression. Depending on the duration and the amount of movement this can be anything between annoying to agonizing. When you use this toy like a normal parachute a bit of caution is advisable. While the spikes should not break the skin they intensify any draft induced sensation. Usually subs enjoy the moving momentum of weights swinging from their balls but with this toy the added sting can become excruciating after some time. This effect is even more interesting when you tie the parachute just tight enough to a spread bar that the chains are taut. As soon as he starts to move the spikes will dig into his scrotum so he has to calm himself despite the pain in order to make it go away. This is especially fun when you tie the parachute to nipple clamps that will stick to the nipple even when wiggling a lot. The loop of induced sensation is phenomenal.

The Two Rows of Piercing Spikes

I had the most fun with this in a CBT competition with two subs: They had to choose a parachute by just looking at the top. One got a normal one, the other this spiked one and taking turns they had to endure the same strength of stimulation like amount of weight, weights dropping from a certain high until someone safeworded who then received a punishment that the other one determined in advance believe it was for himself (I know I can be evil at time).

Conslusion: Innocent looking toy with an evil twist.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Spikes enable wide range of sensations from annoying to agonizing Leather is a bit stiff at first Regulation £32.99
Strong enough to deal with relatively large amount of physical force

Fetters Heavy Leather Flogger

The Fetters Heavy Leather Flogger

Vendor: Regulation

Very often I get asked “Where can I get a good, quality flogger, best in Europe?” That is actually a tough question because unlike the USA Europe never developed a big BDSM flogger maker scene. Most of my floggers are made by a flogger maker in New York I have got to know when I studied in the USA. They cost at least four times of this Heavy Leather Flogger and take months to make, an invest most people are not willing to make. So I am quite excited to take a look at a traditionally made flogger that is easily accessible to guys from Europe.


This flogger is a beautiful example of traditional flogger making: Braided leather knot on the top and bottom knot. Between them a black and red herringbone pattern made out of leather straps covers the 17cm long grip, giving the handle an overall length of 23,5cm. For better storing and not losing the flogger while throwing it, a 14.5cm long braided leather loop is attached to the bottom knot. What surprised me that Fetters uses relatively stiff and sturdy leather for the braiding which usually makes getting it tight and firm difficult. But I was impressed how tight it was which is a good indicator for durability and quality. The flogger is quite well balanced. The mass center is at the bottom of the upper knot which is low enough to keep the wrist from tiring out quickly.

Detail of the Angle Cut Tail End

Into the top knot 25 tails are woven. They are made out of rather stiff black cow hide and have an angle cut at the end. At 55cm overall length they are 4.5cm longer than the “standard” flogger length of 20’’ resp. 50.5cm but this only is important when you are Florentine flogging with a 20’’ in tail flogger. In the knot a 4x2cm leather patch with an embossed Fetters logo is woven. I am not sure about this move because when you tails “break” over this patch, it impacts how they fly. Especially experienced tops will soon learn how hold their flogger to not have this happening or how to compensate. Still, I would have preferred this patch elsewhere.

All things considered, I have not yet found this level of craftsmanship and attention to detail for this price. So from a pure manufacturing side, this flogger offers incredible value for money.

Playing with the Fetters Heavy Leather Flogger

Detail of the Knot with the Fetters Logo Patch

From a technical point of view, this flogger is good for novice tops getting into flogging. The tails fly well which makes the aim easy. The mass center at the top knot allows the tails to gain momentum when wielding in laying-8-shaped circles so once you have established a pattern, the flogger guides the throwing arm.

But from a pain perspective this one is not for the faint of heart. Fetters chose a stiffer variety of cow hide, yet not as stiff (and thus severe) at Latigo leather. Unlike Latigo this cow hide is flexible and flows and flies really nicely yet it is far from soft. Adding that to the medium weight of the leather it leans a bit towards sting. Additionally the edges are a bit firm and the rough side of the leather is relatively coarse for a flogger. And finally, the tips are angle cut so when they hit, they have an extra bit. Furthermore, angle cut will give you the most acceleration and thus most strong impact sensation.

