Savage (Sucks) Hood

The Mr S Leather Savage Sucks Hood

Vendor: Mr S Leather (US) & Regulation (EU)

As the pre-Christmas season and shopping-wise Black Friday approaches, the number of questions about higher end pieces of bondage increases. Like the past few years I switch up a gear for the coming weeks to bring you the best in once-in-a-lifetime-purchase leather bondage gear reviews.


The Savage Hood are full-head encapsulating pieces of head gear. The are four panel constructions so with additional structuring seams around the neck. The nose is anatomically shaped and specious enough for larger noses. These things all lead to a great anatomically approximation and an overall great fit.

At the back a wide piece of leather covers the gap between to panels so the hood can fit many different head sizes. Left and right of this gap from almost the temple down to the bottom runs two lines of high quality cinch rings. Through these rings a piece of nylon rope is threaded. Both the rope and rings are heavy duty so when you pull the rope hard to fasten the hood tight around the head you do not need to fear of any element giving in.

The Cinch Rings and the Perforated Leather

The hood itself is made out of high quality garment leather which is perforated all over. It is a bit lighter than the leather on other Mr S hoods but this does not impact the overall high quality feel. Due to the many holes, the hood is well ventilated. So there is considerably less leather smell when you put on the hood.

All edges are piped with smooth leather so there are no rough or unfinished edges. This review is mainly based on the Savage Sucks Hood which has a chin cut out which of course is also lined with piping.

Playing with the Savage (Sucks) Hood

Being made out of perforated leather, the Savage hoods are designed to be breathable. At first I was skeptical how much ventilation actually comes through since the holes are very small and delicate. The hood was put to test at sunny pride parades, stuffy play parties and sweat inducing heavy play scenes. All testees reported that they were able to breath more easily and manage the heat build-up around the head better. This is also due to the leather being a bit thinner than for example on the Bag Hood. Even when fastened tight the leather still wraps lightly, almost airily around the head. Due to this the Savage hoods are not made for heavy bondage guys who crave the feeling of being tightly wrapped in leather.

The Piped Chin Opening and Anatomically Molded Nose

On the other hand, it makes the hood a good beginners hood or for people who struggle a bit with claustrophobia. Like the Bag Hood there is no tight bondage feeling of the leather grabbing and pressing against the skull. It is a caressing feeling of soft, high quality leather enveloping the sub’s head.

The perforation is spaced well enough to allow for quite proper field of view. Naturally everything is darker and especially at the outer edges, the view is obstructed. But overall the view is fine to operate and orientated independently and confidently, especially in well lit surroundings. Dark playrooms and clubs can be a bit of a challenge but most subs adjusted quickly. These properties makes the Savage hoods the perfect gear when your sub wants to remain anonymous in public settings. Conversely if you want to take take the sight from your sub, you will need to add a blindfold.

The Four Panel Design of the Hood with Structuring Seams

From a gear “fashion” point of view, I love the Savage hoods as a base-layer for other head gear. One of the hottest and most functional look is putting a muzzle or a Bishop Head Harness over the Savage hood. Especially with the Savage Sucks it creates a very smooth look as it covers the chain cut out. For a more artistic look the Fetters Strap Head Cage makes for an interesting contrast between the smooth surface of the perforated leather and texture the many straps add. Since the Strap Head Cage is locking, it also makes this leather prison inescapable. This can also be achieved when you lock the Mr S Heavy Duty Posture Collar to the neck. The Chin Plate gives the non-existing face a nice frame and accentuates the anonymity – or even more focuses the attention on the mouth with the Savage Sucks.

Speaking of the Savage Sucks chin cut out: During I put this hood onto many different body types and head shapes. The chin cut out almost always aligned perfectly giving the hood a very finished look. It is opened enough for the mouth to open completely to swallow even big dicks or getting deepthroated hard and deep.

Conclusion: Hot looking hood with cool ventilation



Where to get


Unique and hot look

thus not the most intense bondage feeling

Mr S Leather

Savage $249.95

Savage Sucks $269.95

Good field of view when wearing it

Fastening strap being made out of nylon instead of leather


Savage Sucks £289

Very airy and light…

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