Oxballs Pig-Hole Morph

Toy Properties

Form: Tunnel Plug
Material: Platinum Silicone.
Colors: Dark & Light Blue Swirl with Glitter
Firmness: Soft
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Mr S (USA) & Abgott Fetish (EU)

Rosebuds are red
Morph Silicone is blue
Oxballs got a new Pig-Hole
Here’s the review

Happy Valentine’s Day! ToyTorture.com is still on hiatus and will return just in time for the Easter debaucheries in Berlin. But every time Oxball releases a new Pig-Hole, my inbox explodes. So I am taking a break from the break to tell you the thoughts of the ToyTorture.com Testee Panel on the new Pig-Hole Morph.

The Pig-Hole Morph XXL


There is not much new about the Pig-Hole Morph. It is still a tunnel plug with a barrel-shaped body. Inside the body there are grooves for a bit added stability and texture sensation. The top of the body is a bit slanted for easy insertion while at the bottom it tappers and the opens up to a nice and wide base.

It comes in four sizes: Large, XL, FF and Deep-2 (the larger one of the Pig-Hole Deep) and is only available in a dark & light blue swirl with glitter. This tone is the signature color of Oxball’s new Morph Silicone which sets this toy apart from its predecessors. Keeping the shape, dimensions and wall thickness the same as the toys in the original silicone, the Morph Silicone is 10% stretchier (and about 10% lighter if you really have to watch your weight when flying…). Cleaning-wise it is still easy maintenance with just hot dish-soap water, a bit of brushing, drying, sanitizing and done.

The Original Pig-Hole XXL, the Pig-Hole Morph XXL and the Original Pig-Hole FF

Playing with the Pig-Hole Morph

If you want to know what makes the original Pig-Hole or the Pig-Hole FF great for play, check out their original reviews. In this article, I will focus how the new stretchiness of the material impacts the play.

First the bad news: The softer material makes the Pig-Hole even more difficult to insert. My recommendation is still to fold the toy, push the compact package through the sphincter and then manually unfold it. Folding the toy’s body with lubey hands has become a bit easier through the softer material, but getting it to pop through a not already gaping sphincter has become more difficult. Also, the unfolding takes a lightly looser sphincter than before since the material has less basic tension. So it is easier for the sphincter to close it (partly). But on the other hand, the Pig-Hole now adjusts more easily to body and gives in to movement. This is important for the people who want to wear it long-term. Especially when walking, the original silicone the base a bit to rigid and in some situation had so much leverage that the body was pulled out. This does not happen with the Morph.

Details of the Grooves inside the Body

The softer material also makes it easier to fist through the Pig-Hole. The top can get in easier and the chances of pulling the entire Pig-Hole out with the fist, are significantly lower. Since the material does adjust more to the surroundings and whatever is stuffed inside it, my testees preferred the Morph over the original Pig-Hole when adding a plug for shutting it. The plug stayed better in place, was more comfortable to wear over time and kept liquids from escaping more securely.

Detail of the Size Indicator at the Base

Finally, let’s talk about the texture side of things. Finally, the grooves inside the body can be felt properly when the top is targeting them. With the original material it was just a faint massaging, with the Morph you can really feel them when the top is pressing against them. If you want more, simply turn the Pig-Hole inside out. While this was already possible under great stress with the original Pig-Hole XXL and is probably theoretically possible with the original Pig-Hole FF, with the Morph it is a jiffy. Now the grooves are on the outside and pulled over a large enough toy or fist can turn it into an interesting textured plug!

Where to buy?

In the USA, Mr S sells the Pig-Hole Morph for $96.95 – 133.95 while in the EU Abgott Fetish seems to be the only retailer so far selling it between 80€ and 110€.

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