Detail of the Bottom Knot and Loop

This doesn’t make the flogger bad! It is awesome toy for masochists, a mid- to end-scene toy when the endorphins are flowing and a skilled top will be able to get some thud out of it. But for people starting out with flogging or not hard-core masochists, I strongly advice to use a different, softer flogger for warm up, like the Bare Leatherworks Buffalo one.

Despite the overall roughness of tails, I was surprised how relatively little they color. Of course the impact area will turn red quickly but being medium-weight bruises even on delicate areas like the ass and thigh are unlikely. Despite the sharp tail edges and angle cut tips I was actually surprise how little scratches and welts this flogger produced. So if you are looking for a meanish impact toy that leave relatively little marks after a scene, it is a good one to go with.

Finally a little word on availability: Since this product is handmade, it is rarely available in large quantities. This flogger has been on my watch list for over 2 years and it has been sold out most of the time. So if you are interested in this flogger, I highly recommend setting an e-mail alert to get notified when it is back in stock!

Conclusion: Extremely competitively priced, well made and handling flogger to deliver a stingy sensation.
Pros Cons Where to get Price
All tails fly together for a good ain Unlike advertised on the stingier and heavier end of the pain spectrum Regulation £58.99
Well balanced
All tails have same length and overall well made
Not good for warm-up

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer IV – Mr S Leather Savage Hoods

The Mr S Leather Savage Hood

It is amazing how quickly this year’s Advent season flew buy and I am already penning the last ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer for this year. And I did safe one of the best for last.

Somehow through my gear purchases and preferences this heavy bondage special had the character of “heavy bondage meets skin access”. While overheating is a real problem it creates is a goal conflict with full coverage. So a common to last week’s review way “Great piece of gear but I wish it would cover more skin.” Luckily there is a compromise and it comes from Mr S: Their Savage hood range.

They are made out of Mr S’ soft and rich smelling leather (leather Bag hood smellgasm anyone?) and closed by lacing so they wrap tightly around the head! The leather is completely perforated so air and a bit of light can pass through the material. I briefly had the chance to try one of these on BLF Easter 2019 and the perforation allows for some ventilation and transpiration. Of cause not as much as the Strap Face Cage or a muzzle would. And wearing it in the bright sun is still an issue. But it is a massive improvement over a bag hood for example.

The Savage Sucks Hood

Furthermore, especially the Savage hood is the piece of bondage/ leather gear that will bring you closest to the smooth, full coverage gimp look only achievable by rubber. There are no nose holes or other cutouts that disturbs the plain leather look. This makes this hood great for dehumanizing subs. Or for anonymous tongue worshipping play with the Savage Sucks.

The plain Savage hood costs $229.95 at Mr S Leather, the Savage Sucks version costs $249.95.

Fetters Full Sleeve Bondage Mitts

The Fetters Full Sleeve Bondage Mitts

Vendor: Regulation


Like on all Fetters leather bondage items, the first thing that strikes you is the strong and rich smell of high quality leather. Second, you will notice that like all bondage mitts from Fetters they are sold in pairs (it pains me that I have to point that out when looking at the competition…). The main body of each restraint is a 640mm long mitt made out of soft leather. The circumference at the top is 400mm which is large enough for most subs though body builders might want to get a custom version.

Detail of the Top D-ring

For about 2/3 of the body’s back there is a lacing to fetter the mitts tightly to the arm. The lacing using nylon string is strong enough for a tight fit and restricts the arm movement. Yet it is not strong enough to completely keep the elbow from bending. What really keeps the restraints bound to the arm are two 25mm wide bridle leather belts with roller buckles, one going around the wrist, the other going around the biceps sitting 70mm below the top of the mitts. The top strap is not riveted onto the body but runs to a pair of D-rings sitting, one on each side of the lacing. There are two more pairs, each 120mm apart. The wrist belt is riveted onto the mitt. On top of the mitts another strap is riveted perpendicular onto the belt. With this strap and two pairs of rivets a D-ring is housed at the bottom of the mitts. A final D-ring can be found on the top, next to the lacing.

