
Form: Baseball bat
Material: Platinum Silicone
Colors: 20 colors in all patterns
Firmness: Very Soft to very firm
Lube: Water, Oil
Cleaning: Soaking in hot water with dish-soap than use sanitizer.
Safer Sex: Clean and sanitize it thoroughly
Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place not touching other toys to prevent damage.

Vendor: Organotoy

Just in case you are wondering why you find this review in the Impact Toy category: Being modeled after a baseball bat, you can of course use it to hit people. I talk about the BaseMyBat as an impact toy in the second part of the play section.


In the whole world European anal toys Organotoy has a very special place: Founded 15 years ago it was the first European toy maker to only use platinum silicone. Today they are one of the few companies only using ISO 10993-10 compliant raw materials and are compliant with the ISO “sex toy” standard 3533 2021. This shows their dedication to product safety and quality.

The Organotoy BaseMyBat

Of course their platinum silicone has all the properties anal players love: Hypoallergenic and 100% body-safe, easy to clean with warm dish-soap water, easy to sanitize afterwards using spray-on sanitizer or even autoclaving and sliding in easily due to the super-smooth surface. Just please do not use silicone lube for this toy. The silicone oil inside the lube will over time attack the silicone and make the surface sticky.

As standard Organotoy “only” offers 20 colors. But they will mix any others that are not part of the standard range. If you want make the toy even more yours a former Hollywood FX artists works there and does custom airbrushes according to your design (like the biohazard sign on the first ever Sit-Plug  which I gifted to my BF) or for delicate colorings (my Rainbow Ripley was done this way). So in theory you could get your favorite baseball team’s logo in your toy and fuck yourself with it.

Another great customization feature is that you can virtually order any firmness between Shore 00-20 (almost too soft to play) up to feels-like-metal Shore A30. They have the common firmnesses in stock but will mix others for you. So if you like it extremely soft or need it extremely hard (literally) – especially if you want to use the bat for impact play – Organotoy is one of the few manufacturers who makes toys in the extreme ends of the Shore scale.

The BaseMyBall has the shape of a baseball bat used for sports. It is 490mm long; 250mm barrel and 230mm grip. The barrel has a diameter of 53mm. This means this is not a full size baseball bat. It is closer to a one-hand training bat than a full size Louisville Slugger and considerably  thinner…

The Dull Tip of the BaseMyBat

Playing with BaseMyBall

… which is good for depth play. This toy is made for everybody who has the fantasy of being fucked with a baseball bat yet feared the unforgivingness of aluminum or even wood (splinters in the nether regions anyone?). Due to the grip, the BaseMyBall is quite easy to handle even with somewhat lubey fingers. In softer firmnesses this even applies when you want to stuff your ass with it. If you go for a higher firmness degree (Shore A10 and up) there is too much leverage.

The toy itself is a bit anti-climactic. It is just a smooth barrel. So you get the feeling of is sliding in an out but not more. I could see great potential for this toy if Organotoy turned it into a club or mace with bumps and ridges and grooves added to the barrel and shortened the grip a little bit.

The Handle with a little Pummel for better Grip

Taking the toy requires pre-stretching because the tip is flat with a little domed rim. There is nothing to nicely make open up. This especially accounts for your second hole! The bat is not for novices! But if you have a bit if experience, it is a nice to toy to “straighten” the colon out.

Being modeled after a baseball bat, there is of course the question: How does it perform as an impact toy? Well, that depends.

For spanking it does not really work because of the material. Silicone is simply too soft and the barrel to heavy. Mine was made in Shore A20 and still the barrel flops around then trying swing the top at the impact area. When you grab is right below the barrel and swing it like a club, the grip bounces and swings causing unintended impacts. They are not intense but irritating for the sub because they are chaotic. Regardless how controlled and rhythmic you hit him with the barrel the grip flops around unevenly. Maybe a split firmness of A30 until the beginning of the barrel and an A10 or A20 for barrel could fix that.

Illustration just how much even Shore A20 bends

Baseball bats are also often used for CBT. They are just the perfect graphic ball busting tool for rough play. But again hitting somebody between the legs does not work due to the material. For what the BaseMyBall is great for is strapping your sub to the floor, legs apart and swing the barrel against his nuts. Due to the softness the bat swings easily with a lot of momentum bruising the balls nicely.

Where to buy?

Organotoy recently started a limited wholesale for their toys though I am not sure if that includes the BaseMyBalls. Especially if you want to customize the colors or want it airbrushed, ordering directly from Organotoy is the way to go. The BaseMyBall costs 99.96€ plus customization add-ons.

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