Detail of the Bottom D-ring

Playing with the Full Sleeve Bondage Mitts

Through the size and the area these mitts cover, I consider them “body bondage” items. Putting them on a sub takes a bit of work and time. But it is also part of the fun with these restraints. In the process is also a sense of drama in it, taking away more and more the ability of his arms to move and letting him feel the contrast between the soft touch and tightening of the leather – especially if the sub has a leather fetish. Just like with the Bishop Head Harness, “ritualistically” putting the mitts on sets the moods and helps getting into headspace.

Through the D-ring layout, these mitts can naturally work as a cuff restraints substitute in almost any situation. Most fun was had by my testees in spread eagle position or when having their arms tied upwards laying in the sling. In this position the degree of bondage can easily be increased by connecting the D-rings to the sling chains.

Detail of the Lacing and the lateral D-ring pairs

But the full sleeve mitts really start to shine when you connect the top D-rings to a (bulldog) harness and leave the bed (room) with your sub. With just loosening the lacing a bit, adding a strap to connect the bottom D-rings and interconnecting the lateral D-rings on both mitts, you have a veritable straitjacket sleeve substitute. For a stricter layout with less wiggle room, tie the arms to the side using a full body bondage harness. Then thread a belt through the bottom D-rings and fasten it around the thighs and the leather gimp can (somewhat) walk about without moving his arms. Personally I enjoyed most using the Full Sleeve Bondage Mitts in a bondage frame. The many attachments points inside the frame in combination with the many D-rings enabled me to fetter a sub securely enough to flog him.

Detail of the Roller Buckles

Since I like the esthetics and the helplessness, I tried turning the full sleeve mitts into arm binder by connecting the bottom D-rings with a shackle and the other D-rings with belts. The layout worked but a word of caution is necessary: Do not tighten the belts too tightly or too quickly. Unlike restraints for this specific purpose like the Fetters Leather Arm Binder you can easily get to a degree of tension that puts too much stress on the shoulders and elbows or restricts blood flow to the hands. So if you are a fan of “tighter is better”, I highly recommend adding specific arm binder restraints to your collection. A safer (and what turned out more fun) way is running a piece of rope through both bottom D-rings and a D-ring at the bottom of a parachute with spikes. This will limit the arm movement too – sooner or later.

Detail of the Lower Roller Buckle is connected to the Botto, D-ring

Another setup a top testee did but I would not recommend it connecting the top D-rings to a collar. The chances of the sub strangling himself or causing disc injuries are too high in my opinion.

Of course, through the many D-rings, these bondage mitts are an ideal addition to rope bondage. The simplest ways is tying the top D-rings into a torso harness or the bottom ones to the thighs. But an experienced rigger will surely find more creative ways to make use of all the D-rings like body harness or tying two subs together a rope-inexperienced person like me cannot imagine.

If the mitts with the lacing are not strict enough, I recommend buying two 40cm – 50cm (depending on the leeway you want to allow) spreader bars. Connect one end to the bottom D-ring, the other to the two D-ring holding the biceps strap in place to severely limit the arm movement.

Conclusion: Restrictive and versatile piece body bondage gear.
Pros Cons Where to get Price
Covers large body area for strong bondage and leather feeling Takes time to put on sub Regulation £275
…. but lacing alone only has limited restriction
14 D-ring in total
Connection bottom and top D-ring with a spread bar easily increases bondage degree massively …

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer III – Fetters Portable Bondage Board

Fetters Portable Bondage Board equipped with Cuff Restraints

This year again, many kinksters will wish for their own playroom for Christmas. Having lived in dorms and with roommates, I am painfully aware that this wish often takes time to become true. So as the third Christmas gift recommendation I want to show you the Fetter Portable Bondage Board (which I have now reviewed in December 2021).

The board measures 107x612cm and features a total of 14 D-rings, 6 on the side and 2 on each end. So regardless if you are a rigger or using cuff style restraints with carabineers like me, it offers opportunities for many different bondage positions. Since it is thickly padded it is comfortable to kneel or lay in it for extended periods of time. As a cover material, you can choose between leather or a water- and oil-proof material. While looking at all the great leather gear I own from Fetters, the leather quality will be top notch, soft and smelling awesome, I would recommend the Rubluxe. From this material sweat can be easily wiped off and the bondage board can double as an underpacking for fisting – regardless if you prefer Crisco or excess Jlube.

The Rubluxe cover makes the foldable Bondage Board Waterproof

So far, it is also a good piece of bondage furniture for people with a playroom. But: The board can be folded in the middle! Then it only measures 53x61cm and at 10cm height, it can be easily stores away under a bed or in a wardrobe (IKEA Pax are 70cm deep ;)). At 10kg, it is a bit on the heavier side to travel with. But especially if you travel by car, I am certain you will get your effort’s worth at events like Folsom Europe.

Regardless of the cover material, the Fetters Portable Bondage Board costs £245 at Regulation in London.

Fetters Strap Face Cage

The Mr S Leather Fetters Strape Face Cage

Fetters Strap Face Cage

Vendor: Mr S Leather


This piece of bondage gear is bit hard to describe. After a scene where I put it on an art major I once called it a “deconstructed hood” which has best approximation I could come up with yet. It is a system of over a dozen straps riveted together and attached to a collar to envelope the entire head. The straps around the head are made out of soft bridle leather to tightly follow the shape of the head. While the edges are burnished so there is no chafing, the straps’ bottom has not been treated! So especially with sweaty subs expect a lot of black lint on their head for the first few scenes. The folded garment leather straps as on the Bishop Head Harness would have been better. There are three vertical and two horizontal roller buckles on both sides. The have a large range of adjustability for a snug fit on almost every head size. The collar is made out of folded garment leather with a bridle leather strap on the outside. It is closed with a locking roller buckle.

The Blindfold and the Mouthcover with branded Mr S Snap Buttons

Around the eyes and the mouth the rivets have been replaced by snap buttons. The eyes can be covered with a blindfold made out of thicker bridle leather than the straps on the outside and soft garment leather with padding over the eyes on the inside. While the padding is good to even out the “high difference” of the different straps, it puts some pressure on the eyes and still lets some light in. The pressure situation gets better over time as the blindfold gets broken in more and more. But if you really want to isolate the sub visually, my advice – as always – is to blindfold your sub with a Mr S Ultra Blindfold before you strap the Face Cage around him. But since its padding is softer and the blindfold larger, even put over the cage’s straps the block-out will be more efficient. The mouth can be covered with a simple rectangle piece of bridle leather outside/ garment leather inside or apparently shut with a similar piece of leather featuring tongue suppressor. I learned about that option when I pulled up the product’s webpage to link at the end of the review. When I got this toy in September 2019, my Strap Face Cage did not come with it. So I am not sure if between then and now they added the option or if they forgot to add it to my order. Naturally, I cannot judge the play value of the tongue gag so please excuse this gap.

Detail of the collar’s D-ring

Another play feature are D-rings in the front of the collar and at the crown. As always with Mr S Leather they are sturdily secured under a piece of leather and riveted in place. They can take a beating and considerable force despite with a width of 23mm and a wire strength of 4,5mm being relatively small. The size is due to the straps’ width so they do not look out of proportion. Personally, I would have preferred them more “butch” but since they still do their duty excellently, there is no real reason to complain.

Playing with the Fetters Strap Face Cage

In the last review I also took a piece of bondage gear for people who easily overheat. This piece of head gear has the same properties. The straps are far enough apart for good ventilation and allow for enough sweat evaporation to cool the head in most situations.

Detail of the Roller Buckles to Adjust the Strap Cage

This makes the Strap Face Cage a good toy for outdoor scenes or events like Folsom Street fair. The head is especially prone to heat stroke so wearing a closed, especially black hood over the head can quickly lead to heat build-up – with fetal results. This limitation might disappoint some full coverage enthusiasts, but testees and play partners found some good fetish quality in the design. It has an archaic, Mad Max vibe. Exposing the sub while constraining him in a cage has great humiliation potential. Despite not covering all of the head it is a toy for a true leather fetishist. The soft leather straps hug the skins firmly yet smoothly and they smell like every piece of leather gear from Mr S leather.

Of course, this toy also offers great play capabilities. The D-rings placement is very thought-out. While the one at the front of the collar is pretty standard and naturally ideal for attaching a leash. The one at the crown makes the Strap Face Cage a good toy for tying the head down. If you make this anchor point the strictest on the head, there is almost no chance of the sub strangling himself. Since this hood does not restrict breathing, it is a great piece of gear to wear while sleeping. The soft leather in combination with the small and slim buckles on the side minimize the pressure for an actually mostly comfortable sleep. On the other hand of the softness spectrum, the rivets on the inside of the Strap Cage will intensify each blow dealt to the face! It actually made an experienced, masochist sub cry when his top gave him a backpfeiffe (it is a German regionalism you have to goolge).

The Strap Face Cage without the Blindfold and Mouth Cover

As most regular readers will know I am a sucker for sensation play. And this toy offered me a new perspective on this form of play. Usually sensation play is all about continuous stimulation. This twilight zone of stimulation and leather pressing into my skin drove me and my subs insane. We wanted to touch, the lick, the gentle blow of air to go on forever. But the was a strap in the way! Would the stimulation continue behind the strap or stop? This suspense, this play of tease and denial frustrated one sub so much that he safeworded. Of course, this only work with subs who have very sensitive skin and are highly receptacle for sensation play. For others, the space between the straps is too small to trigger the response to the induced sensations.

Conclusion: Combination of the bondage sensation of a straitjacket with great play access.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Unique design Leather straps leave lint on the head Mr S (Manufacturer) $289.95
Adjustable for a large range of head sizes
Two D-rings Blindfold could be softer
Presenting and possibly humiliating your sub without the fear of heat stroke

ToyTorture’s Stocking Stuffer II – House of Bascanio Muzzles

Comparison of the Four Different Muzzle Types

There are few individual toys I get so many reader questions about than the House of Bascanio Muzzles. Not a week passes by without a question in my inbox about their quality and play properties and which one I would recommend for a specific scene. Sadly I could not get my hands on one or two of them. But since I have heard good things about them I at least want to give them an honorary mention in the Christmas gift tips this year.

The Back of a House of Bascanio M5 Muzzle with Attached Bulldog Harness

House of Bascanio currently has the broadest range of muzzles for males with 7 varieties in production. Their muzzles itself did not reinvent the wheel. They all follow the basic design that Sinvention popularised over two decades ago. But the House of Bascanio takes the design to the next level. On the higher range models all their straps are made out of garment leather so they hug the skull tighter for less wiggle room and stronger bondage. They also offer a greater scope and ranger of size customization for a better fit. The more elaborate models feature padding all over the muzzle for more comfort when lying down, a thicker and wider collar (the M2 and M3 even has a design come close to a posture collar for stricter bondage) or locking pins for securing the muzzle. Depending on the model, there are considerably more D-rings which as you know if you have been reading my blog for some time is always better. Speaking if anchor points: Some models can be ordered with a bulldog harness connected to them for more security and a uniform look.

The range of the House of Bascanio muzzles starts at CAD209 and goes up to CAD899 for the top of the line model connected to a padded chest harness.

Vector Heavy Padded Bondage Sleeves

The Mr S Leather Vector Heavy Padded Bondage Sleeves

Vendor: Mr S Leather


Mr S calls this toy “Bondage Sleeves” but I  would find the term “Straitjacket Sleeves” more appropriate because that is what this toy is: The sleeves of the Vector Straitjacket I reviewed last week combined with a harness to tie them to the body.

The harness looks like a hybrid of a Bulldog and a Y harness. In the front there is a 14cm long horizontal piece of leather with a D-ring in the middle. The O-rings left and right of this leather piece is housing each a belt going over the shoulder and a belt going under the shoulder around the back. Connecting both belts using the roller buckle which is riveted on one of them will fetter the harness to the sub’s body. The belts going over the shoulder connect to an O-ring by two roller buckles riveted with leather loops to it. A 6cm long vertical piece of leather connects this O-ring to another one. This O-ring is the anchor point for the two belts onto which the sleeves are attached.

Detail of the 3 D-rings on the Sleeves‘ Side

The sleeves are basically like the ones on the Vector Padded Straitjacket from Mr S: Unlined leather sleeves with thick foam padding sown on the upper and lower arm and an unpadded elbow to allow the arm to bend. On the sides of each sleeve there are three D-ring riveted to the body using the same soft and sturdy bridle leather the belts are made out of. The bottom of the sleeve looks like his big brother: Left and right D-rings, roller buckle in the middle to connect both them. They have an internal length of 76cm and a circumference of 65cm so even beefy bodybuilders should fit. Speaking of fit: Unlike last week’s straitjacket, this is a one-size-fits-all piece of gear. But the belt going around the back has a total length of 110cm, the belts to connect the sleeves with the harness can add another 25cm to the internal length so there is plenty of space for beefy and thick bottom boys wearing this piece of bondage gear. This adjustability is a true feat for tops that play with subs of different body types!

The Harness for Fettering the Sleeves to the Body

The Vector Sleeves come with the same amount of straps as the Vector Straitjacket: A 76cm long one with only holes to connect the sleeves, 6 traditional belts with roller buckles (2x 85cm and 4x 60cm) and a 4x 60cm and a 23cm long piece with roller buckles on both ends. This allows for the same two basic bondage layouts: Either use a belt to tie both sleeves folded in front of the torso together and connect to the front D-ring or threat a belt through the D-rings at the sleeve’s bottom and tie them around the thighs.

After all this years, I guess I do not have to write too much about the Mr S’ leather quality: Both the garment and the bridle leather is soft, yet sturdy and smells great.

Detail of the D-ring housing

Playing with the Vector Padded Bondage Sleeves

Since the design of this toy is so close to a straitjacket, bondage-wise is almost works like one. When the arms are folded in front of the body and adding the vertical belt for added restrictiveness, the bondage degree is a little bit lower because the belt is only attached to one instead of two D-rings. But luckily a stainless steel cockring can easily be used as a second anchor point. Naturally, also the feeling of leather tightly hugging the torso is not there.

But that is not scenario for which you would buy this piece of bondage gear. If you want that, buy a straitjacket! There are three major scenarios for this toy: First, it is for people who want to show off year gear. Especially at bars or street fares, some tops want their subs to display what they are (not) wearing while still securing them tightly. Related to this scenario are subs who easily overheat. For these people layering up by putting a straitjacket over their gear is not an option. There are even people like a close friend of mine who even when just lying bound in a normally heated room cannot have a long-term bondage scene in a straitjacket because he gets too hot.

Detail of the Connection Between Harness and Sleeves

Finally and probably most importabtky, there is the (almost) full body access appeal of this toy and personally I fall into this category. While last week I wrote that the Vector Padded Straitjacket is the best straitjacket I have ever played with, I use the Vector Sleeves way more often in scenes! My testees and I had scenes involving sensation play, knife play or even flogging which are usually not associated with the bondage level straitjackets of. There even were some wax play scene though it is only for experienced/ really masochistic subs. In order to limit the chance of wax hitting the leather, the drop distance should be relatively low which means the heat increases dramatically. Naturally, nipple access if way better than on a traditional straitjacket and since there are not straps below the chest, CBT, fucking and fisting works without a problem. There is a final, a bit borderline target audience: Fursuiters into bondage. The plush fursuits are made out of is often so thick would make a separate straitjacket for fursuit bondage necessary (not beginning to talk about the heat problems there…). And I have not even started with fur getting caught in zippers or Velcro. The large body size range these Vector Sleeves cover makes them ideal for capturing anthropomorphic subs.

The Sleeve Ends with Roller Buckle and Two D-rings

While its big brother has 19 D-rings, the sleeves “only” have 9. This difference may sound drastic, but 9 are ample in most situations.  Regardless if standing in a bondage frame, tying the sub to a pole or spread eagle on a bed, there are enough anchor points to fetter the arms and upper torso properly. For added bondage, simply thread rope of tensions straps through the O-rings. Though if you need to tie the lower torso, you will need a bondage belt. Since the D-rings are on the outside of the sleeves they can easily be tied tighter to the torso by threading a belt through them.

Conclusion: Combination of a straitjackert’s bondage sensation with great play access.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Intense bondage while leaving large body areas exposed for play Only one D-ring for tying the arm down in front of the body Mr S (Manufacturer) $879.95
One size fits all
Arms can be tied in front of body or on the sides
Many D-rings
Many additional straps for creative bondage scenarios

Vector Padded Straitjacket

The Mr S Leather Vector Padded Straitjacket

Vendor: Mr S Leather


Like all straitjackets the basis of this piece of bondage gear is a unlined leather “jacket” with extra-long, closed sleeves. The jacket opens at the back and is closed using industrial strength Velcro. The frontab, the upper and lower arm are heavily padded with thick panels of v-shaped stitched down, leather covered foam cushions. Left and right of the padding run each a 15cm long lateral zipper (in size M) for nipple access.

To fasten the straitjacket tightly onto the sub’s body, there are 5 bridle leather belts with roller buckles on the back. For added security, there is another belt around the collar and onto the bottom of the jacket two belts are riveted. These go around the thighs and through the crotch. For securing the arms, there are roller buckles at the end of each sleeve. The jacket comes with a 76cm long belt only with holes to connect those two. To keep the arms in place there is a pair of D-rings between the padding on the front. Use one of the additional belts (2x 85cm, 4x 60cm and a 23cm long piece with roller buckles on both ends) that come with the straitjacket to fasten them to the front. At the end of the sleeves there is a D-ring left and right of the roller buckle. When you thread a belt to those two and fasten it around the thigh, the arms can be tied down parallel to the torso.

The Array of D-rings on the Side

Speaking of D-rings there are a lot on this straitjacket. Like, really a lot! There are three around the collar, the two in the front, two at the end of each sleeve, three on each side of the jacket. Onto the jacket body is a 6.5cm wide piece of folded garment leather sown. Being thinner it is a bit softer than the jackets unlined leather. So if you thread a belt through the pairs of D-ring on each side, it tightly closes around the body. All D-rings are securely housed under straps of bridle leather, attached to the body using sturdy rivets.

Like all products leaving the workshops from Mr S, the leather is top notch. It is soft, has a beautiful grain, subtle light shiny luster and smells deliciously! Despite all these “cuddly” attributes, the leather is heavy duty and means business! The belts are strong enough to rein in even the strongest sub.

The Velcro Strap for Closing the Straitjacket

Since Mr S manufactures all their gear in-house in San Francisco and has a custom department, you can always literally tailor the straitjacket to your own demands. This starts with simple requests like needing a smaller or larger size or stitching colors and goes over colored leather (a friend got this straitjacket with red leather covering the padding) to complete design modification. I’ve done smaller modification on other toys in the past (had I but world enough for ALL my kinky dreams…) and they are extremely kind and helpful. They put all their expertise and experience into getting you the gear you want. But be prepared to wait a bit for the finished product to arrive.

The Straps on the Back to Tightly Fasten the Straitjacket Around the Body

Playing with the Vector Padded Straitjacket

Let’s start out this part of the review with the only big point of discussion among my testees: The way you close the straitjacket. About 60% of the people that played with the Vector straitjacket would have preferred a zipper closure. Closing a zipper gradually increases the level of restriction and a good zipper can take a bit of struggle. So once the jacket is zipped up a bit, the restrictive feeling kicks in. With the strap of Velcro you need a still standing sub to align both sides properly. Don’t get me wrong: The wrong, the Velcro is industrial strength and once closed can absorb a lot of force. But you need a sub to willingly submit to get into this straitjacket. As this is how I play with my subs, the Velcro did not bother me but apparently it is something to think about before choosing this straitjacket.

The Thigh Strap

That being said, the Vector Padded Straitjacket passed with flying color! It is actually the best straitjacket I ever played with. The thickness of the leather and the padding strikes the right balance of being comfortable over extended periods of time and intense feeling of bondage. Once all the belts are fastened, the leather wraps tightly around the body. The belts are 35mm wide, so when they are being pulled tight through the roller buckle, the pull force is transferred onto a large body area. Since there are so many belts to close, putting the straitjacket on has a great sense of drama, feeling how the ability to move is taken away while the soft leather hugs the skin increasingly tightly. This makes this straitjacket a treat for every leather fetishist. The thick hide with the massive, stainless steel trims add up to a weight of almost 5kg! Wearing this straitjacket wears you down in a good way. It feels solid, heavy, restricting and that’s what a good piece of heavy body bondage should do.

The Sleeve Ends with Roller Buckle and Two D-rings

When you have read other reviews from me, I usually say “More D-rings are better!” But the Vector Padded Straitjackets features a total of 19 D-rings! Yes, I can think of borderline situations where more D-rings would be useful and I have thought “Oh, a D-ring on the shoulder or the elbow would have been nice.” But thus discussion is academic! The many D-rings are enough for almost every bondage situation, regardless if lying down with the arms folded in a sling, tied a spread eagle on a bed, fixed to a pole or in a bondage frame. The strong way the D-rings are attached to the straitjacket comes in handy especially when the sub is standing up. If using strong enough fettering mediums like rope, industrial tension straps or chain, the sub can lean into the D-rings and the straitjacket will support him.

The Zipper for Nipple Access

Play access to important body parts is good with the Vector straitjacket. Like all belts, the ones running through the crotch are soft and have been thoroughly deburred. So even fetter the straitjacket onto bare thighs, the leather will not cut into the skin or cause friction burn when moving quickly. So the dick and balls can be carelessness exposed for CBT or a top must not worry about discomfort when fucking or fisting his bound boy. The nipple access is as good as you would expect. Since it is only a straight zipper in a rigid material like leather, the opening extends only so much. In most cases the nipples below were in reach and clamps or even suction cups could be applied easily. But it is definitely too tight for wax play or extended licking and biting. For this kind of play, you need a straitjacket with tit flaps! All that things being said, it is still the padded straitjacket with the best tit access.

Conclusion: Best straitjacket I have played with so far.
Pro Cons Where to get Price
Soft leather, thick padding and many straps lead to intense feeling of bondage Velcro instead of zipper to close Mr S (Manufacturer) $1,795
Limited Off the Rack Size Range
Arms can be tied in front of body or on the sides
Nipple Access
Many D-rings
Many additional straps for creative bondage scenarios